Sunday, September 30, 2012

Fall Colors and a Craft Show at a Hobby Farm!

On Monday, Dad took Grandpa to spend the day at Nell and Trevor's for the first time.  I finally got our porch decorated for fall, as well as catching up on laundry, and getting projects done for the Fallow Field Farm sale I was to do Saturday.

When I called Nell about the FFF, she mentioned that Grandpa had spent a half an hour reading to Eva, while she helped J. Scott with his homework.  Sounds like a Norman Rockwell painting to me.  That night Dad and I took Grandpa up Payson Canyon to take a look at the leaves.  They were amazing, and Grandpa even made comments about the vivid colors.

On Tuesday Grandpa went to Nell's house again. I ran some errands, then worked hard getting more stuff painted up and crafted to go to FFF. Dad brought Grandpa home before heading to his regular shift at the temple. That evening I took the time to finish up the dining room mantel for Halloween.
I didn't work on Wednesday, as I had given the day to another dealer, and had a chance to get more done for the show.  Before going to work on Thursday ...
I went for a walk with Ginny Taylor, from the ward.  After we got back to her house she showed me her fun back yard.  Now I know that both my walking partners have chickens, what are the chances?

 Spencer came down to the house to watch Grandpa on both Wednesday and Thursday, and it was fun to get to visit with him a little bit.  We don't get to see much of him, so that was nice.  I took this picture of Beckie, just because I thought it was fun that the food she was eating matched her outfit. 

Friday was set up day at the Fallow Field Farm.  Dad took off a half a day to help me, which I great appreciated.  Nell, came to set up her jewelry display and brought the kids.  There were lots of animals at the farm, and Eva loved this dog, petting it through the fence.  After set up Dad took J. Scott and they headed to the BYU game, where Trevor met up with them a bit later.  After hearing the score of the game I figured it must have been boring, but both Dad and Trevor reported enjoying it.

On sale day, Saturday I was busy hocking my ware.  It was fun that Trevor and his family came by to visit and see the sites.  They even agreed to pose for this picture in front of Marci's (the owner of the farm and show) new green house which is being made from old windows, just like ours.
Dad worked at home, mowing the lawns, and repairing some furniture for me put in the mall.  He even vacuumed the house, something that had been put on the back burner while I focused on the show this week.
He came and help me take down, as did Trevor, who came to get Nell's jewelry.  Nell was at the General Women's RS meeting, which I missed.  After take down Dad and I went to dinner at the Golden Corral, which I always like.  Emily watched Grandpa so Dad could help me and we could go out.  Yeah Emily!!

Today church was great.  We had a high councilman who brought the Spanish speaking sister missionaries, whom I loved hearing from.  Dad also got to speak, as a high couselman.  But joined us in our ward in time to be there when Sam taught Sunday School, and did a great job, again, still.  Last of all I went into Primary as we are practicing for the program in three weeks.  It was fun to being with the kids, but, of course, I miss Relief Society a lot, and won't get to attend until after the program, darn it.  After church, and dinner,  Emily and Sam brought the baby up to visit, and she was doing a little bit of walking, I think 6 steps was her best for the evening.  Then Davin and Bri stopped by after driving the Nebo loop to look at the colors, which are still showing off.  We played games with them, and Emily came up and joined us for part of the time.  Grandpa fiddled with another card game and chattered away, while we played.

So that was our Perkins Perhe week! Lots of fun with grands, both kids and pa.

Monday, September 24, 2012

A baby, A play, A birthday, A muddy race and Grandpa Gets Kicked out!

On Monday, Dad took off to points south where he spent four days working on two different stores.  He did run home Tuesday to do his shift at the temple, slept at home and headed back.  Emily did the day care for the four days, leaving

me free to pursue such adventures as a dentist appointment in the morning and going to Becca's ultrasound. in the afternoon.   It was so fun to see the baby moving and to know that all is well with her development.

On Tuesday I got the van cleared of all the goodies I had found on Monday, junking.  I also did some tasks to get ready for the Fallow Field Farm sale I am doing this weekend.  That evening the Young Men and Young Women came by gather yard waste and hauled away the big branches we had gathered since our last trip to the dump.  They all wanted to come take a peek at the garden house and the Best girls and their dad were talking about making one of their own!

I worked on Wednesday, as always, and had Davin and Gabe come by to pick up some stuff, and to show me that they had put a full size armoire in Dave's new mini van, impressive!!  You can see it in our garage now, and you will be amazed at his packing skills.  (got some of his Dad in him I guess.)
Also on Wednesday Spencer had surgery on the finger he cut the previous week.  When he went in for a check up, they could tell the tendon had detached from the broken off piece of bone, so he is now wearing a big 'ol cast on his hand, and his three weeks of being unable to work will likely be longer.

