Sunday, July 14, 2024

Pairing Pictures

This long-planned event, all of us dressed in regency finery, came to fruition on Monday night.

And this picture, one of a pair of a pair of pictures, shows the founder of the celebration. Robin started lobbying for an Austen Formal Night, back in the spring. 

It was a happy coincidence that Robin and I bought similar dresses, giving us very balanced pictures. 

How cute are we? We got a lot of comments, in fact as we were all visiting together in one of the open areas, a lady came up to us and asked if we were doing an Austen Play.  

This picture pair shows what happened when Robin's purse chain caught in the lace of her sleeve. 
Here Jeff and a porter work on the problem, each freeing one place that was entangled. 

I managed to unlink a third spot. 

This pair of pictures shows a gentleman who happened to wear the same period of clothing.

With a closeup of medals that he has won in his real life.

This pair of photos were taken by Jeff and Randy. This is the helicopter that came on the night of the formal evening when we dressed in Regency attire.  A man had a heart attack during lunch, and they worked on him for a long time there.  Some passengers were sure he had passed away.  But later the ship turned back towards Halifax and the helicopter picked him up.  At last report, he was out of surgery and was awake. 

Here we see the path the ship took when it turned around.  Later the Captain told us it had cost $80,000 for the fuel for that little detour, which is not surprising as the ship actually move 60 feet per gallon.
And while we are reveling in Regency period, here are a couple of pictures of Austen shirts that Robin wore this week. 

Pretty fun stuff, eh?

There were two antique stores, but only one picture ... sorry.  At this one the owner informed us that his business is for sale ... he also said the other store in town was for sale as well.  I'm thinking it's not a great town for antique store success.

This pair of pictures shows the two items I bought at the first antique store of the day. This is an antique hand painted butter dish ...

and this is a moose cut out of an oil drum.  How cool is this!? So, being a green moose he'll be perfect for my Scottish Lodge decor in the Carriage House, don't you think?

Between two antique stores, we stopped at a small mall, and while we were inside, it started to rain hard.  I went back into the store and bought these rain covers ....

This pair of pictures shows our stylin' selves as we walk out, after the rain stopped.  Yep, that's what happened. 
Here's a pair of fun pictures from the second antique store. First there is this fun musical instrument ...

and this is the hilarious price tag.

Also in that store, I met a couple of carved wooden guys, this pair of pictures are of a viking ...

And a fisherman in rain gear.

The next day the ship stopped for a visit to St. Anthony's.  Dad and I skipped the tour, and walked from the port ...

This pair of pictures shows wildflowers in St. Anthony's, just a hop up the coast from Corner Brook. 

Really pretty and everywhere along the roadways.

This pair of pictures shows us with a Viking we met as we finished up our walking tour and headed back to the ship. 

How fun is that?
I had bought these stickers at the mall in Cornerbrook the day before. When I brought some to share with Robin, Barb noticed how they matched my dress.

I placed the stickers under my lanyard against my dress, and  it's not even noticeable in this picture. 
While playing games in the buffet area after lunch, this gentleman, came by and greeted us ... Barb asked what his job was on the ship...
Before Marco could answer, Randy saved the day by telling us all he was the Captain! In her defense he was not in full regalia and seemed very young, and we were all counting stripes.

I noticed all the pennants across the three-story atrium located in the middle of the ship on Thursday, and knew we were getting ready for the big celebration of the 21st birthday of the Island Princess' creation. 

To finish up the pairing, here is another view.

The subject of this pair of pictures is birthday cake ... above are the cakes for the passengers ...

And the big cake just for show.  Its 3 feet long ....

This pair of pictures represents the pop choir that Dad and Jeff participated in on Thursday.

This guy, Noah, was their director.  He is also one of the ship dancers.
This pair of pictures are visuals for the English retired schoolteacher who is lecturing on history.  She started it Genghis Khan... but this lecture was about the Empress Carlotta and Maximillian.  I always wondered about them in Mexican history, who knew it was Napolean III who started the trouble. 

And here they are ... he ended up executed, and she supposedly went mad. 

