Monday, July 30, 2012

Baby Shower, Maui Chill, Eating Out, Fathers and Sons, Garden House and More

This week was packed ... it started on Monday with our traditional baby shower luncheon for Adilyn.  We met at Milagros in Orem.  Here we see Ashley with Zach and Emily with Beckie waiting for the rest of the crew.

Then the tiny guest of honor arrives, though I am not sure that the proceedings really impressed her.

Afterwards we all reconvened at Maui Chill on its grand opening day.  We were all impressed with the range of flavors, and enjoyed stretching out the party, of course.

The party reconvened once more at Trevor and Nell's, with the boys added into the mix to celebrate Spencer's 22nd birthday.

and though our plans for a family picture this summer fell through, I did get this picture (Actually Nell's pic was better and will get printed off, but was too large to download here) of all my grandchildren in one place at one time ... also a pic of all my sons. 
And a good time was had by all!!

On Wednesday I worked, as usual, but had someone come in a half hour before the end of the day so that I could head up a Relief Society service activity that night, where we made bibs for an orphanage in China.

Next I was off to our Relief Society Book Club.  Emily also attended and we talked about To Kill a Mockingbird.

When I got home I found a wonderful surprise.  Dad had hung the windows in the front and back wall as well as the door!!  I was just so tickled!!!

On Thursday I worked again, but spent a huge part of the day repainting one of my  booths to make it into a white on white style space, which is pretty trendy right now.

After work I had my regular book club, which is always fun.  We discussed David Copperfield which I had really enjoyed reading.

On Friday I worked on projects, including helping Emily a bit with redoing the chairs she got from Becca who got them from Brittany ... wonder who will end up with these chairs next.  I also got to help her make curtains for the kitchen that matched the chairs.

The boys, including Dad, Sam, Alex and Kai all went off to Father's and sons up at Strawberry, where they ate goodies and caught crawfish. 
Meanwhile Emily, Britt and I went out for Mexican and then came home to watch one of Emily's favorite movies, Stardust, which we all loved.


On Saturday we got our men back and Dad and I worked on getting the window walls up on the green house, with a bit of fun and entertainment provided by the boys ...
while the girls provided the audience.

Our crew and our audience ran off to seven peaks in the afternoon, where they met up with Darby.  Then we all met up again, and Becca and Titan joined us at Pizza Pie Cafe for dinner.

That night I finished up a craft project for my blog and made sure that I had enough pictures uploaded to do a week's worth of blog posts for my Pollyanna Blog.   Then Sunday morning I uploaded the pics I would need, then worked with Emily on making a nice breakfast for our house guests before heading off to church.  After sacrament meeting we finished up packing for a week in Idaho, then loaded up the van with Dad and I and the Mitkos and headed to Idaho.  We arrived at Britt's house around 11:00 PM ... yawn!!  Hope you all had a great week too, and enjoyed the family get togethers, I know that Dad and I did.  Thanks all... We love you!!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

A Funeral, A Camp Out, a New Airconditioner and flea.o.logy!

This week included a variety of activities, to say the least.  Dad worked on Monday finishing up at the Centerville store.   I spent the day working on finishing up my craft room.  I also got funeral potatoes made for Uncle Blaine's funeral on Tuesday, because I had a buying appointment Tuesday Morning in Saratoga Springs.

I met Dad at the funeral (Thanks Emily for running him up there, as his air conditioning on his car was being repaired to the tune of $800, ouch.)  The funeral was very nice, and I know Dad enjoyed visiting with his relatives.  He dedicated the grave and did a very nice job of it.  At the lunched we sat with his cousin Karen, shown on his right in this photo.  The other woman is Blaine's daughter Jerry.  Jerry and Karen, first cousins of Grandma Connie's were both born in the two weeks following Dad's birth.  These are his cousins that he hung out with at all the Mapleton family events growing up.

After the funeral, Dad dropped me off at home and ran to get the kids at Ashley's, where he met up with Britt and her kids as well as Trevor and Nell's oldest two.  In the mean time, I was doing the craft shown above, so I could do my blog for the next day, as we were taking the grand kids to camp out at Payson Lakes. When he got back, we all went to Payson Market to get groceries for the camp out.  We ran into Emily there buying worms as she and Sam were going fishing, also at Payson Lakes, though in the day area, so we didn't see them.  See how much the boys like the worms?

We stayed in the same site we used last year, but this year we found these cool little tunnelish trails through the trees and tall grass.  The kids loved it and kept going out on wanders, as it was rather like a rabbit warren of interwoven trails, just above ground.

