Monday, June 21, 2021

Celebrating the Grandest Grands

And here we go again, with another busy week.  It started on Monday with Dad and I doing projects.  I put together this outfit for this antique French bed doll to get her ready to go to the antique mall.

We headed out that night to Monkey Town, AKA Pleasant Grove to celebrate Father's Day a bit early, as we would be in Idaho for Kai's graduation on the real Father's Day.  I had to snap this pictures of the grands in Trevor and Nell's back yard doing yoga, because it was a 102 degrees outside, not quite the stand 105 for Hot Yoga, that Brittany so loves, but close enough.

I love nothing better than a tangle of cousins.

Here's a cute shot of the youngest participant, Mac.  Brit and Spencer had some car trouble, and we were sad to miss them.

Eva was kind enough to run around and take some pictures for me.

Didn't she do a great job!?

It was good to have Dallas come, it was our first time to see him in almost two years. 

Trevor and Nell apparently have the perfect rolling hill.

Titan got a little carried away in his hill roll.

We took Eva home with us so I could make her breakfast in bed.  I took her to Payson Market Monday night to choose her breakfast foods.  She ended up deciding on sushi, so when I got up around 7 she was already awake, so I had her come down so she could learn to make it.  So no breakfast in bed, but she seemed to enjoy learning how its done.  Here she is cooling the rice.

We did a traditional roll, an inside out roll (Which I just learned to do the last time we were at Britt's in Idaho) and a panko crusted one.

Happy Breakfast in PJ's.

Eva and I headed to DI, and got there just after opening.  I still managed to find a few things.  Then I drafted Eva to be my partner in crime in checking out the newish shipping container complex that Legends Motorcycles has built on their property next to DI.  I have admired it, and thought it was time to explore.  

The complex was open but no one was around.  We had thought we'd get an Italian soda at the coffee shop, but no one was inside.  Alas.

When we got back to the house I finished making the dress for the other doll I had found in my old work room, to take her to the mall as well.

Eva made me laugh when she said this picture looks like the French doll is taking a selfie because of her side glancing eyes, and her arm being out.  That made me laugh.

In talking to Eva she had mentioned that her favorite actor is Tom Hanks, she had loved him in Mr. Roger's neighborhood, but admitted she had never see any of his other movies.  So we got out Sleepless in Seattle and watched our first movie in the family room since being home.

After the movie we picked up our friend Janis and the four of us went to see Cruella for $5 at the recliner theater in Spanish.  Dad headed off to his Presidency meeting afterwards, and I took Eva home.  

We are enjoying Hollyhock time again.  Its amazing that these are all volunteers.  We are guessing that birds who have eaten the seeds must sit and on the fence and drop some. We have about 8 different clusters, and they are all different colors.

Dad spent Wednesday working at Darby's as well as Thursday.  Here are some shots of the progress he is making.

I went to the antique mall, though I was not working, and worked on some displays, as you see.  Then I headed home stopping at Macey's to get stuff for Dad to make rootbeer again.

Here are two friends from the ward who I visited with, Janis and Jia Xin, at the ward picnic in Benjamin.

Here we are with Emily who is the CNA who used to come help Cheryl and Grandpa Carlo with showers, which seems like a million years ago.

Here are the cool kids, Dad with Brother Cook.

I finally got around to making my 'girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes' sign for my heirloom room.

Off to work on Thursday, I was impressed with Nikki's flexibility after she took down a couple of chairs for a customer.  

Here she is taking down a couple of other chairs for the same lady, who asked us to hold some of the chairs, then called and cancelled her hold.  Nikki had said the whole time, this lady is not going to buy anything... and she was right.  Alas that's seems to be part of the job.  But isn't Nikki great for a sixty something?  Of course her career was as a gymnastics instructor, but still.

That night Dad brought home the veggie-k-bobs Darby had bought us ... yum.

On Friday we stopped by Davin and Bri's to drop off some stuff, and Davin showed us their fluorescent wall, that they have painted and some fun experiments they have been doing with their kids.

Then we dropped off goodies at Janis', as it was her birthday.  The pop corn is some she had popped for a little party she was having with the people whose apartment is below hers.  I thought that was nice.

We got to Britt's place around seven that night.  I loved it when Charlie came and sat between us as we were hanging out.

Mike's mom, Edi, brought flower leis for Kai's graduation. 

Edi and I helped Britt fold money for money leis, and we wrapped and ribboned candy leis too. This is just one way Britt uses her creativity to add to the family coffers.

And guess who is now taller than his mother ... she does try to make up the difference in hair, but alas, it has happened. They are shown at the open house for a million dollar house she is selling.

She did the open house on both Saturday and Sunday.  It was an amazing house, and sort of surprising that it is just 400 SF larger than our house ... I guess the neighborhood makes a huge difference.

We were happy when we found out that we would be meeting for lunch at a sushi place.

Here's the cool grad with his friend and brother.  We loved the U of U shirt, as he was sitting with all four of his grand parents and all four are grads from the U.  All for of his great grands on the Perkins side are also U grades, including two of them with masters.

The Mitko side

The Perkins side.

Reading our card.

Its fun to watch Edi eating with chop sticks so effortlessly, since she has always eaten with them.  Its fun to see her eating American foods with them as well.

Britt had promised Kai potstickers, but didn't order them initially, so they came at the end of the meal.  I guess when Mike makes them at home Kai has been known to down unheard of numbers. I thought it was fun the three orders came to 18, which is how old he is. I know he looks somewhat daunted here, but with very little help he managed to clean his plates. 

 Here he is with both his leis. 

After lunch Dad took me to my favorite Boise Antique Store.  I loved this patriotic display.

These unusual folding chairs were marked at $800 for the set of four.  I won't hold my breath, but I thought they were super fun.
I might need to make this sign for my kitchen.

Then we headed to the graduation venue.  Love this unexpected shot of Kai with his Bachan. 

all the pictures ....

Sunday morning Papa and Charlie found out they had matching PJs.

Mike cooked all day for us on Sunday ... here he is with the strawberry french toast and hashbrowns.

The raspberries were huge.

After Breakfast we headed to the local ward for church, then it was back to the house where Mike had continued his cooking, with deliciousness available to all. 

For me the crowing glory was the Creme Brulee, definitely my favorite dessert, so throwing caution and sugar restrictions to the wind, we savored every bite.

Here is Dad all loaded up to head out, before Alex lightened his load by a couple of suit cases.  Bless his cotton socks.  We left just before 7 and got home about 1:30 A.M., no trouble falling asleep that night.

We hope you are all having a lovely, if hot summer.  With Sunday being the actual Summer Solstice, we are reminded that our Finnish friends celebrated Juhanus last Friday and have fond memories of celebrating with them both in Finland and here in Utah.  Hopefully next summer we can continue the tradition.  Happy Summer all!

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