Monday, January 27, 2014

The Week in Which Dad Wrestled a Giant Sink!

Another week has past into memory ... so let me share the mundanities of our week.

On Monday I got to work, as I had traded with another dealer.  We had a good sales day, which is nice, Mondays are not always busy, but they go faster when they are. 
As I have mentioned before, I have been working a lot on my craft room, it seemed to have just filled up with craft stuff, and it got so I could hardly craft in there, not a good situation, of course.  I have worked in there parts of every day ... above you can see that sections of the room are starting to look tidy.

Beside working on my craft room on Tuesday, I also ran out to meet up with another antique dealer who wanted to show me some of her displays.  Since I am in charge of the blog for Treasures I always welcome these invitations, as it gives me fodder for another post.  In this case I did one on her house and displays for my Pollyanna blog, then cut and posted it into the Treasures blog with just a few adjustments in working, it felt like cheating. I didn't know her well, but we got better acquainted and visited for almost 2 hours.

I was off on Wednesday, after the traded day, so I worked more on my craft room, lots more, and spent a lot of the day reading my book club book which I had gotten in the mail just the day before, as book club was to be the next day!  I actually finished the book in the wee hours.

On Thursday it was back to work ... I took along the stuff to make this banner at work.  It worked out great and I was able to even take the pictures there to post on my blog for the next day.  I am still blogging on Pollyanna three times a week ... best 'scrapbook' ever ... I do enjoy it, I just need to print off more volumes ....

 After work on Thursday I had book club up in Elk Ridge.  This is the book we had read, which was pretty interesting. I would recommend it to you all. It was written by a Black Freeman who lived in New York in the mid 1800's.  He had been born to a freed slave and his wife.  Then at the age of 30, after an embargo on importing more blacks from Africa, he was kidnapped and sold into slavery.  It took him 12 years to regain his freedom.  An amazing story.   It is also a movie that just came out, and maybe I will have to impose on Randy to make me a PG-13 version of it when it comes out on video.

 On Friday I spent part of the day taking pictures and listing on my reclaimolgist site for sale ... This is one of the pictures I used.
 When I was done with that, Becca dropped by.  She was taking grandpa for a ride, and thought I might like to visit, which of course I did!! She asked me to come out, since getting grandpa in and out of the car is such a pain.

 I stood out there, the weather was so warm, and visited for almost a half an hour ... Grandpa kept saying  ... "Get in, or get out and close the door!"  funny, funny Grandpa.
Also, on Friday, with my craft room all clean ... I did the stenciling on the antique door header hanging about our bed.  I had bought it at flea.o.logy last weekend, and thought it would be perfect for a reminder for my 'one word' personal goal campaign this year ... of course my one word is 'gracious' but I thought the 'goodness gracious' was a bit whimsical and would fit the piece better.  Of course it was my Pollyanna post for today!!

On Saturday I was off to work ... we were super busy, but I still managed to do a bit of work on getting stuff out into booths.  I am still bringing back goodies left over from my flea.o.logy sale.  After work I ran home and Dad and I headed to Orem for the current Hale Center Theater play with the Heuers and Moes.  Of course we always love getting together with them!

Dad had spent the day wrassling in the huge 1930's farm sink I had bought last summer at Treasures.  He says he thinks it was 300 pounds, yikes.  He had Spencer help him muscle it into place, and it pretty much took the whole day ... guess we are off at a run on the remodel in the kitchen .... I can hardly wait.  He even scrubbed it up later, and I am excited to see what it will look like with the small black and white tiles he will add to the counter and splash!!

 On Sunday it was my turn to teach Sunday School, so I had pretty much been eating and breathing 'The Fall of Adam' all week.  Pretty interesting, actually, and I found out things I hadn't known, or had forgotten.

After church I did some visits while Dad did sacrament to the shut ins.  Fortunately Spencer and Brittney went to visit Grandpa at the care center.  They said he was up set and had been crying when they got there.  They stayed longer than normal and didn't leave until he was more his chipper self.  Dad and I are so grateful for all that all of you do to enrich Grandpa's life.
That night it was off to Salt Lake to have family dinner at Darby's house.

 It was great to have Hanna join us again ...
Spencer demonstrated the presentation he did at the UVU Entrepreneur contest, in which he took 2nd place and won $3000 to boost his Hatchet Eye Wear business!  Yeah Spencer!
 Ben had brought all the boys BYU sweat shirts, and is shown here with them ...
 You can see the shirts better in this picture ... oh, and those fingers behind belong to J. Scott.

... and Davin is always good for a laugh.  His family is in California visiting Briahnna's grandparents, so we missed seeing them.
... and then it was time to say good bye .. thanks Darby for hosting us all ... we love you!!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Winter Flea Week ...

