But remember it is the kind of babysitting where there are no babies, and the kind of Barbershop where there are no haircuts.
Welcome to the Summers Kid Care Air B and B. Reagan did a cute job of welcoming us to stay. She folded the towels as hearts and placed them on the bed. She made rooms signs for the guest room and bathroom. She cleared a drawer for our use in the bathroom too. We felt the love.
She did some entertaining as well.
Dad found this picture looking toward Big Cottonwood Canyon in the early 50's, he said it was taken from where the Dan's 70th store is now. Can you see where the road goes up Butler hill? Our first house was built on top of Butler hill in 1959.
We spent the day at home with the kids. Reagan did lots of gymnastics stuff for fun. Lots of screens were involved, then we all went to Macey's to get stuff to make dinner. Reagan got to choose her favorite, which was hamburgers.
After dinner these fake landowners played Monopoly with Dad. That was pretty entertaining too.
On Tuesday Dad took the kids to school, and then while I was in Tooele he went to Walmart to get a new watch and ran into our Finnish friend Stina.
What's really fun is that she painted this picture of our house and brought it over to Dad on Friday at Becca's house, since we were 'in the neighborhood'. How sweet is that?
Meanwhile I was hanging out in Tooele. After a visit with Joyce and picking up some copper stuff to sell for her, I ran over to visit Todd and his girlfriend, to deliver a check from the sale of his mother's estate stuff. Her name in Geniel, which she pronounces Janell. It was nice to meet up.
That night we took the younger kids to Applebee's as we had to go to Payson to get the van for Dad, as he had to pick up stuff for his Barbershop Chorus sponsoring of Youth Harmony Days, that would be Saturday.
After dinner I got to ride my exercise bike at the house while Dad got his stuff together, and the kids played with the Legos.
I got to see lots of tumbling on the bed and visiting with the kids too, mainly Reagan, but Titan was a pretty good sport and came in for a few tumbles himself. He was hilarious. They made the bed up neatly afterward, and I was very impressed.
Upside down again.
At work on Wednesday, I got Joyce's stuff priced and set out in my 'Frenchy' booth.
On Thursday I set out my St Patrick's Day decor.
Here is more of that.
Also, these gals came in who were looking for buttons to make into jewelry, they sat on the floor for an hour sorting though the small aquarium full that I have for sale. They were having too much fun.
Mary came in to pick up her layaway, including the arrow that used to be in the family room here.
On Friday I got some of the stock I'd bought on our trip to do Julie's estate, last October, out of the van, and priced it at the Summer's house. Then I was off for a few hours to restock at The Grove ... this cute cottage pitcher fit perfectly with a cottage plate that was already there.
I also redid this little picture grouping, to cover the two pictures that sold out of it after I set it up a week before. It's kind of funny to note, that the next day, I sold two of the pictures out of the reformed grouping. I definitely need to work on framing some more little pictures.
I had three pitchers in the stuff from the trip, and there were two more pitchers already at the store.
As well as this bowl and pitcher set, and the two demi cups and saucers shown here.
It was fun to see Becca and Britt at the conference in Las Vegas too. Brady was there as well, not sure why we don't have a picture of him.
Becca and Brady got home Friday afternoon, and we headed home. We did the regular stuff we hadn't done in a while.
On Saturday Dad was off early to get ready for the big event. Here he is with Henry Curtis picking up the pizzas.
There were about 250 kids who participated, here are the boys.
and here are the girls.
Here is the combined group from as far away as Clearfield and Payson. The event was held at Murray Highschool in Salt Lake.
Dad had me work at the box office, so I got to meet a couple of other wives, which is always fun.
This quartet from Sweet Adelines was there and helped the girls.
These are the sections leaders from the chorus who worked with the boys.
Dad did all the running around and purchasing for the event, with a little help from me.
At church today we talked about the restoration of the priesthood, and what happened here on the Susquehanna River in May of 1829. Our Primary President is encouraging the teachers to use personal experiences and testimonies, so we shared this.
Here are Trevor and Spencer on the trip where he baptized his little brother in the Susquehanna River.
We showed them the pictures in our scrapbook, boy is that thing heavy to tote around.
Here Dad shows them a video of the event.
So that was our sort of unusual week. We hope you all had a good one too, and that you got to spend time with those you love most.
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