Sunday, March 27, 2022

The Week I Saw the Light

at the end of the tunnel...
Monday morning I noticed the bed pillows piled in the chair, as we do over night, every night and thought how pretty all the prints were together.  It occurred to me that it was probably the first time, since I had broken my arm a bit over three weeks before, that such a thought had blossomed in my mind.  I knew that I was getting past the hard part ... which was a good thing, because I was scheduled to work five days this week.  I had been accommodating to other dealers, who needed trades, as well as making one to pay back for my time off the week before.

At work that day, I cleared this area so I could do a red and white booth, as I had bought some items to that end.

I didn't get it done until Tuesday, but I was trying to take things slow.  I did find that by taking off my sling, part of the time, and letting my arm hang, that I was in pretty good shape at the end of the day.  I picked my pain, leaving it off until my arm hurt, then putting on until my should and neck hurt, and repeating the process.

Dad finally felt good enough to get the bead board on the ceiling in the library.

On Wednesday I redid my central seasonal display in pastels, and chalked this message on a chalkboard I have for sale. 

Dad picked me up after work, bringing Cafe Rio, saintly man that he is, and we drove to South Jordan for a stake Hoedown.  There were more than 300 kids there.  I didn't do much dancing, but Dad was great demonstrating the steps.

He makes such a handsome pioneer, don't you think?

In the middle of the week, Britt and Mike et al, had joined forces with Mike's folks in Moab for some hiking. 
Thursday Dad had his normal shift at the temple, then bached it at home in the evening while I attended book club.

Friday morning I was off to get back in the saddle.  I met Ann at the the Christensen farm for one lap around the track, that four weeks before had tripped me up.  It was just 3/4 of a mile, but it felt good to get back at it.

Friday was also Darby's birthday ....

and Dad's Uncle Leeman's death day.  We heard from his son Eric a couple of days later.  Now Aunt Karen is the last of her generation.  She and Dad plan to fly back to New Jersey for a memorial service in a couple of weeks.

I worked for the fifth time that week, something I never recall ever doing before, even though I have worked there for 23 years.   I had called another dealer to come in if I was too weary, but I never had to.  Dad went off to Mosida for a work day that day as well.

That night we met up with Britt's family and Darby for Chinese food to help celebrate her birthday.  This great classic Camaro, just a year off the one Dad owned, was in the parking lot!!  Happy memories.

It was fun to find out that Alex is not only taller than his Mom, but is now taller than his Aunt Darby as well.

Thank Heavens for Teenage long arm selfies.

It was a wonderful reunion.

On Saturday we were off to Mosida again to help conduct a training for leaders from several wards, and stakes who will be joining us during the season this year. Elders Andreason, Crump and Perkins, who all lived in Payson at one time.

Here I am with Sisters Andreason, Crump and Rice.

Dad thought it was fun to run into Steve and Steve, both of whom worked with him at Associated.  They live in the same ward, how fun is that?

Here we see a skit that four of the Sisters did, showing how different kinds of disregarding of guidelines can lead trekkers into trouble.
As we finish up Dad pulls one of the hand carts used in the demos back to the cart shed.
Today was Williams birthday.  Yeah William!!  And we all got together, but without him.

With Britt in town, and Covid numbers down, we had our first family party in six months, or longer.

Trevor  and Nell hosted and provided a smoked brisket and ham, as well as smoked cauliflower.

It was fun to be together again.

Briahnna helped me stack the kids in a traditional Perkins Pyramid.  So fun.  Our 3 eleven year olds took all the weight with smiles.

The cool teenagers hung out on the equally cool front porch.

I started noticing a lot of pink ....

Unfortunatey, it wasn't until after Becca and Brady had left to go to Brady's folks...

That Bri suggested a pink shoot.  I've included Grandma Connie's pink salad that Darby made, Nell found the umbrella for us!!

The purple shoot was somewhat smaller.

I took a picture of the portrait that Trevor and Nell had commissioned. I just love it!

Here they are with Van.

Here's Cam with the Britt that is not her Mom, I think she noticed,

Davin and Trevor and their brides got Darby a Tiramisu from her favorite restaurant .... so yummy! What a perfect birthday cake!

Its her favorite dessert, and close to the top for Dad and I as well.

There's definitely a story here, don't you think?

It was so fun to have Alex here, Eva often finds herself as the only teen.

I think the girls enjoyed their Charlie cousin too!

Eli and Lu

As we were leaving I saw Eli making this multimedia sidewalk art.  I love it!!

So that was our week as we got into our mission to a greater extent.  We're loving getting to know the other missionaries!!  Did we mention that the Andreasons used to have the Turkey Vultures in their trees (Just south of the Park) until about 12 years ago when they lost a couple of trees.  I told them they can have them back.  hahaha


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