Sunday, November 21, 2021

Hobbies and Sports Enriching our Lives

We started the week with a Mohokins date. Its been 30 years since we all started hanging out, and our first combined date was also going to Sizzler, though in those days Dad and I ordered steaks. 
Then we all headed to the Vineyard theater to see The Reluctant Convert ... 

The story of C S Lewis' conversion to Christianity.  I wanted to love it more than I did, because I love CS Lewis so much, but I think I even dozed a bit. 

On Tuesday I came home from walking with Ann to see Dad mowing the driveway.  I know it looks funny but its actually how he clears up the leaves now that he doesn't have an army of munchkins with rakes..

Later that day we went to my cousin Sharon's funeral.

In fact there were four of  seven surviving children in our family.  I thought that showed pretty good support for one of our favorite cousins.
This is Joyce and me with our cousin Brenda. 

and Scott and me with Brenda's Dad, and my cousin Brent, who is Sharon's brother. Brent and Dar lived in the same stake Dad grew up in in Cottonwood, he even worked with our cousin Brenda at The Store before I ever met him.

On Wednesday Dad had to run in and get his phone fixed on his way to Darby's.  I laughed when I heard the name of the shop, and asked him to take a selfie. 

I, of course, was at work, and had this guy come in and buy vintage clothing for himself ... but I was so impressed by how much work he went to to mend his favorite jeans. Well done, its amazing what our hobbies require of us.

Its hard to see, but I took the Victorian antique elements ornaments I made 12 years ago into the mall to sell.  I wasn't sure they would sell, since Victorian is not as popular as it was. But the next day another dealer in the mall came in and bought 75% of them. It was hard to say goodbye, but I haven't used them in years.

and this is how we end the day at work once Daylight saving is done in the fall.  Since I don't get sunsets at home in Payson I love it.

Meanwhile in Texas Sam is having his head buzzed by several students, after agreeing to let them do it if their football team won a playoff game in which they were not favored to win.  Well, they won by one point in overtime.

How fun is that.

At work on Thursday this gentleman, who is an amateur black smith, came in and bought a forge and blower with a $500 case of quarters.  It was pretty funny, and we were selling rolls to customers, as well as stocking several rolls in each of the malls. 

In the end some of the rolls obviously went in the deposit.

Also that day this fifteen year old girl whose hobby is vintage clothing, came in with her family after her brother was married in the Payson temple.  It was so fun to meet them all, and to know that they were hanging out at the Payson Temple at the same time Dad was doing his shift. 

She tried on this 1960, red Jacki O style shift with black buttons. I have had a wonderful red and black 60's hat for years, that I knew would be perfect with this dress, so when she bought the dress, I gave it to her.  She was so excited.

I left work fifteen minutes early so that I could get to the church and set up for our Relief Society activity that night.  But once we were set up and the food was done and out, I left to go to 

my book club at Ann's house, in support of one of my favorite hobbies.

We talked about The Gratitude Diaries.  Everyone liked it and some even talked about how applying some of the principles in the book to their lives had helped them.
We also worked on sorting quilt squares for quilts that are being donated to hospitals for those who don't have a blanket to take their baby home in.

Here I am with Heather.  We also planned our menu for next month, when we are reading a Hamish McBeth murder mystery set in Scotland.  I get to host and use the plaid set of dishes I got earlier this year! The tablesetter in me is over the moon. Heather has Scottish ancestry and grew up eating the foods we will be having. 

Of course not everyone loves book clubs, and dinner parties like I do, and I can enjoy their interests and talents vicariously.  I was very impressed by this pose that our Charlie did. 

And speaking of other hobbies, when I was walking with Ann on the Spanish Fork River trail we found a disc golf course, and I'm sharing my favorite number, 17 basket in Ashley and Andy's honor.

Ann loves pigs and collects, and I thought this flying pig sculpture was worth sharing.

And then there's the hobby of raising goats ... loved this back yard set up along the trail.  Can you see the steps up to the shed top, so the goats can climb?  I thought that was clever.

Of course Friday saw Dad doing home improvements at Darby's, his favorite hobby.  He finished the back splash that day.

When I got home from walking, I made myself some Huevo Rancheros, as I have been trying a lot of vegetarian international recipes of late, and I am so glad that with Doug's influence that I have started eating eggs again.

With all that good protein I dived into my day making the house ready for our Missionary reunion the next day.  I had put the tree up earlier in the week, but finished decorating it, and put together the center piece on the coffee table.

The red and white tree was not just to match the parlor, but has many of the red and white ornaments we bought in Finland over both of our missions there.  I was thrilled to find the knit ornaments with the Selbu Star on them at the dollar tree. The paper mache stars we my favorite find in Finland, and I only have two of them.

Of course not all the house prep was about decor, I also managed to clean all the bathrooms, declutter and dust, as well as cleaning the stove, fridge and microwave.  I even ran to the store to get what was needed food wise for events the next day.

Dad got back from Darby's just in time to meet the Crumps for dinner at MiRancherito.

as always it was fun to catch up with them.

Saturday was Mac's birthday, this is the collage Dad posted to celebrate, and this guy got to go to the happiest place on earth to celebrate his big fourth!!

On Saturday we worked together to rearrange furniture and getting things ready for the reunion.  I think this is the 6th time I have used the charcuterie board I bought in Idaho at Britt's last spring.  Its been a very good investment.

Of course our favorite hobby is collecting beloved missionaries, and they came.  The Aura's are visiting the USA and had set up a half dozen reunions from Payson to Rexburg.  Of course we know missionaries from the first nine months of their mission and the last nine months, but there were a few tweeners, Sisters who served the exact 17 months we were home between our missions.

Several missionaries also brought dates, spouses and even parents, so we got to meet a lot of people too.

We had about 70 guests and even had a couple of former missionaries join us on line, including Carolina Debiasi from Italy.

After the reunion, the senior missionaries gathered, along with the Auras for dinner in Orem.

After which we hurried home to straighten up the house and host a dinner with some sisters to whom I minister, along with their husbands.  That was a lot of fun.

Meanwhile my brother Ross who loves following U of U football, and even got to ride up the elevator to his son Rudy's box, with some pretty important people.  When he first got on the elevator and saw these men, he thought, "Who wears a suit to a football game.?"  Well now he knows.

Here's a picture of President Nelson he posted on his FB page as a graduate in the forties from the U of U.

We greatly appreciated our quiet Sunday after our action packed Saturday, one in which we actually had to pass up on two other events that we would have enjoyed.  Alas, the eb and flow of social activity is never an even one.

While we were quietly at home, this girl was busy celebrating her 8th birthday with her family.  She called from the Cheese Cake Factory to tells us all about the fun she was having.  We loved that.

We hope you enjoyed some of your favorite activities this week as well.


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