Sunday, April 16, 2023

From Mosida to Bonham with Tractors.

As always, it seems, we had another busy week including 2 days (3 for Dad) at Mosida.  Here I am with two other sisters before our devotional at Mosdia, Monday morning.

Then we headed out to the first site for our typical second day, to teach the new couples our routine.  Brother Hardman took this fancy picture of me and his wife at the site, as there were streamlets crisscrossing the sight as melted snow was being absorbed into the ground. Look how muddy it was.

But in this picture it looks blue as he took it as we looked into the sun.

The is the actual rivulet, about four inches wide.

I gave the narrator's part here.

Ron Crump is doing the part of Edward Martin.

Dad tells about the Fort Bridger facade.

After a pot luck dinner that night, we enjoyed a presentation by Julie Rodgers, who grew up near by.  Her sister is married to the farmer who has the private dairy farm to the north of the Church's dairy farm, there in Mosida. 

 Here is her set up.

She is a wonderful painter who specializes in Church History themed paintings. She is doing her presentation. The spirit there was as strong as I have ever felt it in any kind of a meeting. A wonderful bonus for us here.

Monday was Abbie's birthday as well.

On Tuesday we headed out and had a work day. 

We set up all the picnic tables at all the sites.

The men worked making new metal frames to provide shade out at the sites this summer. 

Tuesday was Mike's birthday!

On Wednesday I was off to work.  I had made a sign for the fence that morning, but it was too wet to hang.  At work I made a couple of these posters for our upcoming fleaology as well. 

I put out some out door items in the yard.  People are really shopping out there, now that the weather is better.

After work that night we headed up to Kearns where we did a hoedown, in Jennifer Crump's ward.  It was fun to see her, and her parents, of course will be in charge of her ward's trek.  Jennifer and Emily became good friends back when we lived in the park ward.  This is her with her daughter and husband.

On Thursday morning, Dad got my sign hung, now that it was totally dry.  We both packed, then he headed to the temple and I headed to work.  I got off at 3, and we finished up loading the car and got out by about 4.

We drove until about 9:30, when we arrived at our motel in Farmington, New Mexico.  Here we are at breakfast on Friday. 

This man had helped me find the milk for my cereal, which was so nice.  I thanked him and he told me that his name is Chip Monk, and how it had been such a blessing to him, as people always remembered him.  He sold and managed huge generators on oil rigs.  He had sold his business last fall, and was being called in as a consultant, because the new owners couldn't get things quite right.  A story we're hearing a lot these days.  He's 77.

At a rest stop in Texas I got a kick out of this add.

And as we drove and drove, we'll take a break to see what others are doing.  Cute shoot of Charley, as she straddles another small stream.

Here's Ashley out these expressing her inner disk golfer.

Charley's at it again with some door way gymnastics.

So much fun.  

We got to Emily and Sam's about 9:30, and the kids were all asleep, but we had fun catching up with their parents.
At ten the next morning we met up for Abigail's baptism.  Here she is with her Dad before the service.
Bekie and  the sisters of the other girl being baptised sang a baptism song. Bekie also gave the Holy Ghost talk.  Scarlet's sister had done the baptism talk.

Here we are with her after the service.

Then we gathered with the other family and other members of the ward who had come to support Abigail and Scarlet on their special day.

The decor was lovely.

We visited with the three missionaries who are serving in their ward, and this Elder Moulton shared with us his ancestor's story of being part of the Willey Handcard company.

After the service Dad drove me to a couple of garage sales.  One of them was at this house.  How pretty is that?

When we got back I did a little photo shoot of items I'd gotten at one of the sales, as well as items I bought at an antique store the day before. With Fleaology coming up, I need to keep up my internet presence, even if I am on vacation. I borrowed Sam's mom's porch  because it made a great backgroud for the shoot, for obvious reasons.

Meanwhile, back at the 'ranch', Dad and Emily with her two youngest.

Sam took this cute picture.

Then we all headed out to the Bonham State Park for a hike.

Here we go ...

The wonderful old camp sites were built by the WPA, and Emily's family likes to pretend it is Rivendell.

Two girls on top.

William was pretending to be Gollum.

Benny was casting a spell.

Kids just hanging out.

There were two of these sites, but this one didn't have the cool fire tower.

In the end Emily relented and let the kids wade out into the lake.  Yes, she did.

Just relaxing back at the house.

On Sunday, today, we headed to church.  Here Abigail gives a talk in Primary.

On the way home we drove behind this DINOCO car, that belongs to a teenager in the ward.  It was painted up and fitted out by a twenty something, who later started feeling silly about driving around his 'CARZ car, and had sold it off.  How fun is that?

Bonding time.

Then the kids started asking for challenges in making things based on our suggestions.  I mentioned a book we just finished, called West With Giraffes, so Abbie made her version of the two giraffes on wheels.

This is William with his version of the presentation by the Lion King of his new son on Pride Rock.

Previously, William had made these models of different settings in the Lord of the Rings.

He sure enjoys making them.

Then Sam asked for help in loading up his 'Chicken Tractor'.  They got several chicks for Easter, some destined to be meat chickens, by their breeding, and some for additional layers, as their layers age.  This contraption is a movable coop that is moved'  every few days, across the lawn, towed by a tractor, so that they don't destroy the grass.  It takes the chicks, bred to be fast growing, about 6 weeks to be ready for the table.

The kids and Dad and I, as well as Sam of course, carried them from there original home in the shed ...

to their new home.  

We then all had a good laugh when Benny brought out the butter, because his other Grandma had come over, to join the excitement, and you know,  she's the Grandma who knows the 'right was' to make toast!! (She cuts off the crusts). 

Later we had fun joining Bekie as she hosted her tea party.

Dad shared his travel cookies, and Emily had frozen cupcakes.

Abigail was invited on the condition that she would wear her fairy dress.

Adorable sisters.

Let the fun begin.

And here's that toast excelling grandma holding Johny.

After watching Ben Hur together, Bekie constructed this chariot. 

Here's Benny helping out his mom, with a whack on the head. 

Good night to all, hope you had a great week as well.


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