Of course roasting hot dogs and making smores was a hit.  One funny story is that after Dad had put up the two tents, and built the fire, we had fewer roasting sticks than people, so I asked the kids with double pronged sticks to roast for others.  When I asked Eva if I could put Grandpa's hot dog on her stick, she kindly said, "OK, I will do it, because he is so old."  I laughed and laughed, since he was the one doing all the work while she was playing with her cousins.

The next morning we cleaned up camp and headed to hike the grotto.  The kids had fun, though the water was very cold, and Zach walked the entire half mile up and back, with his brother and sister distracting him by playing a game of jumping the rocks.

I think the kids all liked the hike, and crossing the stream on flattened log bridges.  Kim said she loves coming here and wants to come back every year.

Zach even let me hold him, after I told him that Grandma was warm and could make him warm, after he had waded in the cold water and was shivering.  That was a bonus.

After we took the kids home, Dad and I headed up to Saratoga Springs to pick up some furniture I had purchased the day before.

On Thursday Dad and I both went back to work, He helped with a cookie reset and picked up some shelving in Salt Lake, which he then took down to Overton, Nevada on Friday. 

I spent the day Friday finishing up projects, and helping dealers set up for flea.o.logy which was the next day.  Dad got home around 6:00 and helped me with my set up and that of another dealer, Bruce, who was out of town, and had loaded our blue van with his stuff to be set out.  Rosemarie, another dealer agreed to take his money for him.

Here is the booth I shared with Nell, above.  Joyce came down, which was extra nice, since she came down last Saturday too.  Britt came with Nell, so it was fun to get a picture of our two 'Joyce's' 

The she-bot above was my treat to myself.  We had the 'MissFits', three sisters (maiden name Fit) and their mother join flea.o.logy for the first time.  I met them over a year ago at the Hale Center Theater's costume sale.  The mother is the scene painter for Hale (and the robot artist) and one of the daughters is the costumer for Hale ... (Have I mentioned I sometimes like the costumes, better than the play?)

I took this pic of our girls and one of the new vendors, because they all had their hair is a smart and cool style, which was nice because it was 94 degrees at some points in the day.

Spencer dropped by with Seth for a minute to picked up something, so several of us got to wish him a happy birthday.  Unfortunately the whole flea.o.logy thing sort of took away from his special day, but we will be celebrating it, belatedly, next Sunday.

The sale was great, aside from our crazy shop lifter who came, and we had to watch her super close, though I think I saw her steal a clock, and there were four other incidents, where dealers who had been warned, caught her and made her put stuff back.  She finally left, but came back during take down and was eyeing dealers loads in their trucks.  Its an easy time to steal, since dealers are packing and loading, so Cathie asked her to leave, she caused a scene and the police were called.  Very ugly, and this morning, Dad's car had been egged.  Hmmm.

Dad also worked on the garden house during the sale before helping me load up lots of stuff to take to DI.  I am determined to get the garage cleaned out and make the storage there accessible and organized.

Today Dad spoke in our ward in his capacity as a High Councilor.  He used Elder Holland's talk from the last conference, which was an amazing talk.  He joked that another High Councilman had told him that they either get 5 minutes or 30 minutes ... well today it was 30.  He said he panicked a bit,  but the talk is on being accepting of others, and not being jealous of their accomplishments, so he told the whole ward about Alan Hurst's recent devotion to running, and how he ran a marathon and placed first in his age group, and qualified for the Boston marathon. (This was to say he was tempted to be jealous of Alan.)  He then talked about Trevor's running back in the day, and how he, Dad, got to run with three of his boys in the Provo Freedom Festival 5K.

Sam taught Sunday School, and did a great job.  He is really such a good teacher.  Then in Relief Society we had Jane Johnson, our other outspoken Texas ward member, also use Elder Holland's talk for her text.  The talk focuses on the parable of the laborers from the New Testament.  The vineyard master goes to the labor market and gets laborers at 6 AM, then 9 AM, then Noon, then 3 PM then
again at 5 PM.  At the end of the day he gives them all the same pay.  Of course some feel misused because they worked all day.  (This is where the begrudging jealousy comes in.)

I loved this quote from his talk. "I do not know who in this audience today may need to hear the message of forgiveness inherent in this parable, but however late you think you are, however many chances you think you have missed ... or however far from home and family and God you feel you have traveled, I testify that you have not traveled beyond the reach of divine love.   ... Even if you feel you are the lost and last laborer of the eleventh hour, the Lord of the vineyard still stands beckoning. "Come boldly to the throne of grace" and fall at the feet of the Holy One of Israel."

