Sunday, May 21, 2023

The Birds (Robins) and the Bees and Church Activities.

As it so often does, we started our week at Mosida.

Weirdly over the winter someone had put a barbed wire fence across the trail.  Elder Marvin is ready for anything and cuts the wire so we can continue on our trail ride.

Here we have the Gurrs and the Lathrops.

We stop and put up some signs.  The man in the white hat is one of our young elders, Elder Marrott.

Supervising the task.

We found a bunch of balloons out on the range, so LaVern ran and got them, and everyone sang happy birthday to us, as we both had birthdays last week.

Elders Marvin and Newman put up a couple of buffalo hides in 'Fort Seminoe', which at one time housed some of the rescuers who had stayed behind to guard the handcart pioneer's luggage, when they were rescued.  These rescuers ran out of food over the winter and were known to have boiled a buffalo hide that had been used as a rug, for the nutrition. The Marvins donated the two hides.

When we got to the men's call out the 2 porta-potties were down.

But not for long.

When we got home our sauna had come ... two months early ... well on time actually but they had projected two months extra when we ordered, which would have been perfect.

On Tuesday, Dad headed out to Mosida again ... I had taken the day off to take a ministering friend to lunch, and junking.  After our time together, I knew for sure that I had been prompted to do so.  Dad and the guys worked some more on putting up roof supports.  

When I got back, we dressed up and headed out to a hoedown in West Jordan. 

Elder Newman is calling.
It just happens that this crew is the one we will work with for the majority of the summer, mainly because every couple has someone who works at the temple on Thursday.  So, we will mostly be the Monday to Wednesday crew.

Perkins, Newmans and Marvin.

Here are the roof structures on Wednesday as Dad worked out there again.  He said he spent the whole day up on the scaffolding. 

Of course, I was at work that day, and Hannah's mom Pat came in with a friend.  She is so nice and it was so fun to get to visit.  She's a salt and pepper collector and even bought one set from me.  Of course, I gave her a tiny celluloid set that I thought was super fun, from the fifties, and I was so glad she appreciated it.

I had heard earlier in the week that my craft group friend Jann had passed away.  She originally had breast cancer but moved to her brain within a year of her surgery.  She was told it was terminal at that time, but she was given a maintenance dose of chemo, which kept her alive these last five years, for which I am so grateful.  She really is probably the kindest and most generous person I have ever met. This is a collage I made for social media.

After work we headed around the bottom of the lake to attend the Saratoga Springs Temple Open house, here was our shuttle driver.  Yep, it was his ward's day to serve as volunteers, so we made our appointment accordingly.

Here he is with Dad.

We hooked up with Robin and Jeff and his Mom at the chapel, and were able to do the tour with them.  Check out our crazy hair it was very windy.

We saw lots of rainbows, and cool clouds.

Jeff and Robin

Randy, Barb was still inside doing her part of the tour.

I just loved these clouds.

and this Robin too.

The view over the lake showing more puffy bun clouds.

They were fun to see as shapes of things too, like this little lamb.

This is our 64th temple, so just 36 more before we die, that's the plan anyway.

At work the next day Julie was teasing me about these pants, so I put on a jacket she has for sale, and which she has been trying to get me to buy and claimed they matched.

Yep, she wore it better. 

I did manage to work on the movement of my books to a booth that closer to the front.  There's still more of that though.

After I worked, and Dad served at the temple, he headed to call a Hoedown in Taylorsville.

I went to Relief Society, since I am on the committee, which was a good thing, because there were only 10 of us altogether.  We played Bunko, which was a first for me.  We played 3 tables and switched some but I play with Kathy and  Allison for a lot of the evening.

Here are some other ladies.

I didn't win, but I did get the biggest prize for rolling 2 bunkos in a row. 

I just loved this picture that Emily sent me of Abigail reading to Benny, evidently for a long time.

Above are pictures of Dad's work at Darby's on Friday and Saturday. He finished the back splashes in the kitchen and he completed the tub surround in the bathroom.

On Friday I met my sister Joyce for junking and lunch to belatedly celebrate my birthday.

After lunch I had a couple of errands before picking up Dad.  I went to this dollar store out west, to pick up my latest set of dishes that I had ordered on-line.  I plan to use them for a luncheon for the Busy Bees Craft group I belong to. 

I was a little frustrated when I found out that the next day was World Bee Day ... and me with the perfect dishes, but no time to plan a dinner.  

This cute mom was buying 17 balloons for her son's 17th birthday.  How clever is she?!

Then I headed to the Good Will Bins store to check out the books.  I thought it was funny that this little guy was crawling around in the bins.  I did find some decent table clothes as well.

Here's a picture of us with Darby when I went back to get Dad.

On Saturday I dropped Dad at Darby's again, and did some junking 
Mainly at the nearby DI, but I also ran over to my friend Robin's store, Robin's Roost which is just a couple of miles down Redwood Road from Darby's and look at this, I found no Robin at all and the Monkey's running the zoo.  Well, Kimi anyway ... my friend Denise was just there shopping.  I think this happens every time I go shopping at Robin's Roost. 
As part of her job Kimi is supposed to wear one of the Magnolia Pearl outfits ... doesn't she look adorable in these floral overalls?

I loved this MP pioneer blouse ... I'm playing with making something similar for Mosida. 

I also loved this charming duster-wrap .... adorable.

really charming clothing.

I then picked up Dad for the main event of the day, a Saltaire's Barbershop Chorus show.  It was a lot of fun ... and we found out that in the district competition last fall, that all three medal winning quartets came from this chorus.  Quite an accomplishment.

Sound Check took third.

Shoot the Moon took second place 

And Mischief took first place, as well as first place novice quartet.  They were just amazing.

This Sweet Addeline's quartet also sang.

Afterwards I got a picture of the winners with the biggest winner of all.

Their number one Fan helped me gather them for the picture and when I introduced myself afterwards, she said her name is Robin ... I said, "Of course it is ..."

On the way south, after the show, we stopped to get a bin of bottles that my friend Robin Brown had saved for me...  She is so nice and such a loyal friend for all of the 37 years we have known each other. It was knowing I was going to her house, after going to the other Robin's store, and having hung out at the temple with my main Robin, that made me reply to my newest 'friend' Robin in such a way ... yes, Dad is biding his time to rejoin the chorus. 

The last errand of the day was dropping off some merchandise at The Grove ... Jenn had a couple of original portraits in this display, and since I had bought the boy the day before, I brought it in and added it to the display. His name was probably Robin.  He looks like a boy Robin, don't you think?  The painting was done in 1960.

and not to forget others we love with unisex names, here's our Charley.

And in other Internet news this week, one of our favorite Missionaries, Sister Debiasi got married, after he waited for her on her mission then a two year engagement ... 

Such a beautiful wedding, but then they live in Italy.

and in other missionary news, it was a nice surprise at church this morning to see Marysa Otteson back from her mission in Peru.

at home again I took one more shot of my wisteria before they fade away. 

and speaking of vines, do you remember that last year the garden house was full of vines?  I thought this one had even more than we had ... how fun.

Then this evening we went by the Carter's home as has Karas graduated from school.  Karas has a severe case of autism, and her parents celebrated with an open house at their home. There were so many who came to help her celebrate.

I think her mom, Kiera, is very talented.  I loved her idea to have everyone to sign a poster of Karas.

I also loved this wallpapered wall in their house.

So that was our week.  We hope you made lots of memories too.


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