Monday, May 6, 2013

THe TalE of mR Tub & HoW hE FUfilLed HIs PoTentiaL!!

Once upon a time in the magical Kingdom of DandyLion ...

There lived a handsome prince and his father the king.  On the first day of this tale, the King and Prince found an orange and gungy tub hiding in the weeds in the near land of DeWitt.  Rescuing the tub they brought it back to the land of  DandyLion, where ...

they met with the prince's sister, who had intended to help in the rescue of the tub ... but alas arrived as the deed was done.  Fortunately the prince was able to play with his royal princess niece anyway.

The Queen of DandyLion spent the second day of the tale shopping for wedding clothing and decorations, because this was the week that the prince was to be wed to a beautiful princess from the land of Buffalo Bill in far off Wyoming!
The King spent much of the second day working on royal grocery decrees, quitting in time to have a peaceful evening in the beautiful round spired building in the nearby land of Provo, where he oft does other wordly work on this day each week.

  • On the third day, the queen of DandyLion took the King Father to his place of care, and was greeted by this colorful young jester!!  Then the Queen was required to labor in the land of the spring, where she spent much of the day making beautiful decorations for the upcoming wedding of the prince. 
When she arrived back in the land of DandyLion that night, she spent much effort in scrubbing and painting the beastly tub of orangeness.
The next day, was much the same, where the queen labored in the land of the Spring, making more and more and more decorations for the royal wedding, until so much glitter littered the store of antiques, that customers started to comment!
That evening the King and Queen, met with the prince and his betrothed, along with the royal parents of the bride from the far off land of Buffalo Bill.  They all met together in that beautiful round, castle like structure that is so filled with serenity and peace.
On the fifth day of our tale ... the princess and her baby princess came to visit. The baby princess was taught to entertain herself by the King with these wondrous, magical bubbles!
The King then found the time to find other enjoyable activities for the young princess to enjoy.
The it was back to work for the King.

For it was on this, the fifth day, that  the king and queen quit all other pursuits and loaded up both of their very large royal carriages with fine furnishings for the royal gala!  The Queen had finally completed the restoration work on Mr. Tub to his original dignity and the King and the Queen were able to load Mr. Tub into one of the carriages by themselves, which required the King to have a short rest, without the aid of his usual tuffet.
Then, happily, Mr Tub was installed in the lovely rustic structure in the Land of Lindon, where all the celebrants would soon meet. There were many other fine furnishings to be placed for the royal event, and many helpers from all over the vast lands between the land of Buffalo Bill and the Land of DandyLion.  These labors were performed in earnest and in time for the hard working royals to attend  yet another  celebration which required the attendance of the King and Queen.

Here we see some of the royal guest arriving at the event, including the Prince of Boise and the Princess of Canyon Rim. It was a celebration to honor the prince, and the ending of his single-dumb.  A royal baker, who also happens to be the Princess of Orem and a sister to the prince, honored him by preparing this perfectly royal confection on which she had labored long to show her love and adoration of the young prince.

Alas, on the sixth day of the the celebrated week, the royal guests began to gather for the celebration.

The fair princesses above, shown with three of the next generation of princesses, smile into the lovely sunshine that attended the royally proclaimed day of the wedding that would join together forever the lands of DandyLion and Buffalo Bill.  To the right we see a second generation prince, perfectly photo bombing the royals, at the hands of his unseen uncle the Prince of Bacholerhood.
 And here we see that Mr. Tub has achieved his royal vocation of holding all the royal festivity's beverages to be served to the royal guests from far lands, such as the Kingdom of Brittish Columbia, the Royal City of the High Land and the Nether region of Bountiful.

Royals gathered from afar, including, as shown in this picture with the young prince, the old school chum of the prince from the land of the mountain region of the Ridge of the Elk.  As you can see his far travels required him to carry luggage upon his person, but he knew the celebration was not to be missed!

 The many guests of the prince, felt great joy at the celebration, this junior royal celebrates by kissing her papa, the King of Texas.

The royal couple greeted many friends at the royal celebration, including the former President of the mission Vancouver, who was the ruling figure in the far off land where the prince was first enchanted by seeing the vision that was is princess of Buffalo Bill.
After the royal celebration was complete, and gifts were opened, and friends were bid farewell, the two royal families traveled the distance to the Temple of Draper, wherein the prince and princess would become a the rulers of the kingdom they will build together.  There to help them celebrate this wonderful day, were their dearest loved ones. Other loved ones greeted them in the lovely garden's surrounding  the edifice, where many pictures were taken to be kept forever in memoriam of the special day.  If one would like to see more of pictorial remembrances of this lovely day, they will be available for viewing in a future communication.
 As the royal couple, grasping hands, and happily waving to friends and family, departed for their honeymoon celebration, the guests scattered to other ventures.  For the King and Queen, it was necessary to attend to yet another wedding, of neighbors in the land of DandyLion. Shown above are some of the foods to be found at the party celebrating the wedding of Amie and Cody.
 After the party, the royal chauffeur, transports the King and Queen to the Land of the Spring, where they found food fit for feasting, which would ....
help a lovely young couple from the land of DandyLion to adopt a baby.  A good feeling was had by all!  Then after a night of rest, that felt much too short, the King and the Queen attended to their normal Sabbath routine the church of the Christmas colors,  sharing their testimonies about the events of the week, and their faith in their Heavenly Father.  Here the Queen is shown with a friend, who just happened to match the royal clothing, which is not at all forbidden in the land of DandyLion, but rather praised, as showing excellent taste among the subjects of the King and Queen.
The King finished out the day with many, many more meetings, as he is apt to attend on this day.  When he had finished the necessary meetings, he and the Queen drove to the far and Pleasant land of Grove, where they were to pick up one of the Royal carriages left there during the celebrations of the previous day.  Fortunately they were able to take the King Father, who unfortunately decided that he would not be removed, under any circumstance from the comfortable Royal coach in which he sat.  But fortunately, the Junior Prince Scott spent some time entertaining him in the royal coach, and the King and Queen got to visit with their son, the Eldest Prince and his charming bride, the Princess of a famous southern land.
It was a long week for the royals of DandyLion, and they wish to make a proclamation, thanking all of their royal friends, and family members for their help in preparing for and celebrating the marriage of the youngest prince of DandyLion!!
We wish you well! (and yes, that is the royal 'we' in case you were wondering!)


  1. The Royal We of Moeland forthwith deign to express our appreciation for the wonderful festivities of they prince's nuptials!

    1. Alas, we thanketh thee, for they kind attendence at the events of this week. The royals of Moeland made all more pleasurable. x0x0
