Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Kim Tells All About the Halls!

Zach has been picking out his own outfits.  Usually he will pick out jeans and a pajama top. Its kind of silly.

Today Ian had a fun school activity where they had to dress eighties, and so me, loving hair, did his hair.   I think it turned out awesome. :)

I am pretty excited because my second choir concert is tomorrow. I get to dress in my fancy dress.

The family is doing great.  We are getting the roof redone in a silvery-gray color, I hope it turns out nice :)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Grandmama and Grandpapa's Slow Week Ends with a Bang!

Yep that was us, not much happening around here.  Just recovering from our wonderful week in Hawaii.

Monday was President's day and I went into Treasures and reworked a display I am in charge of, while Dad stayed home and did 'Dad things' like reversing the door on my antique stove door (See Friday), he took his car in for an oil change, and fixed the sticky handle on the main floor bathroom toilet, thank you very much.
That night he couldn't sleep and stayed up all night reading the second volume of the LDS historical set of book we are both reading (Traitor by Sandra Grey)

On Tuesday the sleep deprived one worked a full shift and then did his shift at the temple, while I prayed he would not fall asleep driving home.

I was invited down to Emily's apartment where I got to hold Becky for one minute before the upper back pain started paining me.  She is so fun and can sit up now for quite a long time.  Emily also introduced me to the Colbert Report.  That was fun.

Wednesday I went into work and spent the better part of the day, when I wasn't clerking, tearing off wall paper from one of my booths while asking myself what I was thinking when I put it up in the first place.

Dad finished the Spanish Fork floor plan then he came home to read because he was so into the book. 

I had book club that night so I did not interfere with his reading, lucky for him.

On Thursday I worked agian, and being into booth renovation, pulled out a huge cupboard from one display that takes a ton of space wihtout creating a ton of display.  Its amazing how one move like that creates a chain reaction which kept me busy at work all day.

Dad went around to stores to finish up details from previous remodels. Then he took his Dad to dinner after having a chat with Uncle Kelly.  On his way home he learned that Richard Roderiquez, the father of one of his home teaching families, was in the hospital, so he found another priesthood holder and went by the hospital and gave him a priesthood blessing, staying for visit for more than an hour. (Richard thought he was having another heart attack, but it turned out to be bloodclots in his lungs .... he is out of the ICU now.)

While Dad was gone, I was busy reading the book he had just finished. (V2)

On Friday I got to work on the shadow  box I had been planning for the stove door and frame I got in a junk exchange last December, it took me about four hours, and then of course I blogged about it so that I could post it on  Tatertots and Jello a popular blog by a woman in Salt Lake.  BTW, the title of the blog post was a direct quote from Dad when I asked him how he like the finished project.

Dad took the van that day so he could pick up shelving for the Provo store.  We went to dinner at the Cafe Rio in Provo that night.

On Saturday Dad went food storage shopping and then rearranged the basement to make room for it all.  Meanwhile I picked up Robin who is also a member of JASNA (Jane Austen Society of North America) and we and other members attended the play Emma at the Pioneer Memorial Theater.   I love that theater, but didn't realize that they hire Broadway actors for most of the leads in their plays, then fill in with locals and U of U drama students.  I guess that's why their tickets are a bit spendy. (W learned this because we stayed for the discussion after the matinee.)

That night Dad and I hooked up with the Kews for dinner at a new Mexican place in Spanish and then a movie at their house.

Today we went to Trevor and Nell's for our bi-weekly family dinner.  We had tostadas and a pinata, a really fun evening.

This is Eva with the Pinata House her Dad made, to the right is Darby and her friend Phillip.
Spencer brought Seth, and both of them are sitting on Trevor's knees, is Trevor feeling the pain? Seth did a great job taking pictures for me too!

Spencer takes a shot at the pinata as the first of the adults and uses a blindfold.  Trevor had really over thought construction and had used duct tape under the pretty colored paper.  It took a long time to break, which just made for a lot more laughs.

All of the grand kids gave it their best shot, including baby Becky with the help of her parents.
In the end it took the maker to be the destroyer.  Candy was all over the floor, and the fact that the pinata took such a beating meant that a lot of the suckers were pulverized, leaving candy bits and empty sticks in the candy pile
The kids had a ball gathering the goodies, and Titan had such a good time hitting, watching or just looking at the thing, that Becca said she is definitely going to have a pinata for his next birthday party.

So that was our week, it started slow but ended with a bang!!

February with Trevor's Family (as detected by Grandmama)

Here's a cute picture of Nell with Eva and Scott that I stole from her facebook page, there are other cute ones as well if you would like to go and take a look.

I found this cute one on Trevor's FB page.  Looks like they went sledding to me.

Trevor and Nell took over for me and Dad answering phones at the KSL Primary Children's Radiothon.  We were in Hawaii, of course, but got to listen to the interactions between Trevor and the staff there who accused him of calling all his friends and family and extorting money from them.  Of course Dad called to make a donation from Hawaii as did Davin and Bri.  (Thanks Davin for knowing how to find the radio broadcast portions where we got to hear Trevor.)

I also found a funny story about Eva on Nell's FB page:
"It's never a good sign when you walk into a room and the 4 year old scrambles and yells, " there's nothing under that pillow!" Yup...pen on my couch."