Yep, that was some week.  Monday I added the pennant banner to my mantel, along with some cleaning, and getting into preparing stuff for the flea market Saturday.  That meant there were gathering boxes all over the house to trip on, and furniture in the process of being painted to dodge in the kitchen. Did I mention I have the most patient husband on the planet?

Dad and I watched us some British TV that night, as is becoming a norm for us.  I have decided that I need projects to do while we watch, so I have been blogging or doing price tags for the store ... that helps with the guilt of wasting time, LOL

Tuesday was more of the same, except that Dad did his temple shift in the evening, so I spent the evening working on projects and then reading.
On Wednesday, I took this painted sign with me to work and did the lettering there, along with my regular work stuff of pricing and putting things out.

On Thursday I worked on this project at work.  I seems that I gather small stuff all the time, mostly things that are hard to display, or which just build clutter when added to a display on a shelf.  Another dealer at the other building had done this with such items, so I gathered a bunch of them, and bought cellophane bags last week,  and then, before work, I made up the headers on card stock and put them together at work.  Pretty fun, actually, and then, since I was also gathering things from work to take to the sale, I decided to take these ... (I'd made about 40 of them, and sold 10 at flea.o.logy, which was actually pretty good for a one day sale ... now to find more tinees ...)

That night Dad and I gathered all the odd boxes, and painted projects, and goodies from the dining room table, and stuff the van with them, so I would be ready for set up the next day.
Then Friday it was time to do the set up at Olson's Garden Shoppe, I got up early that day and finished up some painting projects. Then it was off to the garden shop at 10 to welcome dealers as they set up.   You can see the rack of tinees on the right side of this photo ...

Heres a shot of another part of my display ...
That evening Dad showed up to help me, and Trevor and Nell came to set up for her.  Trevor actually took off and got dinner for Dad and me, which was so nice ...  I thought it was funny that the guys, above, including Fred Cox, were all wearing beanies, so I corralled them into a photo op.  :-)
I got to the Garden Shoppe at 7:00 AM  Saturday morning to supervise the dealers from Salt Lake who do the late set up ... then at 10:00 it was time to admit the shoppers, I really think it was our biggest start ever ...

Nell's friend Alicia came and did professional photos, here we see Nell sitting for her's.  We also had a  bistro truck from Cravings in American Fork, which everyone loved.
Nell's friend Liz also came and did face painting, which we see here demonstrated by Titan.  Briahnna and McKenna also came to support us, while Davin, evidently stayed home to work on his talk for church the next day. 

Here I am with a few flea.o.logy vendors, past and present ... Shanna, to the left is the leader of the Reclaimologist group I belong to, then peeking from behind is Kelli, a brilliant local artist, next is Christine, who heads up the Vintage Yardsale Utah group.  Both Shanna and Christine have around 9,000 local junking  followers, and I credit their advertising on their own sites as a big part of our success for this sale!

On Sunday, Dad was off to high council meeting, and then to speak in another ward, as it was the third Sunday, the missionary that was assigned to speak with him had a million excuses, so he took Steve Kew, who is always good to gab!

While I was at our Sacrament meeting with Spencer and Brit, he was speaking in both of the nursing home sacrament meetings, because their high council speaker had fallen through. Yeah Dad!

Next we were off to hear Davin speak in his new ward in Spanish Fork.  He and Bri had sick kids, so she stayed home and missed his amazing talk.  I told him he caused me to sin, because I was so proud of him.  His talk was like a general authority at conference.  So glad we got the invite!

On our way home we stopped to visit Grandpa at the nursing home.  After we had  been there about 15 minutes, Spencer and Brit stopped in ... too fun ... we all stayed about another half an hour, and it was pretty nice, Grandpa seemed to be happy to be part of the group, and Dad brought him jelly beans, and Spencer and Brit brought him chocolates, which he always likes.
In the afternoon while Brittney was gone visiting teaching, Spencer joined us, which was fun.  He had been looking at typewriters at flea.o.logy the day before, thinking it would be a nice tool for adding some personality to his invoices.  I had him get mine, the one I bought to use for crafting, and have yet to use ... he loved playing with it, and we were all trying to figure out how it worked.  Dad and I laughed when he asked where the enter key was ... so funny ... we showed him how to use the lever to 'return'...

Then Dad was off to a meeting, and Brit and Spencer made us dinner, which they brought up after Dad got home.  Its was this delicious faux tamale dish made with corn bread, and we loved it!!

