Sunday, June 9, 2024

Our Broken Papa Sings

A slow week for us, but with enough to keep us busy.  I got these three hat stands at the Payson Antiques Estate sale a couple of weeks ago, and finally got around to putting them out into the mad hatter's garden party house. 

CJ Waite finally got down to us on his list... Yeah! He laid the pipe here, joining this drain to the main drain., on Monday.
Did plumbing for the shower.
and hooked up the sewer pump, that we had to have because a contractor 25 years ago, failed to hook this drain to the plumbing, even though he signed papers saying he had, and got paid for doing so.  Now I'll have this pretty reminder forever of his lack of integrity, not to mention what its cost. 
On Tuesday I went walking, as usual, with Tina and we showed up in matching black and white.

So I really laughed when I got to work, and Gretchen was also searing black and white. 

I'd collected a few items of this fun dark blue green and gathered them onto a single shelf, which is one of my favorite things about selling antiques. 

Davin and Bri came over to trim up the yard after I got home.  I tried to work with them for a bit, but I honestly was exhausted from a day of work.  I don't have the stamina I used to have. 

Bri had come over with a couple of the kids to mow earlier, but we have been terrible at keeping the grass trimmed back from walks, among other yard upkeep issues.  It looks better now than it has in quite a while, if ever.  Neither Dad nor I came from yard work kind of families, but Bri evidently did.  We were so grateful. 

At work on Wednesday, yep I worked a three day week, as I am doing trades to cover my cruising time this summer.  This lady bought this lovely old copper mold, one that I'd have bought 3 months ago if it had been 25 rather than 35, she evidently had the same qualm, but overcame it.  The funny thing is that the other things she collects at the moment is majolica, which is also my only other active collection. 

Saw a vid of Charlie doing some cookie baking, and thought I'd add this screen shot.  She looks so very grown up, poor Britty doesn't have a baby anymore.  (I didn't even recognize Charlie at the beginning of the video, thinking it was some random adult baker, go check it out on Britt's Insta account.)

Thursday morning and Dad's all ready to go back to the temple.  He had to dress in his whites at home, since he, at the time could not put on his sling without help.

With an upcoming antique garage sale here with my friend Nikki, I took this picture, posting it and telling people to come see my lovely roses.  This bush has gone crazy this year, its a climber but we need to get it wired better to the arch here. Later you will see what posting this picture inspired my friend to do. 

On Thursday, Craig, who lives a couple of houses away from Hannah's folks in Springivlle, brought in this picture of a car towing a water skier.  It made me laugh, because it reminds me of the home movie of my family hanging out at the shop on 13th south, after it was turned into a river during the flooding of 1952.

I also opened a package of three doilies I had bought at DI, all nicely ironed, and found my friend Trish Otis' tag on one of the doilies.  That is the number she and I shared when we moved into Flamingo Road in 1996, and again when we moved into Treasures in 1998.  She passed away after a fight with breast cancer some years ago, it was definitely a blast from the past.  She used to cut up florescent recipe cards for price tags. 

I brought in this sweet cupboard, that I have been moving things around to make room for.  I also planned to put in a collected set of beautiful ironstone pitchers, that I had gotten from the Payson Antiques Estate sale, a few weeks back. But my friend Mary came in and bought 10 of the 12 in the set.  Alas, how can I feel bad?  It was just too busy to even put them in the cupboard for a picture.

Ashley posted this picture that had popped up on the anniversary of their fire. I don't remember ever seeing it and thought it is almost artistic. 

From other online postings, I grabbed this one of my baby brother and his in-laws who are evidently cruising around the world, or something.  Of course this is the Penny Lane that comes up in the Beatles song of the same name.

Here's a boy with a day off on Friday.  I think the extra sleep is to help with the healing.  He says he's coming along, his heavy pain pills having run out the day before.  Go Dad.

Good morning garage sale Day.  My friend Nikki came at 6 A.M., and Dad was able to help me carry out the two banquet tables from the Carriage House. After that I was on my own.  I guess I don't realize how much thanks I owe him for how much he helps me with my sales, but I certainly realized it that day.

Another shot of the goods.  Need a antique turkey platter?  It has some back chips, but it you want it let me know. 

Dad took off for a funeral for a fellow Finnish missionary he served with in Finland. His name is Greg Black.

He ran into David Straight who he served with, and his wife. as well as their Mission Mom Faye Wade. 

Meanwhile, back at the sale, my friend Linda Priest brought a few things to sell.  She is shown here doing handwork on a paper pieced Grandmother's flower garden quilt hanging.  This type of quilt was never stuffed, and sometimes not backed, and never washed, as the paper held it in shape.  I found an antique one similar to this that had been made during the Civil War (fabric pattern archives.)

She was happy because she sold this airplane pedal car to this young man's grandmother. 

My friend Kimmy came by at the end of the sale, to surprise me, and brought her cute grandson Grant, who wanted to sit by 'the grandpa' while she and I walked around.  

I had commissioned a tiny sailboat for my mini gallery, and she surprised me with this portrait of the house, that I had posted a photo of, earlier in the week.  How fun is that? The smaller is an inch and a half.

And this is how my gallery is coming along. 

After she left I got a bit of nature's artwork on my foot.  

After the sale, I still had cleanup to do, so was unable to go with Dad for his hour of singing with his chorus at Oremfest, of course he always loves singing, but it was so hot. 

At church today, Dad got to sing with 6 other men in sacrament meeting, they sang Brightly Beams Our Father's Mercy.  It was great with all the male voices, I'm just not sure what to call it, a Male Septet?

And speaking of natural art, Dave and Bri's family went on a short hike up by American Fork canyon in Alpine.  How beautiful are these Iris?

But Poppies were what they went seeking.  So beautiful

Nenna and Eli

A perfect portrait. 

So that was out week, we hope yours was far more interesting, but we have been somewhat subdued by the fact that the air conditioning on the top two floors is unhooked.  It has to wait, after having been moved, until we have the stucco on the Carriage House.  Dang we've been grumpy with each other. 


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