Monday, June 29, 2015

Our schedule for our First Annual Reunion and 5K


Here is the schedule so far- let me know if you have any questions or suggestions: I recommend everyone bring camping chairs if they have them as we don't have a ton of seating.... 

All start times are approximate, we will be relaxed and go with the flow. 

Friday July 3rd
Setup for backyard camping: 4 pmon ( 

come whenever and set up tents etc if you're planning on doing the backyard camp out) 

Dinner: 5:30 pm-6 pm start 

Talent Show: 8:00 pm (let me know if you need any equipment) 

Fireworks: after sunset (feel free to bring extra fireworks to add to the pile) 

"Dan in Real Life" screening: after kids go to bed 10:30ish.... 

5K and 1/2 mile Fun Run: 7:00 am 

Family Breakfast: 8:00 am 

Water bottle rockets, water blob, water balloon games etc: up until lunchtime 

Lunch BBQ: around noon

Sunday, June 28, 2015

A Wonderful Wedding Week and more...

We had a full week this week, with Ben and Hannah's wedding at the pinacle on Thursday!   

But we'll start with a fairly normal Monday.  I walked with LaVern for the last time in a while as she heads back to New York to work on the Hill Cumorah pageant.  Afterwards I worked another make up day at the antique mall 

Dad had inventories in Price and American Fork that day. 

Then that night we did some painting on this house to help out a friend.  Later we finished up the evening with a less than remarkable dinner at the Family Tree in Santaquin. 

Tuesday I walked with Ginny.  I hurried home to meet my garden hirelings. We moved two more rose bushes and finished up the last garden box. 

As I was finishing up with the girls, Dad called saying Gustavo was at Payson Cottage working on our formerly leaning garage there and needed to access power,  so I ran over with the key and saw this state of the garage.  Yeah Gustavo. 

Dad worked at the office then did another inventory before heading back to Payson for his temple shift. 

After Payson cottage, I got busy in the kitchen and made dinner for a neighbor and for Trevor and Nell and did the food deliveries along with stopping in Highland where I got to do an antiquing consult with Barb, whose managing part of her mom's estate. It was great to visit and to hear all their plans!!  

On Wednesdsy as I walked to meet Ginny I saw that she'd been way laid and was talking 'garden' with Dana DeWitt.  We had a great walk and then my visiting teacher Carol Marshall came around nine for a nice visit before I headed to work. 
While at work I saw this cute picture of Kim and her friend on Instagram, and thought I'd share it!! 

That night Dad picked up Emily from Becca's where she'd spent the day, and we got to visit with her while she got in some hours translating!! 

Then came Thursday. hurray!! The day we would gain our 3rd of 4 new family members for the year!  Hannah!    Dad, Emily and I headed up the canyon around 10 to set up for the reception along with Ben, Hannah and her folks! 

We left Emily and Abbie to guard the goods and headed home to get ready. 
When we got back Ashley was setting up the lovely cake, she'd made. 
Rolled fondant frosting and individually molded flowers. We knew it was amazing when we saw it, but we didn't know just how amazing, until Sunday!! 
Let the celebrations begin!!  Favorite Aunt  Darby. 
Andy and his grown up daughter Kim, my oldest grandchild.  
Trevor and his baby daughter Penny, my youngest grandchild. 
Then we gathered for the main event, when minister Mitko aka Brittany, the online certified official, married these two amazing people!! 
Brittany did a very nice job and said her pay back was the sweet tears in the eyes of the bride!   Welcome to the crazy Perkins Clan Hannah!  We love you already!! 
Family members enjoying the ceremony. 
Becca made the bouquet and was the photographer too, along with Ben's friend Arron doing the videography 
McKenna was just plain old adorable, shown here in the arms of her great uncle Doug. 
Davin shared amazing grilling techniques as we enjoyed a barbecue dinner! 

 Spencer and Brittney also helped out with the food. 

We were all just thrilled that Nell was able to come, for her first time out since her surgery. It was so great to see her. 
Of course having best friends join us in our celebration added to our joy!!  The Kews even came in time to help us with take down. 

And introducing our new daughter to extended family members was lovely!  My brothers Emory, Bruce and Doug all came with their sweet wives!  Bruce and Dianne are shown above! 

