Sunday, July 31, 2022

The Perks of Oregon

Our 8 day week started on a Sunday and ended on a Sunday, so that we could include the entirity of our  Oregon trip in the same post.

Given that, here I am subbing in Primary that Sunday, Dad spoke in church for Pioneer day, and then taught the lesson in Elder's quorum.

I got to teach with the daughter of a gal I visit taught for years, Sharon Lamb, and the boy is the son of another gal I visit taught for a few years, Kimbery Barker.  One really does get to know people in one's ward through what is now called the ministering program.

We met at Becca's about 11:00 and picked up these three ladies to drive up to Brittany's in Idaho to spend the night.

Mike made us the most amazing food.  It was all delicious, and what I wasn't able to taste myself had its deliciousness vouched for by others.  There was Brittany's family, Darby, Hannah, Emily's family, Becca's family, and Spencer's family.  Dad and I stayed with Britt and Mike that night, the rest shared an Airbnb nearby.

The girls settled their families at the Airbnb, then most came back to hang out on Britt's bed and discuss such important things as the height of our foot arches. They even called their brothers and asked for pictures of theirs.  It looks like most of my girls have very high arches like mine, and so does Trevor.

The next morning we all head west toward Oregon, we had Darby and Bekie and Reagan.

Hannah rode with these ruffians.

We stopped in Burns, Oregon for lunch and antiquing and I met another Sam look-alike, whose name is actually Sam.

Right after checking in, most of us went to Walmart to stock up on food for the week.
We went to the play ground too, as we did most of the other days.  I am grouping all playground pictures for the week together, as I am doing with other activities.

This reminded me of Froggie, which is Ashley's nickname for just this reason.

Some of the family swam that first night, for a half an hour.  Dad and I swam twice, and I might have other peoples pics at the pool, so they are all mixed up, and some of us swam every day.


In the Hot Tub ....

Penny was so proud to be old enough to join us, as the age limit was 7 for entrance to the hot tub.

We had so many kids in at the same time, almost 20 of them, that a lady who was there alone with her one child were the only non-perkins.  As I left at one time to use the rest room, one of the staff asked me if I was leaving because there were too many kids.  I said I hope not, all but one of them are mine.  He was fascinated and asked me more about our family the next day.  He said his mom was one of 9, but she had only had 3, and he was the only one to have a child, and that one child, who is now in his 40's says he won't marry or have children.

This is the kiddie pool, it goes from an inch deep to about a foot dee, so the adults can sit in the deep end.  I thought it was so cool.

That night we had a limited dinner group, because about half our kids didn't want to share dinner.  I was so sad about the arrangement, but Becca decided she didn't want to do dinner on their own every night either, so she invited the smaller groups to join her.  In all there were 14 out of 36 of us, and that was the perfect size even for the one bedroom apartments.  Dad and I did Italian the first night, Darby and Hannah did Tacos, Becca and Spencer and their spouses did good ol American food, Yummy hamburgers and fries (and Grandma Connie's pink salad)  But Spencer and Brit made us poutine, which you see above .... oh so very, very yummy. 

There was volley ball several times ....

J. Scott brought his own ball, which made it easy.

... And their was tennis too.

Of course Dad and I loved the Sauna ... and talked others into joining us.

There was an arcade area that included a pool table too.

Other activities were planned by the Moms like this clay party for the boys.

and painting for the girls.

Spontaneous  piggy back rides 

acro yoga

hair parties, 

hide and go seek.

and other games ...

Cookie decorated sponsored by the resort.

and tie dying, also hosted by the resort.

Nell even invited me to go junking with her, and I was excited to find 3 pieces of turquoise transferware, that is so hard to find in Utah.
This robot in the shop above, was interactive and spoke, moved and had blinking lights too.

A cute pic of some of the girls.

Scott and Eva have matching rainbow sandels, how fun is that?

Hanna and Becca had matching yoga pants.

and horizontal black stripes too.

Dad and I drove an hour and a half each way to add another LDS Temple to our list.

I have never seen these yellow balls actually growing, and thought they were beautiful with the complimentary colors.

Wednesday Night we did all eat together at a park.  We also ....

celebrated Van's fourth birthday.

These two cuties did a little rock collecting.

It was pretty fun.

Then it was time for the talent show ... Penny and her Dad sang a song together.

Eva told 'Dad' jokes.

Briahnna and Hannah did a demonstration.

Elias recited or should I say sang, Pi to over a hundred decimal points.

Abigail, Reagan and Bekie did a dance with this finale.

There was face painting too ... the pics I took are the ones I painted.

The fox face was the most popular.

Dad called a hoedown, and surprisingly everyone seemed to have fun.

On our last day we headed out early on a hike up to Crater Lake.

Gathering in the parking lot.

Love this 'light saber' moment as Trevor takes a group picture.

We hiked the Pinnacle trail.

They were so cool.

Lots of kid carrying.

and climbing of this monument.

there was some rock resting.

and lots of stopping at View sites on the way back.

This is the whole group except for Brittany and Charlie.  Charlie had had her tonsils and adenoids out the previous week, and wasn't quite up to doing much.  She did manage one fun thing each day, though, and I know her cousins loved seeing her.

I'm guessing this is Hannah's selfie?  Anyway, love it.

and Mike, the baby whisperer.

The trip was great, Dad and I drove home with Hannah and Darby, and drove 11 hours straight.  Thank heavens for books on tape, we finished off Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. 

On Saturday Dad and I hauled the desk he's been working on to the antique mall where I ran into my neighbor Andrea and her daughter.  It looks like Andrea has the same sandals as J. Scott and Eva.

Emma blew out her knew doing horse vaulting ... who knew.

Here's the desk, it still needs new handles, but I have to age them before putting them on.

This crown was in pieces.  Dad did a great job of restoration on it, along with other bits and pieces.

I headed north to meet up with the girls, as we were unable to get a to get a pedicure appointment in Clameth Falls, so we made one in Highland.  I had a few minutes to spare and stopped at the DI in AF, and ran into the Ferrons from our ward in Orem.  It was so fun to chat, that it made me late ... ooops

There were six of us ... and that was super fun.

Yes, Ashley joined us, how fun is that.
After the pedicure, I stopped at a cute antique shop in PG called the Farmhouse Peddler. I bought three items, The lime green pot, the green pitcher and the spoon pockets.  I had already posted about an item I had bought there for their contest, to win $100 for posting items you have bought at their store, shown in the decor of your home.  I then went home, as it was the last day of the contest, and added three more posts, and guess what, I won!!

After posting, I had an hour nap, and then Dad and I headed to PG for some Mexican food before Emily left.  Spencer starts a new job in August with the US Diplomatic core, and will be out of Utah in a few months, and out of the country in about a year.  He is really wanting as much family time as he can get.  He and Brittney and their kids spent most of the day at Becca's.

Hannah and Scott joined us too.

As did Trevor and Nell.

Afterwards, Dad and I went to see Mrs Harris Goes to Paris ... with Trevor and Nell.  It was so much fun.

Today we attended church, then headed down to Delta for their Trek Fireside.  The Jones and Monroes met us there.  We were amazed at their church building.  It had these leaded glass panels, 

This stone wall,

And extra nice woodwork throughout the building.  The building is actually in Hinckley, the ward there is in the Delta Stake.  We always enjoy these firesides.

And here is your history moment for the week.  I love it.