After work I picked up Kim and we went to Cafe Rio and then to see Arsenic and Old Lace at the Hale Center Theater.  She loved this mustache car in the parking lot, so we saved it for posterity.  Below is a picture of the two of us 'on stage'  the picture was compliments of Tami who came in her mom's place.  Kim thought the plot was pretty weird, which it is, but I think she liked it.

Thursday was another work day for me, but before work Emily came up to show me how cute Beckie looked in the outfit I got her for her birthday.  We were visiting in the hall upstairs and Beckie noticed the toy dresser in the hall waiting to go to the sale this weekend, I wish I had my camera out at the moment she kissed herself in the mirror, it was too cute!!

Since Scott was home that evening we invited Emily and Sam up and celebrated Cheryl's birthday a day late. 

On Friday I worked on paint projects for the FFF show.  When Dad went to get grandpa from the day care place in Salt Lake he was informed that Grandpa could not come back because of the constant chattering and the fact we won't medicate to cut it out.  So silly.  That night we took Grandpa and went over to the Spanish Fork Water Gardens and saw Snow White and the Huntsman.  Grandpa seemed pretty disoriented, and slept though a lot of it, but still, it was a bit of a change, so we hope he liked that, at least. 

On Saturday Dad got Spencer to come down to watch Grandpa, since I had to work and he had the Dirty Dash with Ben and Dave.  It was nice for me because he came early enough that I could talk to him about his owie, etc. 
 So here are the boys in their clean state before the race.  I love that Dad wore his old Foot
Locker shirt, from the days of Trevor's high school running, because on the back it says "got mud"!!  And yes, as you can see they do, "got mud", Dad had a great time, and I am sure my muddy boys did too.
On Sunday morning Dad watched Beckie, while Emily and Sam  went to the 9:00 Session of the temple dedication.  That afternoon he had to usher for the 3:00 session, so Grandpa and I got to come and go on our own, though he was able to sit with us. 
Here is a picture of Dad and grandpa enjoying Sunday morning in the garden house, Emily even brought them some corn muffins.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Beckie Turns One and other stuff!

So, we are definitely getting into a routine with taking care of Grandpa.  Dad took him to the daycare place on Monday, as he did the rest of the week.  Monday, this facilitated me holding my Garden Cottage Warming.  We were able to sit 10, or would have been able to if my friend Stacy had not been sick.  Everyone loved the garden house, and we all had a great time.

That night Davin and Bri stopped by to visit, which is always fun. Here is Adilyn with her Grandpa and Great Grandpa.  After our visit, Dad and I were off to our once a month family home evening group.  Emily took over keeping an eye on Grandpa while we were gone.

On Tuesday, Dad got Grandpa up, dressed and fed again, and off to daycare, as he was working in Salt Lake all week ... I ran to Salt Lake to meet my best friend from college for lunch.  Arlene is also my brother Doug's wife, Shirley's sister.  We have sort of become disconnected, but she has recently divorced and has moved to a new neighborhood.  I was thrilled with the initiation to get reacquainted, she is really one of my very favorite people in the world.  I also dropped by Vine Street antiques to deliver an item to my friend Marcy who works there and did a bit of checking out the store, the gears and cogs above are in her Steampunk booth there.

On Wednesday and Thursday I worked at the antique mall, taking in some stuff to mark and put out, and also making more of the vintage lace cards, that have sold well in the past.  The banner above was a project for my pollyanna blog.

When Dad went to pick up Grandpa from day care on Friday, the lady in charge said that his constant chattering is a problem, that he had chattered for three hours straight and that other attendees had complained.  She suggested that we might want to get him some meds to quiet him down, really?  She said she has been doing this for 20 years and has never had a chatterer like Grandpa before.  She said it might be a problem for him to go there if we don't medicate him.  Which of course we won't.  We may just have him go there less often and get the kids to help with his care instead.  The way I see it is when he is chattering, he is happy.
I, meanwhile, was off to the Relief Society retreat at KOHOLOWO up Payson Canyon.  The leaves, by the way, are lovely.  Ginny, far right, is new in our ward, and offered to drive me up.  We spent the night, along with Janean Waite.  There were 4 other ward ladies who came up for the evening.  It was pretty fun to be back at girl's camp.

