Sunday, April 2, 2023

Of Crowns and Conference

Well it was quite a week for me.  I managed to end up working five days, an unusual number of hours.  I worked on Monday with Keith.  He had asked me to bring him desert that day when we were talking about working together last week. I told him I would if he would bring me a salad.  It turned out that we had a lovely lunch together.  He's a master of making salads, and this one had shrimp, croutons, dried cherries and parmesan.  Yum, He got lemonade pie for his trouble.

Dad spent the day helping to train our new missionaries our at Mosida.

On Tuesday I did a post on Insta because Gretchen had brought in these lovely brown aesthetic transferware dishes.  The platter was only $40, which is a great price, but my cupboard is full and I was rather proud of myself for not buying it.

Dad picked me up from work, after working out at Mosida all day.  We went to Burger King as he had been craving an impossible burger.  I was surprised to see that they have replaced some of their tables and chairs with these cozy nooks.  Are other fast food places doing this as well?
He thought it was the perfect place to eat, since we were on our way to see The Lost King, a BBC movie in limited release about the finding of the grave of King Richard III. 

We both enjoyed the movie tremendously.

And what is this about.  3 of Dad's cousins, once removed, are having a Perkins reunion and sauna?  It just seems wrong that he was not there.

After work on Wednesday, Dad picked me up, with some Cafe Rio in tow, and took me to see Lu's play at her school.  She played one of Aladin's street rat buddies, Omar.

Here she is with the other two members of their street gang.

I thought it was clever how they showed Aladan and Jasmine 'riding on the carpet'... then later found out it had been Lu's idea.  That just makes me happy.

The little girl that played the rug was so funny.  As she was laying on the step to simulate 'flying' she kept reaching into her costume for hands full of popcorn, and eating it.  Everyone was laughing. 

Lu's sisters came to support her. 

cute Penny presented her with flowers. 

Just for kicks and giggles,  since I didn't get a picture on Thursday at work, I thought I'd put this one in.  Its Elder Eyring as a little boy, how cute is he!!

Dad worked at Darby's house on Wednesday and Thursday, and finished up her upstairs flooring.

Darby says it looks amazing.
On Friday I went to a couple of DIs and Trader Joes on my way to work at The Grove.  someone brought in this Afghan, and its killing me.  I just love it, but at 85 bucks, even with 20 % off I couldn't bring myself to do it.  

These gals came in and bought this 8 foot tall wall panel.

I had several dealers come in to straighten and restock booths.  I've known Chris Hayes for a long time, but I did not know she had published and won awards for 2 teen mysteries, and is an Anglophile like me.  it was so fun to chat with her.  She also brought in the two cutest cast iron bunny bookends that I loved.  To these I did give in ....

Thinking they's be perfect for my mini Jane Austen set.

Chris also gave in and got this wonderful rose painting for $40 with 20% off for a total of $32  Such great deals


On Saturday Dad went running, when he got home I noticed his shoes were red, his old ones were worn out

Happy Spring break to Charley!

Dad got the framing in Darby's basement done on Friday.  He'd waited to finish it off until he had the new plumbing in her kitchen and upstairs bath.  He's almost done at her house now. (Almost is a relative thing. Dad)

We were happy to hear that the just former Stake President from Tampere, after serving as a mission president with his wife in Bulgaria , has been called to be an Area Authority Seventy.  

Watching conference was extra fun on Saturday as a BYU choir was singing and two of our missionaries were in it.  The middle girl on the left is Marian Pack, Eli Staggs was singing too, but we didn't get a picture in time.

Of course we always love it when Elder Renlund tells Finnish stories.

Today we watched more conference sessions, and then had some members of the ward over for Navajo Tacos.  We had Nadine Evans, a widow, then a new couple, Michael and Heidi Perry, and the Murphys, Keith and Becky.  

Now we are kind of watching Trevor and Nell's kids, but they don't really need watching.  Still we enjoy them.


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