I guess the important message is that the reward is the same for all who come unto the Savior, no matter when it is that they come.  I love that.

After church Dad and I worked on eating the leftovers in the fridge, and also eating the zucchini that Sister Peery brought over from her garden ...  you will laugh when I tell you that I made zumato stew with steak.  Who woulda thunk.

We finished up the day by going to the concert in the park and reading our books, while chatting with neighbors and friends.  I sat in wonder at the diversity of our community.  I saw the autistic lady running around again.  Then a girl rode up on a bike, with her sister riding up behind her in a wheel chair.  Then I got to see a group of children playing hide and go seek around us. In this group there were three Caucasian Children, two Asian children, and two African American children.  I loved it!!

So that is our diverse week, we managed to keep busy and are looking forward to more of the same (sans the funeral) next week.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Britt's First Week in Town and an Exciting Announcement!

This week was a little less productive than some, but we managed to keep at it.  Britt had come into town with the boys the night before, so on Monday we were invited to visit with them at Nell and Trevor's where they were staying. Dad and I stopped on the way up so I could see our newest grand baby, Adilyn.  She's a beauty, and we all had a nice visit.

When we got to PG,  Nell was nice enough to feed us all, and Becca and Titan came to see Britt and the boys as well.  Here is Eva with her grandpa.

I worked on Blogging projects all week and worked Wednesday and Thursday as usual.  I got a few more projects done, with Dad's help, of course, to get ready for flea.o.logy, which we then cancelled due to rain and rescheduled for next week.

 Thursday night,  the Payson Royalty came by with their photographer.  They agreed that the house was the perfect spot for the official portraits.
Then Grandpa shared his fudgecycle with 'baby girl', who seems to enjoy the messy experience.
On Friday Dad had taken the day off to help with flea.o.logy set up and also with babysitting Beckie, as Emily had gone up to youth conference.

We took her to Home Depot with us to get a few things for the garden house, as well as a ceiling fan for our bedroom. It was a bit hard to give up a chandelier in there, but its been so hot...
I finished up my 'file cabinet' ala shoe organizer.  I made about half the boxes for the covered craft storage, but Nell gave me some shoe boxes that fit pretty well, and I just had to put fronts on those, believe me that saved a LOT of work. So thanks Nell!

The first thing Saturday, Dad was off to run the Scottish Festival 5 K.  Then when he got back he worked on the garden house roof for a while.  Since flea.o.logy was 'rained' out Dad and I got to go up to the Scottish Festival.  I bought Dad a sports kilt so he can wear it next year when he runs the 5K.  I have plans for all three Scotts to run in kilts next year... (Robert Scott, Trevor Scott, and Jaden Scott!)

That night Dad and I ran up to Highland for Barb's Mom's 90th birthday.  We had a great time visiting, mainly with Matthew Mason, while we all ate 'Maui Chill' frozen yogurt and toppings ... yummy.

On Sunday evening we headed up to Trevor and Nell's to help celebrate Eva's 5th birthday with breakfast for dinner.
Everyone took turns holding sweet little Adilyn.

 It was great having Britt and the boys with us, and extra fun to see all the cousins interacting with each other.

Trevor and Eva made another pinata, this one a castle, and it did not hold out like the house one they did last time.  Each of the little kids got a few whacks and out came the candy.  Lots of fun, not as much suspense.
 You may notice that Sam is wearing a hat with Adilyn May Perkins initials on it.  What a great and supportive uncle he is.

Love the pic of the princess and her castle above and the one of Briahnna with her two babes.

Zach loved having his uncles play with him.  Lots of big smiles!!

All in all it was a long day, as you can see as Zach fights off sleep on the way home.   When I got home I had to fight off sleep too, and so did Emily.  I stayed up until almost 2:00 finishing my craft and its attending blog post for Monday.  Emily had an unexpected movement forward of a translation deadline and was up until 5:00 AM in my family room finishing it up.  I said good night to her at 2:00 AM when I headed to bed, and Dad got to say good morning to her at 4:30 AM this morning when he got up.   

This is the 'craft' that I put together for my Pollyanna Blog this morning,  in the wee hours ...

And now for the excitement, Becca has finally agreed that I can share her wonderful news, she is expecting a baby the end of January!! Hurrah!