Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Building and Buying and Burying Rocks

Its Mosida and its Monday and Sister Marvin ... shown here is making Rocky Ridge, well Rocky.  The gals spent the day putting rocks around the trail and burying a few in the trail to make it feel more authentic.  Yes, yes we did.

The Crumps had spent a day getting rocks from a rock dump up on Redwood Road, and transporting them in the shovel of a tractor, with LaVern escorting the tractor in a second vehicle.  Yes, this is one energetic woman.  As you see.

Some of the girls conferring on ideal rock placement, Sisters Newman, Marvin and Crump.

Sisters Newman, Gurr, Marvin, Crump and Perkins, with Sister Smith behind the camera. 

Here are guys getting ready to put up some posts to form an entrance to Fort Laramie.

When we got home Dad headed out to his big project and installed the triangle paned window. 

Tuesday was also productive for me, as I made a sign for my new dedicated book booth.

I also had Barb come down to help me work on a photo book of our year at Mosida.  I am the historian this year, but have never done one of these books, Barb, on the other hand is an old pro ... well a youngish pro.

That evening I knocked out my first cotton yard dish cloth.  I've wanted to make them, as I use them, and bought some cotton yarn at a garage sale, about a month ago with the intention of making them.

Here we see Elders Newman and Marvin with one of the signs for Fort Laramie on Tuesday, as the guys continue to work on building an entrance and facade for the fort. 
Here are the uprights in place for the entrance. 

Splitting logs for the facade.

Manly work

And last of all Kim's friend and former roommate had her baby that day.

On Wednesday I was looking for something in this drawer with no luck, so I decided to organize it.  I wish I'd thought to take a before shot.

At work I dressed the mannequin in another witch's outfit, I'd found, as the first one had sold.  I also brought up an Elsa costume to keep her company.

I put out the leftover mushroom and polkadot stuff, in another booth, that was left over from the reorganization of my kitchen window shelf. 

I'd found this set of the books that is the same as those I grew up with that morning at DI.  There are fifteen of them here, and as I went through them, I realized I had read all but two of them, but note that none did I read while living at home.  Sort of ironic.  I should have started sooner.  One of the two I'd not read, The Last of the Mohicans, I had already decided to read. 

After work, Dad picked me up and we headed out to Saratoga Springs to support the fund raiser that the Moe's ward was doing.  Barb was helping the gal in charge, and, well, Randy is the Bishop, so it seemed like a good idea. 

Funny story: This guy merged, painted, computer generated this work of art, with his best friend as the subject ...

His friend thought it was hilarious.  As did others, as a third party was actually the purchaser ... does anyone else feel a little Napolean Dynomite vibe here?

Here Randy works at the check out table.

As Barb organizes the bid sheets. We walked away with both our hearts and our pockets just a little lighter. 

We stopped at Trader Joes on the way home, and saw a couple of new products that also made us smile. 

How pretty are these?

Brittany sent pictures of her Anniversary Trip with Mike to the east coast, including New England.  This castles is just gorgeous, and surprisingly in younger than our house.  You'll have to have her tell its somewhat tragic history, 

Thursday morning, I took a neighbor to the doctor before heading to work.  I loved this quote they had in the office there. 

At work I put out a lot of the books I had recently bought for my book booth and put up the sign I had made. 

I took a few shots to show you all what it looks like. 

Fun cookbooks ... the Bon Appetit book came in that day and sold that day. 

Another view. 

The set of books found a home on top of the lawyer's bookshelf section that I used to lock up my most valuable books.

The end cap ...

and my Jane Austen shelf ... the Good Night Mr Darcy book also sold that day. 

I loved this picture of the smallest library in Britain. 

And finally.... the day I've been looking forward to for a couple of months.  My friend Mary and her dog Duncan and I headed out on a junking road trip.  We left about 7:30 in the morning and arrived in Los Angelos, while losing an hour, around 7:30 in the evening. 

After I left for California on Friday, Dad spent the day installing the rafters on the extension of the carport cum lodge. 

Its amazing he could do that on his own. 

And he did a great job!

Friday evening Dad went to the BYU game with Nell and Trevor.

Of course, there was a cougar tail involved. 

and the National Anthem.

They had a great time and a WIN to remember.

On Saturday, Mary and I, and her friend Diana, spent the day junking around town ... here we are at TJ Maxx while waiting for Mary's Dog to be groomed.  Gotta wonder about the designer of this mushroom and pumpkin piece and their grasp of scale. 

I did like the spooky mingos, but not enough to give them a home. 

The Santa Merman not so much. 

and then there's this fusion piece, a Halloween Nutcracker guy. 

after Mary and Duncan were reunited we were able to do some real shopping.  These are Mary's favorite shops in the area.  I loved the Aubergine store, though I am not a fan of aubergines in general. 

Loved the concept of the Peter Peter Pumkin Eater House. 

I also thought these junk letters were fun, just wasn't motivated to spend 90 bucks to make them my own. 

and I was not the only one who was in the mood for Halloween. How cute was this couple to pose for me.  Love It!!

Dad's day was a little different than mine.  Trevor came down to help Dad out, and stopped for a short visit with our Ben.

He very helpfully brought along a load of wafer board for Dad, whose big vehicle was in California. 

Together they hoisted and attached the wood.

Dad so appreciated his help. 

And I appreciate Trevor sharing his pictures of the event. 

And it looks great, the wafer board matches the line of the original wafer board, Dad did a brilliant job.

Which averages out with the not so brilliant move when he was spreading the tarps to protect the new roof, after Trevor left and accidentally knocked over the ladder, leaving him stranded on the roof.  Fortunately, he had his phone, and a neighbor came to the rescue. 

On Sunday, Dad got to go up to Spencer and Brit's to watch the afternoon session of conference.

Here's the other guys.

While Mary, Duncan, Diana and I were off to the flea market at the Pasadena City College. 

Great paper mache mushroom made me think of my sister Julie, who once made a huge paper mache giraffe, using a stool for a base.  So clever. 

and there's always something new ... these figures are toothbrush holders.  It was a great sale and I managed to spend a bunch of bucks ... which in this case is a good thing.  It means I found a lot of things that had friendly enough prices that I can resale them.  

Since this week is 8 days long, due to my trip ending on Monday, I thought I'd share the post Dad did for the 49th anniversary of the day we met, October 2 1974.

Monday saw Mary and me saying goodbye to Diana, and thanking her for hosting a lovely weekend. 

Mary had always noticed the signs for the historic Harvy House near Barstow, so we followed the signs to find it.  The Restaurant-Hotels were established along the rail lines to provide good dining.  The first one was built in 1876, this one was built in 1911.  Harvey is credited with the creation of the first chain restaurant.  Mary had seen an old movie about the concept that starred Judy Garland, which had piqued her interest. 

We were surprised to find very little info about the Harvey Girls, and that the museum upstairs was a space museum. 

Space Dog!

That made us laugh. 

Here we are out front. 

We got to my house around 8.  It had been a great trip and now I have a lot of sorting and pricing to do. Wish me well, Flea.o.logy is this Saturday, so I have a deadline. 


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