Monday, November 30, 2015

Over the River and Through the Woods ...

Such a busy family week! 
I had so much to do for Festival of Trees, but got called into work when another employee got sick in Monday.  I did manage to do this banner for our tree while at work though. 
On Tuesday I had my art group again. We had fun working on Christmas smash books and chatting.  The page above was done by Jann. 
This is one of the ones I did ... Afterwards, because I knew Dad was at the temple I stopped at the scrapbook supply outlet in Orem, before getting home in time to fix Cheryl's dinner 
I worked again Wednesday, and finished up the banners for the tree. Dad came and got me when we closed and we headed to Idaho, picking up passengers on the way. 
The trip through snowy conditions was harrowing. The wipers iced up and when we tried to de-ice them the drivers' side wiper broke. We stopped and got some pliers and a new blade. 

Meanwhile, Trevor and Nell's family was at the Norman Rockwell exhibit at BYU. Moes and friends were there too, and I am just glad the exhibit goes into February. 

  Alas we finally arrived safely at Britt's at 3:30 AM.  Our 6 hour drive had taken 9 1/2 hours. 
Britt, who had waited up for us, was back up at 6:00 to start the turkey!  She and Kai had moved dining furniture and stuff for the table to their new house, after the loan funded Wednesday. They'd closed on Tuesday. 
As always, Brittany had lots of food with all the traditional sides, plus some gourmet choices!  Spencer carved the turkey. 
This is Dad's plate!  Then we sat around on the floor and visited ... 

It was long before we were all snoozing... 
Then we took the kind da back to Britt's other house before the adults headed to the final Hunger Games movie!!  Which we all liked 
On Friday we all went shopping at the charming Village shopping development there in Bouse. I love this picture of Titan admiring the tree at Anthropolgie. 
Dad wasn't feeling great, and Becca was 'done' chasing kids in spendy  stores, so they went home, while the rest of us did more browsing. 

While at one store Charly found this Mary Engelbreit book and I snapped and posted this on Instagram, and Mary Engelbreit commented almost immediately. Woot Woot! 

Back at Britts we watched movies and had take out pizza!  
On Saturday we were off to a breakfast with Santa and a Festival of Trees. Regan was not a fan of Santa, but we all had fun anyway. 
Maddy wasn't too impressed either! 
But we all had fun and supported the local meals on wheels with our donations and purchases. And ... 

On the way out the kids got to pet Prancer!  
Loved this pic of Spencer and Brittney at the event!   

Back at the house we watched more movies, chatted, did home work, did Realestate  work etc.  Then Spencer, Brittney, Becca and her kids left to spend their last night at Britt's new house. 

This morning Brittany made a huge breakfast, we said goodbyes and headed to church.  Afterwards it was Utah bound.    
We had a rock flip up on the freeway and shattered a window. We stabilized it's with scotch tape first, then stopped 20 miles down the road for duct tape. It pretty much stayed together, which was a blessing. I 
On Facebook on the way home we saw this cute post about Elias .... 
And this one about Zach getting a tree in his bedroom, to quote Zach, "Best Day Ever!" And may I add for Dad and me "best week ever". Thanks Brittany! 

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Broken Man Discovers Hallmark Has Just One Plot

Another week has gone by, and Dad is feeling much better. He's getting more sleep, and managed 3 half days at work this week, plus his Temple shift and some recreational activities, and at least 57 Hallmark movies 

On Monday I ran Dad into Provo to get his prescription for pain meds refilled.  Then we picked up the prescription in Spanish and did some needed shopping before hosting the Family home Evening at the care center that night. 
On Tuesday I met up with these girls to make banners for Christmas in Alpine. 
We spent the better part of the day, and this is how mine turned out. 
On Wednesday I worked as usual, while Dad had his Doctor's appointment. 
Bekie also had a doctor appointment that day. It was her final appointment after the periodic appointments she had since the illness that hospitalized her last year!  Yeah Bekie! 
That night as we watched more Hallmark movies, I dressed this antique doll, as one more project for the store, in my effort to get things from the house to the store in prep for our mission. 
On Thursday as I worked I finished up this Christmas display in the North store. 
After work Dad had a Bishopric Training and dinner that lasted until ten. I had book club until ten. At book club we had food based on the book including matzo ball soup and Pfeffernusse cookies, which are similar to ginger snaps and are made with pepper. 
Here's everyone but me!! The book was The Nazi Officer's Wife. 
On Friday I went to Becca's to babysit for 2 hours. Titan was at preschool so I just had the girls. 
We watched lots and lots of Peppa Pig. She and I have the same initials. 
Then we all went to Zupas for lunch before I headed to DI and the Paper outlet in Orem. 

