Sunday, June 13, 2021

Checking Out the Perfect Week

So what exactly is the perfect week? For us it is a week where each day started with gospel and language study.  Its a week with lots of our favorite food, sushi.  Its a week with service opportunities.  Its a week that includes keeping in touch with our kids, in person, by phone or on line.  Its a week with a chance to get closer to one or another or a few of our grandchildren, its a week where Dad gets to do his hobbies, barbershop singing and mountain climbing (a renewed interest). It also includes time to read, especially good for me if its a Jane Austen knock-off.  Its a week where I have success junking, and get to work at the mall.  Of course contact with our missionaries of any kind is just the frosting on the cake.  So, given that criteria, I just have to say, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, and check.

Yep, that's how our week started, with Dad and Ashley having a platelet party. She and Dad even got to go out to lunch for Mexican.  Check and check.

I meanwhile was having a junking and lunch date with one of my ministering sisters. Just one check, no sushi.

and I got to talk to Britt on the phone for two hours, while she folded these money leis that were due that afternoon.  Isn't Charlie a cute model? Check.

That evening we got a distress text that our friend Steve who needed some help with a plumbing repair he was doing. check

Mission accomplished, and Steve and Terry rewarded us with Sushi, and Veggie Curry too. Yum. 
Check again.

On Tuesday Brittany posted on line that Kai was working his first day at WinCo, Welcome to the grocer life Kai.  Britt is shown above when she won third place in the state at a bagging contest, when she was 16. Another check.

Also that day we picked up Adi for a grandkid date.  We stopped at the Lighthouse Monument to the early Icelandic immigrants in Spanish Fork.

It was interesting to learn about them, and read names like Ingaborg, (Like my aunt) and Gudrun (Like the Swedish designer I like) Check.

After picking up Reagan in Highland, we stopped at a neighbor kids stand, both of whom Reagan knows from school.  What cuties. Check and Check
Then for the main Event back in Spanish. Check

After taking Adi home, we realized the easiest way to get Reagan home, would be for Dad to drop her off in the morning on his way to Darby's, so she and I walked down to Payson Market, where she choose goodies for breakfast in bed.  Check and check.

Not sure why, but she was charmed by the fact that I had put a bed into my craft room, and weeks ago asked if she could have a sleep over and sleep in there.  I have to admit, that kind of tickled my fancy.
Her Nanny has taught her to like sugar with avocados ... so I provided a little sugar for her.

Here is some of the work that Dad got done on both Wednesday and Thursday at Darby's. Check

It was fun to see on line that William and Sam got to participate in car racing, though its not officially Pinewood Derby anymore. Check.

My friend Rosemary is still wearing a mask at work, as she has been having some problems with unknown blood volume loss, and she is trying to stay healthy.  I just loved her necklace.  She manages Treasures North.

On Friday I had an amazing junking day, possibly my best ever, that was not at a fleamarket.  I started by going to a sale in Payson, at the home of a gal who is the daughter of a former antique dealer, where I got a lot of good stuff, and spent $50, then headed to the opening of DI in Springville at 9, where I dropped another $50, then to an appointment with another antique dealer who is managing the selling off of an estate.  The prize of the day, week, year, went to this appointments. CHECK

Then I finished up at the DI in Provo.  Where I sat in this chair, and had some difficulty getting out.  YIKES!

This is a light fixture that was hanging in the IKEA where we liked to go for lunch in Finland.  I wanted to buy it a lot, but I know it would not go in my house, for all that it was such a bargain at $5.  I did, however manage to spent around $50 there as well.

I didn't do a loot shoot, but here is a partial.  I LOVE the shoes.  The Royal Doulton figurine was a 75c find at DI. The pink vase is one of 3 vintage art glass pieces I found.

And here it is, the piece de resistance. It is a copy of the Mother of the Year Statuette, that was given to mothers who won either, the Utah, or the National Award at one time.  Grandma Larsen received one, and we were passing it around the family for years after her death.  I ended up with it and gave it to my wonderful niece Megan after the death of her boys, a couple of years ago.  I was in Finland at the time, and felt a strong prompting that my Mother wanted her to have it.  I was very hard for me to give it up, and I can't help but wonder if my Mother had something to do with finagling this find.  Even though its done by Avard Fairbanks, I have never been able to even find a picture of it on-line, much less find one to buy.  I'm considering having a plaque made, like the one on the Mother of the Year award.  I hope that wouldn't be too confusing. Check, Check, Check ...

I also got these two statues of Joseph Smith for my Prophets and Temples room.

I made sushi for Dad that night.

It made him happy. Check

I have been playing this game for six months now, or possibly more, and I play with four women.  My friend Kim and I seem to take turns winning, but the other three always win.  I figure I am just keeping my Alzheimers at bay, so it doesn't matter.  One of three I won a game against a couple of weeks ago, and this week I won games against the two others.  So fun. As you see they were both by the skin of my teeth, as my mother used to say.

On Saturday Dad was off before 5 to gather with his boys and climb Olympus.for something like his 10th time ... the other nine times, however, were all in his teens.

You may recall that he and I climbed about 3/4 of the way for our first date, thus it was the site of our first kiss, well, that was after a good six hours, so that could count like 3 two hour dates .... hahahaha
Here Dad shows off what they signed in the notebook in a mailbox at the top.  Three generations of Perkins, with a Scott for each .

Look at all those handsome men.
This is Trevor's Strava route to the top, Dad's phone died there and he didn't get any credit on the way down.  My favorite is that he did 297 flights of stairs according to his app.  He looked it up and that's  equivalent to walking up to the top of the Empire State building, three times. Check and Check

I meanwhile spent four hours redoing one of my booths at the mall, with the Americana I had picked up that weekend.  The bulls eye mirror on the wall is  rare, and was a good find as well.  The hand painted eagle on the mirror was purchased at an LDS Ward fundraiser.  Check and Check.

When Dad had recovered sufficiently we went for Mongolian BBQ and Sushi.  Yum! Check

Today we attended church in Kansas City, Kansas, as Elder Staggs, one of our favorite missionaries, gave his homecoming talk. Check.

After watching our favorite Come Follow Me presentation on line, we headed over to our friend Janis' house for dinner and games.  It was kind of funny, because I was figuring out my calories for the day,  before we left, and having no idea what she would fix, I told Dad that if she made mashed potatoes, a side veggie and a tossed salad, I could stay close to goal.  I said it was probably too much to hope for that the side veggie would be cruciferous.  and guess what, that is exactly was she served, with some turkey added for herself.  The perfect ending for a perfect week. Check!


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