Sunday, September 1, 2013

Flea.o.logy Week with the Perkins!

 'What a week this has been, what a good mood I'm in, well it's almost like being in love'  with hosting and selling at flea.o.logy ... yep that about sums up the week.

Monday saw me painting chairs, stools
 tables, etc.  Tuesday was the first time I had ever tried chalk paint, which was interesting ... quite different, better in some ways, like you don't need to sand, worse in some ways, because it pulls stains out of the wood, and requires hand waxing to seal it.

In the afternoon on Tuesday I ran to Walmart with Emily ... in my paint clothes ... and on the way out there was a deluge .... glad the sky got all that rain out of its system.

Of course Dad checked in, bringing grandpa, that afternoon, before heading off to the temple, so making dinner was tucked in between the painting and craft projects.
I worked Wednesday and Thursday, taking projects along.  I didn't really have time to do anything at work on Wednesday, as we have 5 new vendors moving in, and the fact that we allow our dealers to put things in empty booths that are for rent, meant a LOT of furniture moving to prepare for new dealers.
Thursday, I did find time to work on making crafty book stacks, none of which sold at flea.o.logy.

That night I snuck out for book club, just didn't feel I could miss it.  It was at Ann Shumway's and as it turned out there were only four of us, so I was glad I went.
 Earlier in the week Emily called to remind me that I still had two unused 'do a flea.o.logy project' coupons I had gotten for Mother's Day and still hadn't used.  I took the two chairs above and the two blue chairs below to her house for her to do.  She stenciled the 'thing 1' and 'thing 2' on the cool 50's school chairs ... which, by the way were sold to the friend of a man who teaches elementary school and who has his school room fitted out in Dr. Suess.
She also painted the two chairs above in blue.  That included deep sanding on a dog chewed leg .... yeah Emily!
(I hope she gives me more coupons for Christmas, just in time for the flea.o.logy at the garden shoppe in January....)
Oh and everything Emily touched actually sold ... maybe I should have had her touch everything in my booth.
 Friday was crazy busy set up day ... before it got light, I made up the map, then with the light I was outside where I moved the pallets, swept out the back patio, picked up branches, painted the booth map onto the lawn, and then I started directing vendors to their spaces, helps with some bigger pieces etc, all the while setting up my own space...
Trevor and Nell came late, in time for the kids to go to bed, then they set up Nell's booth.

We had a new dealer show up after 10, with a load of doors and windows to sell.  She is from Chandler, Arizona and found the flea.o.logy and Pollyanna blogs a couple of years ago and has been following.  She got in touch with me three weeks ago and bought a mannequin I had for sale on Reclaimologists and Other Crafty Chicks.  (BTW she paid for it with Paypal and that is the money I used for Ashley's piano tuning, her requested birthday gift!  :-))

After chatting a bit, she asked if she could drive up to do the sale... fortunately Trevor and Spencer were there to help her unload her doors ... but it was fun to meet her. 
By about midnight all the dealers had left, except Eric Farmer who is married to Angie, the girl with the great canned ham 50's trailer that she sells out of, Eric had agreed to spend the night with Trevor on watch ... I think it made the long hours pass a lot faster for Trevor.  I threw in the towel around 2 and headed to bed. 

A dealer who came at 4:30, ended my marginal night's sleep, and I was able to get up and finish my set up ...  it had been windy the night before and we had taken down some things, and tied the cupboard, doors closed to the fence ... so with the morning light came the finishing touches.


 Here are some pics from Nell's booth.  She brought more stuff than ever and had her best sales ever which will help with the debt incurred with the hospital bills for dear Eva.  Of course, as always, her twix bars sold out.

 These pictures are of Spencer and Brit's hatchet eyewear booth ... they had amazing success! 

Becca even came to work on her Real Estate business ... all of the 40 dealers agreed to be added to her mailing list,  one verbally agreed to let her sell his house, and another said she would work with her in possible sale of hers.  Yeah BeckSTAR!
 Sometime during the sale Sam came by with a surprise.  He mysteriously went upstairs and said to go up there in a few minutes and find the surprise.

When I did, all I could see was that it had been recently vacuumed ... I was about to thank him for that, when, just to be sure, I asked Dad and he said he had vacuumed .... (Yep, he's a keeper.)

I finally called and Emily told me what it was .... as you see Sam updated their family picture ... their previous was their wedding picture ... I hope this desire to update is contagious, as they were not the only one's with out dated pics.  Thanks Sam!
That night Dad took me out for Mexican and we brought home food for Cheryl and Dad.  I fell asleep about 8, and slept until 8:30 ...
  Dad was off to his high council meeting early, then back to check on his homies .... I was sick, with the gomboo Emily et al just finished up, darn it.

By evening I was feeling better, having gotten a lot of sleep and we were all off to the park for the last Sunday concert of the year.  Emily and Beki, Spencer and Brit, and Becca, Brady, Titan and Reagan met us there.  Grandpa was a little angry about having his socks put on to go, cussing Dad off a blue streak, and the refused to get up to go ... Dad and I each took a hand and pulled him up and Grandpa says "It takes four people to do this."  Guess we are just strong, Grandpa was very mild and sweet once we got him in the car and enjoyed the evening.
So that was our crazy week, looking forward to a gathering here at the house tomorrow morning, which will include a waffle cake for some birthday people and a huge parade just for Ben!! 

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