So that was our week, sort of all geared toward flea.o.logy.  It was fun to see the kids that came to it, and we so appreciate their help and generosity all week. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Trevor turns 33, Reagan Almost Turns One and Davin donates Bone Marrow.

Yep we had a week with two birthdays ... well almost ... Trevor's birthday was Tuesday, and Reagan's is today, but we celebrated it this past week, but, then,  I am getting ahead of myself ... "who is the lady with the soup?" you ask?  Which takes us back to Monday ... Carolyn is serving up some of my creamed chili soup, a staple for us this winter.  We are at We Can at her house, and have spent the morning coloring ... best service project ever, and next month we get to make Valentines ... yep it keeps us young, maybe we could add recess?!

After a morning with oldsters, I got to spend the afternoon with youngsters ... namely Elias and Addie, above Addie sits on the stairs with her Jamma (Bri's Mom) and talks to her mom and dad on the phone.  They were in Denver as Davin was donating bone marrow.  Did you know that they prefer donors who are male and in their twenties?  Davin had sent in a mouth swab to a donor registry a couple of years ago and was a match with a man with an immune deficiency.  He flew to Denver with Bri and baby McKenna Sunday night, while Jamma watched these two, I took over about 1:30 on Monday afternoon and watched them until about 9 that night. Dad, meanwhile, was hosting our family home evening group on his own, what a trooper!

On Tuesday, Trevor's big day, I got some much needed housekeeping done before heading to Salt Lake to do some junking and check out a new Anthropologiesque store on 13th south, which means I got to drive by the haunted castle that was formerly 'Commercial Equipment'.  In fact when my Dad and his brothers built it ... Uncle Tenny is said to have put so much rebar in one of the cinderblock towers they joked that no one would ever be able to tear it down, and so far they are right!

Next I met Arlene at the Jordan River Temple for a session, with dinner afterwards.  Dad, of course, was working his shift at the Provo temple that evening.

Wednesday, before work, I hustled and took pics for another instasale that Reclaim_ologists had that day on Instagram. 

I then headed to work and worked on my 'flea.o.logy flea.bits' booth.  I was able to get this cubby filled with jars of goodies ... each jar has strip tear tags with prices on the sides ... I have been doing really well with sales from this booth, and have enjoyed searching out the little stuff...

Dad and I spent the evening reading in our rooms, which I always find relaxing and companionable.

On Thursday it was another work day for me, I put together this Valentines Display, as well as one in the store across the way. When I got home, Dad had made dinner, some really yummy chili, then that evening we watched an episode of 'Call the Midwife', which we enjoyed.

On Friday I met Chris Olson at her garden shoppe to see what space we had available for the upcoming flea.o.logy this weekend.  When I got home  I worked the rest of the day on my craft room, and though there is still much to be done, at least I can see some progress ... kind of tricky when you do so much with organizing little stuff, but it barely shows. 

After dinner we watched another episode of 'Call the Midwife'.

On Saturday I did my chores before heading into Provo where I checked out a store I have been following on Instagram ... loved their sign, and thought it would be a great place for Spencer and Brittney to sell hatchets.  I did some junking around Provo, went to Hobby Lobby and Target before meeting Dad in American Fork to drive up to Reagan's first birthday party in Highland.

I loved that someone brought a mustache that got passed around, and when I got this picture of Elias, I thought he looked like Omar Sharif.

Here are some fun shots of Reagan's party ...

Ben thought to bring a gift for Titan, so he wouldn't feel bad about his sister getting so many presents ... here Elias tries out the punching gloves on Uncle Trevor.  Becca said it was so weird to have all her brothers there and none of her sisters.
Don't you love how Brittney's socks match Spencer's sweater?

On Sunday Dad was off to his double sacrament meetings at the nursing homes, while I sat with Spencer and Brit at our meeting. Then I got to teach Sunday School, which I always love ...

After church Dad and I got our temple recommends renewed, then we picked up Spencer and Brit and went to see Grandpa ... who was playing at being shoeless Joe again, not sure why that happens ...

Grandpa seemed very happy during our visit and ate half box of candy we had brought him, with a bit of help from Spencer.

Then it was off to family pizza night at Trevor's ... who has become quite the gourmet ...  I said he's come a long way since his teens when he made Pizza every Sunday  for years .... he said it was just because back then I was providing ingredients ... hmmm, thats true.  The pizzas were great, and everyone seemed to enjoy them.
Don't you love the funny faces this trio presented me for this photo?  I do!

Of course cousin time is always the best, and Trevor showed us the slide show of 2013 he had made, which was super amazing!

When we got home Dad crashed ....

and I 'did' the mantel in the dining room for Valentines .... took pictures and went upstairs to blog .... Yawn ....