Sunday, May 1, 2016

Feeling the Spirit at Stake Conference

Stake conference was amazing. Our Stake President asked everyone to do Knucks with the person next to them. Then he went on to challenged us to reduce one element of our testimony to a phrase and to bare that to our Knucks neighbor. President Simmons said we would feel the Spirit testify.  I turned to the 30 something young man and he said "I know I'm a son of my Heavenly Father!" Wow. I felt warmth throughout and then tears came. It was so powerful. I told him that  I know Jesus lives. 

Afterwards I asked him if he'd served a mission and if he'd testified to non members and had them feel that power. He said it's based on their preparation. Some feel nothing others feel it with great strength. 

The whole concept, at least presented just that way, is new to me.  I think it's good to know as I prepare to serve a mission.   

This is a great story a speaker told today. He said he was out of work and out of money when his son fell from the top of a slide. It was obvious that his arm was broken badly. At the doctor they xrayed and made an appointment for him to meet with a specialist to have it surgically set the next day. The man was so worried about the extra expense he was sick. But he had his Father come and help him give the boy a blessing that evening 

When they got to the surgeon's the next morning the surgeon confirmed the need to surgically set the bones after looking at the X rays, but then said he needed more X rays. 

After the second set the surgeon asked the father who had 'set' the boy's arm after the first X-ray. The father said "no one," then the doctor said, someone must have prayed because the boy did not then need surgery. A simple cast would do, the bones were perfectly aligned. 

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