Emily spent the night again, using Dad's lap top to work while Dad put away stuff he'd brought back from the reception. I, meanwhile, had stopped off at my book club meeting, which happened to be in Springville  too, and was literally on the way home. Best coincidence ever!  

Early Friday Dad was off to Richfield for another inventory. Emily snuck in more work as I straightened up a bit and chatted before heading to Pleasant Grove.  Emily stayed at the house a few more minutes before her friend Meg came and got her for a Russian Reunion she'd planned. Afterwards she went home to Ogden with Meg and spent the night. She rode Front Runner down to the station near Becca's on Saturday and she stayed the night with Becca!  Perfect planning, eh. And I still haven't ridden it!  

Meanwhile I got to spent the afternoon with Nell, as her kids and her helpful sister Bugs had gone to a family reunion, and Trevor was concerned about her being alone with the baby all day. 

I got to hold and feed Penny some, but she likes her mom best and nestles in perfectly with her.  Nell asked if I would like to watch a movie with her and chose 'Austenland', one of my favorites. She said its her current favorite, and she giggled in all the right places!  That was sooo fun!  

When a friend from Arizona came to visit I trekked off to DI to find treasures, but by then my busy Thurdsay had caught up with me so I ran home and fell fast asleep at 5:30 PM! 

Dad was doing some work from home by then, but when I woke up at 9:30 he agreed to what turned out to be movie torture as we watched Rockwell, a less than a stellar movie starring, among others, Carl Malone.   Yeah, that one! 

I was, however, able to go right to sleep afterwards and slept all night. That must have been a very deep tired! 

Bright and early Saturday Dad was off for a run.  
Then he spent the rest of the day framing the back doorway to the garage in anticipation of the stucco-ers. 
Meanwhile I had the best day ever!! It was filled with all my favorite things, starting with  fleattitude, a favorite flea ... 
Where I got to greet lots of fun friends who were there as vendors, girls I've met over the years in the business.  These girls are Marcy, Jami, Nikki and Jennine!! 

Thanks for the free advertising Cathy!!   
So many beautiful things.  Then I rounded out my morning at the Rose Park DI an old favorite, before heading to ... 
A beautiful bloggers luncheon at Jann Olson's  home in Alpine!! 
So fun to meet up with old friends and to meet new friends too!  Here are Joanne, Joanne, Jann and Trina. 
Jann's  house was just delicious, so besides a yummy lunch, there was plenty of eye candy for dessert. 
Then I hot footed it for Payson where I met Dad and two of our darling daughters for my first ever session in the Payson Temple. It was Emily's first chance to peak inside this beautiful edifice!! 

After the Temple, Dad and I went over to Kews for take out Mexican and movie torture, though we loved the movie!!  'The Theory of Everything!' And, as you know, the Kews are always good for a fun evening!! 

Sunday morning Dad was off to his church assignment, while I headed to American Fork to attend Becca's  ward with her family and Emily.  
When I got home I watered my flower boxes and by then Dad was home, followed by Spencer and Brit, then Emily and Becca and their children for a fun visit!   Emily had mentioned that Ashley was concerned about some medical problems while we were at church, so since  everyone  now at the house seemed to already knew, we told poor Dad of Ashley's upcoming surgery on Wednesday.  I can tell it weighs on him. Her surgery is to remove a small growth that has tested benign, but looks less than benign to the oncologist. 

Please join us in praying for her this week. She's worried about this for three months, but didn't want to tell anyone because she didn't want to take away from Ben's special day. What a dear girl.  Which so reminds me of a favorite quote from Jane Austen 

`` I have always observed that they who are good-natured when children are good-natured when they grow up; and [s]he was always the sweetest-tempered, most generous-hearted, [girl] in the world.'' (Pride and Prejudice)

              Here's our girl Becca! 
        Next Katie came by to see Emily   
Then Becca and Emily et al headed to Ashley's. Dad and  I followed, and we all had a nice visit with our girl and her family. 