On Saturday we got to celebrate Beckie's First birthday.  Here she is with Dad's and my gift to her, I love how when she gets excited she does this little O thing with her mouth, its pretty cute.

A friend of Sam's got her the U cheerleader outfit.

She obviously enjoyed destroying her cute turtle cake.  Her turtle party theme was due to the fact that she LOVES Sam's turtle.
That night Dad and I took Grandpa to the adult meeting at the stake for Regional Conference.  The Kews invited us over to watch the BYU/Utah game and order in, but with no one to watch grandpa we had to decline, its the first invitation we have had to set aside so far.   Dad ended up watching the game with Cheryl and Grandpa while I read.

On Sunday, Davin and Bri and their kids came down and went to conference with us, as did Emily, Sam and Beckie.  Afterwards we all got things ready for our bi weekly family dinner.  We missed seeing Ben and Darby, but had the rest of the gang, including Brady because we were able to have it earlier than usual.
That night I put together this display for my Monday morning blog post.
So that was our week.  We managed to keep busy and do some fun stuff.  

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Week Where-in a Gorilla Played a Part!

What a week, and it all started with a parade that came to us!! 

The Payson Onion days parade rerouted to go past our house about 10 years ago, its hard to miss a parade that is that easy to attend, eh?

Trevor's family, Ben, Emily's family, Becca's family and Grandpa Carlo joined in the fun, with Aunt Cheryl catching some of the fun as well.

There was even a float that was perfect for Dad and Grandpa ... and it was sponsored by Macey's, how fun is that!!

After the parade Wendy, Rick and Kate dropped by for a visit.  It was nice to catch up, and I know it was nice for Grandpa to get to visit with more of his posterity!!
 But the partying did not end there, because that night we all celebrated J. Scott's birthday at his house in Pleasant Grove.

No really sure why the gorilla was invited, but it was so fun to see all the almost 2 year old's varied reactions to him.

Look how good the gorilla looked after the beautiful princess gave him a kiss, and you though fairy tales were not real ...

After all that, Tuesday was pretty mundane.  Dad took Grandpa to the daycare place in Salt Lake for the first time.  That evening Dad had his session at the temple.
 On Wednesday and Thursday I went to work as usual, and did some displays to get ready for our big sale on Saturday.  The one shown to the right is the autumn display I did.  Dad went to one of the southern stores on Thursday, so Emily came upstairs to take care of Grandpa.  Aunt Cheryl loves getting to see baby Beckie, as does Grandpa, though he mostly refers to her as 'the little guy' or 'cowboy', unless she's wearing a dress.  Pink rompers and huge hairbows won't do the trick, it has to be a dress.
Thursday night Emily and I had our ward book club meeting, and Dad had another ward audit to do, so Sam, bless his cotton socks, came up to watch Grandpa until we got back.  The book club was fun, with 8 women there.  Its great to see it expand, Emily and I have both been promoting it.  Between us I think we could account for all but one guest (from the RS presidency) and the hostess ... GO PERKINS/TALLY!
On Friday I got the birthday gift packages ready for Britt's boys, did some house cleaning, laundry and errands, before doing a tiny bit of junquing in SLC after which I met Dad at Aunt Karen's.  She was taking care of Grandpa for the evening, while Dad and I met with the Heuers and Moes for dinner and a play.  I think its going to be very important to keep up our social life, if we are going to survive taking care of Grandpa.  Thank Heaven we have such supportive family.

On Saturday it was up early, add a seat to the van, stop by the birthday sale at Treasures to get rid of all my cash, pick up grandkids and GO TO LAGOON!! (Emily and Sam watched Grandpa, if you are keeping track.)

 We all had a great day, Becca and Brady and Titan split off first, to ride on their own, then we lost our Dear Darby who had plans with friends ... 

I think the kids all had fun, and when we had tuckered them all out, we loaded them in the van and drove up to a little mountain town to the north where we had heard they had free cable spools out laying in a field (Thanks Nellie). Dad managed to load in a couple in the back with his magic packing skills, then we stopped for gas and a slurpee and headed home.
On Sunday, Dad got his Dad ready for church then headed off to meetings, I took Dad and when to church and when we got to the chapel, he chose a different place for us to sit.  Sam joined us on the side row behind Denise Ekins, because Emily was home with Beckie who was cutting teeth.  They traded places after Sacrament Meeting so Emily could teach both her Young Women's class AND her Sunday School Class.
Dad came into Sunday School late to sit with Grandpa, and I rushed into Primary, 20 minutes late, fortunately the presidency was covering for me. 
After church we all had a quiet dinner and evening at home.
Well, that did it for our week.