This pair is us with entertainment staff.  Of course I would choose the historian, Jackie Morgan, whom I just cited ...

And here is Dad with the entertainer Naathan Phan, sort of, that we both enjoyed.

His show was Dad's favorite so far ... seen below Naathan is shown in the balloon he managed to pull up over himself during a magic trick.

On Sunday we went into Nuuk, the capitol of Greenland.  Our tour guide was Inuit, as are half of the population of 57,000.  She even has a strain of German that is from the 1800's.

 These two pictures are a pair because on the hill is a statue of the Norwegian Missionary who established the church, in the late 1700's.  Dad was the only one to climb the fairly high rocky hill. 

 I am in front of the church that the Norwegian missionary established here.  None of the people here in Greenland are indigenous, as the Inuit came in the late 1600s, from upper Canada.

We loved the colorful houses.  Because the houses have to stay painted to seal them from the weather, they decided to use fun colors as it is all white with snow for the majority of the year.  Dad even noticed snow on the ground as we came into harbor, in the middle of July. 
This pair of pictures shows the difference between the suburbs, and apartment areas of the city of 19,000. (The same as Payson)

Here's a pair of pictures of us ....

and us with Modern Sculpture.

In this pair pictures we see houses along the shore ... I loved the yellow one up top.

Right down to the decorative fence ... sort of Up Houseish! When I told Jeff I liked it, he said, "It must have been built by a very wise man "... Hahaha, well, if so there are no foolish men in this country as all houses are built on rock, and there is no sand, other than what we saw at the sand and gravel pit on our bus tour.

Here's a pair of pictures of the Inuit traditional clothes shown in the museum.

Very interesting and mixed looking, influenced by various other cultures, the top is beaded, the bottoms have lace and colorful embroidery on black . Which proves, girls just want to craft, it's innate.

These two pictures are groups of people saving their images of self for the future, the first is Inuit carvings of themselves,

and to contrast, a more modern grouping with their technology for reproducing themselves for posterity.

A pair of pictures of people (Jeff) taking pictures of an iceberg in the harbor. This is the phone-binocular method.

This is Barb trying a selfie, in which one can barely see the iceberg.

This pair of pictures shows icebergs, the first is when we came into the harbor ... soooo blue.

and this one, with a speed boat for scale, that Barb and Jeff were photographing. 

These two pictures are paired due to the mushrooms they have in common.  This is a card in a game that was made by an innovative Utahn based on the card game 'Golf'. It's called Gnoming Around" We've played it a few times and found it fun.

This is the happifying (a word used by Glenda in "wicked') pair of socks that the Heuers and Moes went together and bought for me at the Nuuk Mall.  I was really hurting that day, and was mostly looking for places to sit, yep, my arthritis is alive and well.  Thanks, you guys are the best!
This pair of pictures shows me seeking seating to relieve my swollen joints during the week. The rock had the perfect divot for seating.
This is me, 'not standing in line' for the tender.  Thanks honey.

This pair of pictures includes other transportation we took this week.

Yep that's our ship in the harbor at Nuuk.

This pair of flags represent the two countries we visited this week. I love the Greenland flag .... but shouldn't it be green?

And this one is always a favorite.

Here's a couple of shots of life preservers.

The sunset was prettier than I could capture.

This pair is about flowers. In Corner Brook, earlier in the week, I found these daisies that matched my top, they reminded me of the day we took family pictures ...

And sweet Cam found the same flowers that also matched her dress that day.  It's true, some of us never grow up, and I hope Cam keeps her spirit of discovery too.

These last two pictures address game playing ... The game above is called Las Vegas, and the irregular shaped card with the dice on them represent Casinos .... yes they do.  Fun game, with no actual gambling.

And here is the Princess Casino, our next-door neighbor.  If you can see the man in the hall behind Dad, he is going into a room about two doors down from our room, which is first in the hall.  Luckily, (Get it? Gambling?) we can't hear the Casino at all.

Well, as we are 'Gnoming' around the world, we hope that you all are having fun as well.  We hope you all enjoyed your recent and upcoming trips.  We love you!

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