So that was our week of ups and downs and of reassurances that families are a wonderful way to raise amazing people. Dad and I are so happy to celebrate our incredible children and the lovely people they have brought to join our family!! We love you all and ask for prayers for Ashley as she has her surgery Wednesday and for Nell who starts Chemo on Thursday.   C'est la vie

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Temples and Treasures

Yep, another week is behind us, and this one was far more manageable. 
It started with me working on Monday, one of four days this week as I paid back work day trades I'd made during funeral week.  Then I got help loading up this great fainting couch. 

After work Dad and I went to the care center by the hospital to fill his monthly assignment doing Family Home Evening again. We had the Holmes share their experiences during their 3 missions to Russia this time. They are so amazing. We found out they also like to go on hikes!   Maybe Dad and I should do the same. 
On Tuesday I got to work with the two girls I 'bought' at the Young Women's auction. We spent an hour and a half pulling weeds, harvesting rose petals, weeding the gravel garden path and moving 2 rose bushes. We ended with tea in the garden house. These girls had only had nasty tasting medicinal tea. 

Dad had his second shift at the Payson temple...
And I went to the Ogden temple with Arlene ... In my quest to go to all the temples in Utah this year. 

I also delivered the fainting couch that I'll be using in our attic bedroom, as Arlene is my upholsterer. 
I worked again Wednesday. It's was ROCC listing day and I put up this men and cows picture that I've had in the mall for two years. It sold to a lady in North Carolina!! And I had a back up buyer! 

Dad met Gustavo that day, at the Payson cottage to look at the tipping garage.  He later told Dad there was no foundation. Yikes!! 
Also Wednesday I got this cute picture of Bekie reading to Abigail.  I love it when you kids share bits of your days with me! 
I walked with Ginny for the third time this week on Thursday, and visited with Hal and Rebecca Perry.  He's just built a big fancy pigeon house, and he told us about it. Then I commissioned her to paint me a picture of a sheep for my 'feed my sheep' focus for the year. Hal is shown here in his garden! They are such great people. 
At work that day I made this banner for the Fourth of July  that I'll leave up all summer.  I also packed up and shipped the big print to NC. 

After work the guys Gustavo recommended came by to consult on doing stucco on the addition, garage and our new dormers. 

On Friday I worked again. Dad got home from work a bit early and got started on the small wall section he needs to do to complete the back wall of the garage before stuccoing. 

Before I got home he ran down to Nephi where Zach and Lexi were suffering the results of a stolen credit card number and were stranded. Hurrah for Dad!! 

On Saturday I did some working in the yard and hung patriotic goodness inside and out. 

Dad went out with his superman cape on again to find Becca's leak at their Lehi  rental!  Ta Da!! 

I made cheesy potatoes for a funeral, before going with Becca to do some touch up paint as a good deed. 

Here's the inside banner hung in the dining room. 

When Dad got back from yet another temple shift, we went Fathers Day shopping then...
ran into the Moores from the Orem ward and hijacked their Date night!!  They'd just gotten back from a hike so we talked hiking trails in the area. So tempted!! 

On Sunday Dad ran down to Cedar City for an inventory, while I finished up my RS lesson. Then it was off to church. 

I loved the lesson in the Ezra Taft Benson manual on having the spirit with you. I felt the spirit so strongly while preparing and giving this lesson that when I got home I only wanted to read church books so I could keep the sweet spirit with me longer. 
After dad got home we headed to Darby's where she was hosting Fathers' day dinner.  Here we all are!!  
Ben and Hannah's last family dinner as singles!!  Woot woot. 
Loved this pose with Addie resting her feet on her Dad's leg!! Thanks for taking the picture Trevor!   
Almost  time to go!  

Thanks for hosting Darby. We love your house!! It was perfect! 

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Grandpa Carlo's Funeral and Dad's Half

 Monday bloomed bright and early as Dad headed off for another singing practice, this time at the Cottonwood 5th ward.  I finished up my talk and followed later. 
When I got there I had five grandsons sitting in height order and tried to get a picture, in the end, Titan didn't want to 'play' so I got these cute boys, without him. Dad says "they are Grandpa Carlo's four oldest Grandsons."
Here are the pal bearers with an honorary thrown in. 
All Perkins save one, thanks Brady. 
Becca with three kids on her lap, or should I say two and a half. 
Vern, Karen, Patrick, Trevor, Leeman, Ashley and Scott. All but one born Perkins. 
Lunch at La Cocina, Grandpa Carlo's favorite Greek-Mexican Restaurant.  ,,, the owner's Greek, so Grandpa liked to make that joke.  It's where dad took him to dinner once a week for years. 
The grands seemed to like it.