That night we met the Kews in Provo to see The Martian.   Steve had read the book and it was fun to hear some of that as well.  We went to Gloria's for Italian afterward. 
On Saturday I was off to work again, while Dad met up with these guys at BYUs final home game!  All winners this year! 
Kim posted this cute selfie that day, so I borrowed it to share!  It's hard to believe my oldest granddaughter will be 17 next month!! 

We watched yet more Hallmark channel after work and the game. 

Today we had church as usual, then a nap and tithing settlement. We love the new ward, and the bishop is great! 
Tonight we gathered at Becca's for dinner. Dad and I brought Kenna's gift for her second birthday. It's hard to believe she's two. Here she is with the Lalaloopsie  doll and book we got her. 
Here's a classic old doll new doll picture. 
And an impromptu Christmas tree. Note the halo on the angel on top. 
Loved our babies in Red! 
Here are some of our girls. 
Hannah did some baby time too. 
I love the footwear fun this family shares! 
All my boys! 
And the most adorable Grinch Ever!!  Thanks for a great Family Dinner Becca and Brady. 

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Fixing Broken Dad, Ouch!

It seems that a month has passed since I  collected pictures and shared my thoughts. Perhaps it's all the time spent with my dear Husband that has stretched the time. It started with my walk with Lavern in Genola in Monday,  such beautiful farm country.  
I just wanted to share Nell's cute picture of Penny, so I can save it. How adorable!  
I worked on putting away the remnants of Halloween decor and did the Autumn mantel in the dining room that day. 
In the midst of it all Gordon brought piles of sheet rock to hoist into the attic. 
I also did this fall display on the dining room table.  That night Dad and I watched Downton Abbey. 
On Tuesday I drove to Salt Lake for some junking .... See, they do have everything at DI, including the kitchen sink. Then....
I met up with Arlene at the temple. Not this temple, but I love this new temple in Tijauna, so I thought I'd share it. We actually attended the Jordon River temple, then went for some Zupas goodness afterwards. 
On Wednesday Gordon and Trudy came to work on sheet rock early ... 
Darby came too because she was to spend her day toting Dad around for his rotator cuff surgery!  I was off too work and worry at Treasures. 
So while dad was waiting and waiting (He was scheduled for 12 but didn't have his surgery until 4)
I switched out the big display at the south building for Christmas. 
After work, he still wasn't home. My texts had gone unanswered all day. I finally called the number Dad had given me for Darb when I redid my directory, last week and the number was out of service. 

A call to Becca for Darbys real number and I found out Darby had just heard from the hospital and she was heading up to get him. Such a relief.  Here he is hale and hardy, post surgery, before the nerve block expired. 
Here's a collage I did of my day. It was Veterans Day, and I posted the photo of my Dad in uniform on line. 

That night Dad was unable to sleep at all. 

I made him some breakfast before heading to work on Thursday.  He watched, according to him, about 10 episodes of flip or flop before he switched to the Hallmark channel's Christmas Romances!  I finished off my day with him watching them until 2:00 AM. He was hurting so bad  sleeping was sporadic and short lived. 

On Friday I stayed home all day nursing my boy!  Still in lots of pain, trying to get comfy.   

That night we were off to make root beer for the wards fall festival. It was Dads first time out!! 

Afterwards, we came home and had a nice visit from some of our favorite homies.

On Saturday I ran into work as Thursday had ended without the Christmas display being completed. I also needed to get more of the show stuff out of the van, and was meeting a customer/ friend there on a consult. 

When I got home Trevor and Scott were finishing up the leaf patrol for the day!! Thanks men! 
Today we were off to Highland  to welcome home Ryan and Jake!  Becca came too!  It's always fun I meet up with our grands! 

We figured out that it was 21years ago this month that we were in Hawaii with Moes and Heuers and they both brought home Hawaiin souvenirs that were  born 9 months later. Now 21 years later we welcome these wonderful 'Saturday's Warriers' again. 
Here's a mix of missionaries. The Four on the left were in Canada while the one on the right went to Japan. 
Here's Dad with Jerry Mason, who was one of his counselors when he was bishop!  It looks like Amy is picking his pocket here, but she actually just straightened his tie!  
And this is Dad with Ryan (Japan) and Jake (Canada). The Moes will move out of this house soon. It's hard to believe. We look forward to years of good times in their new house, though.

Now we are off to dinner with Trevor and Nell!! Happy Sunday all. We hope your week was amazing.