Sunday, August 8, 2021

Oh What Do You Do in the Summer Time ...

Oh what do you do in the summer time, when all the sky is blue (Except for the smoke from the California fires)

Go to birthday parties?, and act like a smarty ?

 I know its hard to believe how the summer has flown by ... and this picture was taken by Dad when he went out to dinner with Spencer's family for Van's birthday on Monday night. 

Back at the house Cam examines Van's birthday gifts ....

They're surrounded.

3 years old!!

or go for a run ... and have lots of fun?

Becca's kids had thier final activity for their summer run club run by a gal in their neighborhood.  Wow what a lot of work, but I am sure it makes a lot of difference in all these children's fitness levels.  And the kids love it too.  I am guessing that the kids as a group ran a thousand miles this summer?
Or go to a Play Festival?

On Monday I left for Cedar City and the Shakespeare Festival there along with 7 other members of my book club.  This book club began in 1999 and I joined in 2000, what a lot of fun memories we all have.
Left to right: Ann, Sandy, Stephanie, Lillian, Suzanne, me, Heather and KD.

We had a flat on the way down, but Ann's 2020 model year car has all the bells and whistles, including an indicator that set off an alarm when her tire pressure dropped.  Would you believe that the next exit with a gas station, Cove Fort, would have a small mechanics shop attached?  The tire was replaced withing 15 minutes.  We had said a prayer before heading out, and felt very blessed.

Some of us ate our lunches at the pavilion, while it was being changed.

Here's Ann with Henry the fifth ....

and me with Hamlet quizzing the skull.

Here we are at dinner that night at a Thai place. Yum.

We had seen Pirates of Penzance for our first play, then enjoyed these fun pirates as they entertained us at the green show before heading to the new Shakespeare Globe style theater to see Pericles the Prince of Tyre.  Where pirates played a role as well.  I really like Pericles, and was surprised I had never heard of it before.  I guess there has always been a question about whether Shakespeare wrote it or not, as it was not in the first folio of his collected plays.  I guess now, the general thought, is that he collaborated with another author.  Still it was evidently his most popular play during his lifetime.

Tuesday morning  KD, Ann and I went our walking, then came back for breakfast before six of us headed to the nearby DI for a bit of shopping, while the other two went to  a yarn shop.  Here are KD, Heather, Ann, Lillian and Sandy sharing their finds as I finish up checking out.  I thought it was such a happy sight. I, believe it or not, was not the one who suggested the trip there.

Or see a display at a museum?

The college campus museum was sponsoring a corset exhibit, which we stopped and saw before finishing up by seeing Ragtime. I think we all expected a happy musical, rather than a period social commentary.  I guess I learned some things, but didn't really enjoy it much.

Do you cheer up old friends and try to help them?

Back at work for Wednesday and Thursday.  My friend Mike came in, he's lost so much hair with his chemo that he shaved his head, I told him that I needed his picture with Cole, since they are now sporting the same 'do' !  Cole is wearing a mask because his Mom, with whom he works at the other store on Wednesday, is immune compromised, and he's trying not to get her sick.  She is also masking. 

Dad went to Darby's on Wednesday, as he had on Monday, and then went to the temple on Thursday.

Or hike up a mountain so high?  Is that what you do? So do I!

On Friday Ann and I and Bonnie did a hike up by the reservoir in Spanish Fork.  You can see it behind Ann and I in the top right hand picture.

Oh what do you do in the summer time, when all the air is so hot?
Do you play in the water, as boards tettor totter, until you get dunked in the lake?
Is that what you do?  Goodness sake!

Here are pics of Britt's kids on their paddle boards.  Looks like they are having a lot of fun this summer.

Meanwhile back at my house, vines are overtaking the garden house.  I saw the door was open, and went back to close it and saw that a vine had come through the door, and was attached to the top of the wall on the inside, another vine had come thought the back, gone along the loft floor and was hanging in the middle of the space, another vine had come in through a back window ... it was like my little house was on its way back to being absorbed by nature.  I mostly laughed.

Dad went back to Darby's for the third time this week, here are some of the things he got done.  The hot pink stuff is a sealer used on the green board to prepare for tile ... it went on a pale pink, then dried to a hot pink. The by-fold doors are on a closet he built her in the bathroom.
Do you eat food outside, and meet friends besides?

Dad came back early from Darby's for the Salmon Super.  We met the Kews there, and were supposed to meet Joyce too.  I was a little worried when she didn't show up, but we still had fun, and I was pretty sure it was a mix up of some kind.  I wish I could just call her, instead of being limited to just leaving her messages.  She called the next day to say she had thought it was Saturday night, darn.  I had bought her a crown to wear for her birthday, and ended up wearing it myself.

In this collage, you see top left, Dad with the mayor, then Dad with the Fire Chief, then me with Payson Royalty, Next row is Dad with one of our missionaries Elder Kester. then me with one of our Treasures dealers, wearing Joyce's crown because I was tired of carrying it.

There were masses of people there.  I heard they had sold 4,000 tickets, and on line we saw a lot of unhappiness that they ran out of tickets.

Here I collaged my crowned self between the queens of the day.

Or go to sweet camps, and work out like champs, with your Dad who just makes you smile?
Is that what you do? Stay a while!!

Eleanor and her Dad had a lot of fun doing gymnastical games at a BYU  day camp.

Oh what does Van do in the summer time, when fruit hangs from the trees,
does he go to pick berries with his sweet Cam fairy,
and stop at Papa's and Mimi's? Is that what you do, as we see.

On Saturday, this brand new 3 year old came by to see us when his parents came to Payson for 'pick your own raspberries'.

We loved seeing them all.

Van always loves the duplo with wheels.

We're so glad they stopped by.

Oh what should you do in the summer time, when missionaries return,
you go there to see, how beloved they be,
and hug them and celebrate!  Is that what you do? Don't be late.

This morning, after our ward, we ran up to Kaysville to see Elder Charles Johnson at his homecoming.  The little lady is his Aunt, who is Finnish.  The missionary on the left is Oliver Harlow, and the one on the far right is Grace Gheen, she just got home this week, and we are looking forward to attending her homecoming next week, also in Kaysville,  She and Elder Johnson were both friends of Shirley and Doug's granddaughter Callie.

Elder Johnson's Aunt is checking out Dad's Finnish!!

Oh what do you do on a summer's eve, of a lazy summer's day?
Do you invite new friends, and to their needs tend,
Until everyone's full of smiles?  Is that what you do? Stay a while!

We got home in time to finish up preparations for dinner, where we fed two young couples in our ward.  The couple across from Scott have been a family we have been supposed to minister to, but who have been to busy to meet with us ... we finally made the connect, inviting another young couple for them to meet, and we had a wonderful time. 

We had West African peanut soup with Kale on brown rice, with some faux chicken that Rolle (Our basement renter) brought us back from Finland.  I have missed the stuff a lot.  I also made some pretty credible naan and raita.  Samantha on the right, made a delicious pecan layered dessert,  Of course there was a house tour involved, though young people aren't typically interested, these were, so that was fun.

Oh what do you do for its back to school, and the oldest is going away?
Is there one last hurrah, a great big ta da!  of making great memories?
Is that what you do? So should WE!

and look who else was having fun this week.  This is Britt and Mike's whole family in a rubber raft.  Britt says they all loved it.  Charlie wasn't such a fan three years ago, but now as an eight year old, she gets it.

We hope you are all enjoying the tail end of summer too. 


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