Grandpa Carlo's' two oldest greatgrands.
Ashley and the kids, Andy was called to work in Idaho, so missed the fun(eral)!
Since no one was in the mood to say goodbye just yet, most of us headed to Becca's for shower left leftovers and Bri and Dave brought healthy snacks. 

Trevor headed to the hospital in Provo where our Nell was just coming out of the anesthesia after her surgery.  BTW your prayers for a quick recovery would be appreciated.  

On Tuesday Dad was back to work, getting off a bit early for his first real shift at the Payson Temple.   I was pretty worthless and I spent the day catching up on laundry and reading. 

I loved  this picture of Eleanor with "Elvis". That Trevor sent me. Of course insiders know it's really grandpa Milt, Carlo's father. But there are those pictures of Elvis in uniform, so I guess for Eleanor, clothes make the man. 

I was back to work on Wednesday. 

Dad, along with other office staff went to the Salt Lake food bank and loaded bags for children to take home from school on weekends.  Yep,  that's Dad's right arm on the Fox13 News. 

Then, he stopped for a slurpee and brought me a sugar free one on his way home.  When I got home we watched 'Big Eyes' with Amy Adams. 
On Thursday dad headed down to Overton, Nevada.   I worked, and loaded boxes of clearance stuff at work for the upcoming parking Flea Market. 

I also put together this fun ad for FB and Instagram to advertise it. 

After work I met Dad at Darby's house to deliver her long lost bookcase I was using for display at the mall. We had a nice visit too, and she fed us dinner.    At home again, being on Movie kick, we watched Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, and found Amy
 Adams  as the costar. 
On Friday Dad did Store Tours by himself!  I worked in the garden and cleared the middle of my herb garden to put in lavendar, protecting it from the mighty mint with a barrier, hope it works!!     
I also redid my Chawton sign.  

I'm loving my urns this year, hope I can keep up with the daily watering it takes. 
That night we went to a YW fundraiser, and got to see the Yorks from the old ward. Fun visiting. That's Eli Robertson giving Dad bunny ears. 
This is the goodies I picked up at the auction.  

When we got home we purposely watched Amy Adams in Enchanted. She's a pretty darn versatile actress, and we haven't, obviously, even seen in her R films. 

Saturday came super early for PaPa  as he left for his half marathon at 3:30 A.M.  Here he is into chute, complements of Becca who came with her family to cheer him on. 
I, meanwhile, was up at 5 (are you jealous Dad?) to load the van for my flea market at Treasures.  About an hour after it started, Dad stopped by on his way to his way to his nap!! 
The sales were slow for me, but it ymade me clear some dead wood from the mall and the garage, so it was a win. 
And as always it was fun to spend time with friends, old and new. (Gigi, Vicki, Patti, Laurie and Polly) 
We went to DI afterwards to drop off the unsold goodies, and to look for Sleepless in Seattle, which we only own on Video. Dad found this copy off my mom's second book, it was signed and made me tear up a bit, as it had her standard signature!  I love her grand faith!!  "The Lord is still in charge of this world".  She was such an amazing woman with so much faith, I wish I'd been  more like her!!

That night we celebrated Dad's bonus by eating Indian food at Tadka's here in Payson. Spendy but yummy!! 

I loved this picture that Emily took of William with 'power tools'. Sam was building a bunny house that can be used for a chicken coop later, if needs be. All from recycled wood from a fence a neighbor took down. So  fun!! 

Sunday was pretty standard, church,  naps and a Stake Priesthood meeting for Dad.   Afterwards I tried an African Curry recipe I found on line.  It has fresh mint and cilantro, both of which I had on hand, but I was out of ginger root and had to use the powdered.   Still turned out yummy!! 

So that was out week after. Seemed slow  at the time but looking back some good stuff happened. Hope your week was amazing. Please don't forget to pray that Nell will heal fast.