Alex Gets and Gives a Hair Cut

I'm glad I caught him early on.. Kai never did this. Who knew safety scissors could cause this much naughtiness lol

Emily's Blog and How to Make a Thrifty California Roll

So Emily discovered Pinterest.  Everyone loves Pinterest, Nell is the one that introduced it to me, thanks Nell.  Its a great place to gather fabulous ideas.  You can file things you want to find later by category and by picture, super easy and logical.
Of course Emily's take on it is a little different. When we told her about how its a great resource, she thought of a way to help others, namely those who love sushi but live on a restricted income ...  lucky them
She posted on her blog a detailed description, with pictures, making these delicious, nutritious and thrifty California rolls made for $1.00 each. 
Here is a picture from her blog.  Go take a look at her blog  for details.

Titan and the Dinosaurs

This is a blog entry I  'borrow' from Becca and Brady's Blog

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Titan and the Dinosaurs

The other week we went to the dinosaur museum at Thanksgiving Point! It was a blast he has been before but he is now starting to get into all of the attractions.
Here Titan is with his cousins Brooklynn and Alyssa, I think they look like they could be siblings.
Titan and I playing in the sand. We ask him to smile and he squints his eyes for the flash.
Just relaxing…

Saturday, February 25, 2012


This past SundayIMG_9482[1] was the first time it snowed and stayed on the ground long enough for Titan and me to play in the snow.

IMG_9484[1]IMG_9487[1]IMG_9504[1]IMG_9505[1]Had enough for today!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Family Trip 2012 Hawaii!

Once upon a time part of the Perkins family went to a magical place on vacation in the middle of February.

On their way they met interesting people, like Micheal Ballam.

And this nice young man at the airport in San Fransisco.

They took along one of their trio of one year olds in the family, who was a major contributor to the  entertainment of all.

Davin and Bri call his sunglasses 'cool dudes' which was a lot of fun.  He is shown here in some borrowed 'cool dudes', he tried on any pair he could get his hands on, and they didn't always end up over his eyes .... just more entertainment for us all.

When they got to the magical island, they found their castle on the north shore, and had the whole top floor for themselves!

The Perkins Family Patriarch got right to it, setting up his lap top to keep them all connected during their time away.

Soon it was time to go off to the beach, this time a turtle preserve.
The next day they took a hike.

That night it was off to a local pizza place for dinner.
Another hike took them to a water fall with jump off spots for cliff diving.  Its probably a good thing that their poor mother didn't make it all the way and didn't have to watch them jump ....

The Polynesian Cultural Center was the place to celebrate Valentine's Day!

Their girls were chosen from the audience to participate in a native dance.

Ben was chosen to start a fire by rubbing sticks, and then he danced, danced, danced.

Of course authentic tats were in order for all the boys. (Darby got one on her ankle too!)

Yep that's all those Perks in the magical land of Hawaii at the PCC.

 Another day at the beach, this time at the famous Hanauma Bay nature preserve where they all had some lovely snorkeling, and saw the largest fish of any of their snorkeling outings.  They found out why later.

Then on Friday these four had a chance to go to the temple, while Darby and Ben watched the youngest member of their group.
Last of all it was lunch with adorable Princess Kylie, a family friend who is attending BYU-Hawaii.  She told us that she and her friends go snorkeling and spearfishing.  (They use a spear gun). As a nature preserve, Hanauma Bay is off limits for this activity which explains why they have bigger fish there!  (Those BYU-A-Hites eat them too!)

So that was their wonderful week in Hawaii.  I hear that next year the gathering spot will be in Yellowstone, so maybe they can get a few more family members to join in the fun. And fun it is whenever the Perkins gather.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Summers Winter day

Brady's work is wonderful, he was nominated for a free ski day from work and he got to take one person with him. The lucky girl was me.

We dropped Titan off at my in-laws for the day and drove up to Park City. We barrowed snowboards from Brady brother. The pass was for The Canyons' Resort. The free ski day included valet parking, free breakfast and 2 hour snow boarding lesson.

canyons ski

We hit the slope and I spent more time on my butt than anything. Then we had the lesson in the afternoon and I think I did much better after that. It was a blast and I see why people like to do it, but with the price tag I think I’ll keep it down to once a year.


Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Doubled Up Coincidence!

So today was an amazing day at the antique mall.  Besides the fact that I had two really good friends drop by to shop and work, my husband's cousin Karen also came in on an errand.

As it turns out, she and her husband, for one of their only visits to the antique mall Saturday, ran across this portrait.  The woman looked familiar and it bugged her all weekend.  It finally struck her that it was an ancestor, of hers (and my husband, Scott's).  She brought in a picture of this several generations removed great grandmother Elizabeth Partidge Tillotson Whiting, and we compared them and concluded the following.

Background: In the late 1800's cabinet cards were common.  They were those photographs that came on a cardboard back board with the photographers advertising info on them.  So people who wanted larger portraits to hang would take their cabinet cards to a charcoal artist who would do a rendering from the picture.  It is my opinion that these are two charcoal drawings by two different charcoal artists of the same cabinet card. Notice that the dress collar, scarf inside the dress collar and the bar pin across the button placket are all the same. The artist on the left (the photo in the book that Karen owns) was clearly the better artist and included the details of her neck rather than just drawing her clothing to her chin, but I feel confident that they are from the same cabinet card. So honestly what are the chances that Karen would find an 'original' ancestral portrait at a local antique store.  Pretty cool eh?  And furthermore, what are the chances that I would be working the same day that she came in to buy it?