Sunday, February 27, 2022

Tutu Tuesday and other Memorable Days

This week we started out with Monarch Monday, also known as Presidents Day.  since we were watching Trevor and Nell's kids, we had a Patriotic dinner I brought the table settings from home. 

I took the younger girls with me to shop at DI.  I have a picture like this of Eva when she went junking with me at a similar age.

The girls put together a dinosaur puzzle set I wanted to get for Ben ... it was all there.

Dad went to donate platelets with Ashley.

After grocery shopping for dinner, Eleanor made cakes for her and Penny to decorate.

Penny's is on top, Eleanor's on bottom.

Here is mine  We all entered them in Aunt Becca's cake decorating contest. 

J. Scott had a mishap picking up Eva that afternoon, so he and Dad had some bonding time.
Eleanor made everything for dinner  what a great cook.

The next day was Tutu 2.22.22 Tuesday.  I loved this Tutu picture Brittany put out for the occasion.

It was a snowy day and Penny went out to play in it with neighbor kids.

they even made a snowman. 

then we played Candyland later,  our playing pieces hi-fived.

this was an accidental shot,  look how well I match the decor.

I left early to set up a display at Relief Society that night.

Here are two sisters I'm getting to know in the ward.

Then on Willie Wednesday we got to go out to Mosida for our first mission training, as we work to reenact the treks of the Willie and Martin Handcart companies.  
 Here we work on our hoedown moves.

Dad found a third cousin  

Here we are with the Crumps.

That night we went to dinner and to see Bright Star with the Shumways.

I worked on Tender Tale Thursday.  I had this 1800s wall trellis and found this way to display it.

Our tender tale was discussed at book club that night.  It was the love story of C S Lewis and his wife and was called Becoming Mrs. Lewis.  My friend KD went all out on refreshments.

Everyone loved it.

On Fracture Friday Ann and I had planned to walk before attending Trish Otis' funeral.  It had snowed slightly, but the trail was dry, except for a foot in diameter frozen puddle.  I  slipped on it falling backward, hitting my head and landing hard on my left elbow.  The severe pain in my left shoulder made me think I had dislocated it  Ann drove me home in our car so I wouldn't have to change cars,then went in to watch Davin and Bri's kids while Dad took me to the Spanish Fork Hospital.  Above I am shown having my top cut off  After X-rays showed it was an upper arm fracture, and we had an appointment with a surgeon, just in case, we went to relieve the Kews who had come over to watch the kids.  Evidently they can't cast upper arms.  I felt bad about missing Trish's funeral, but it couldn't be helped.

We had fun visiting with the grands when we  got back.  Ann had made them blueberry pancakes for breakfast.
 Dad took them grocery shopping, then took them to Cafe Rio to get everyone a late lunch and ran into Tanner Ricks. He was in our ward in Orem. Then he ran them Aunt Becca's, where I'm sure they had more fun  

I got phone calls from several of the kids, which was nice, this is a face time screen shot from 

The Kews surprised us by bringing dinner, Sushi!
They stayed a couple of hours and since my pain
meds kept me comfy, it was a very pleasant surprise.

On Sit Around Saturday, I had thought I'd get to read with all my chair time. But the pain meds made me foggy, so I was mostly on line.  It was fun to see that the gal I bought the organ shelf from a couple of weeks ago. had come into the mall and bought this burlap horse from me that I had brought home from Texas,

Dad brought in the mail because the box was so full mail was hanging out.

that night we watched South Pacific where we thought of Bri and her brother who played the darling kids in a local high school play!

Our two realtors were at a conference much of the week in Florida and we got to talk to them.

and this is pretty much me right now  

We watched the Helsinki English speaking ward, though Dad went to our ward too, on Sweet Spirit Sunday    It was my first time to see Ephraims Rescue, and it was wonderful.  

Now Dad's gone off to our first fireside, alone, darn it.  He went to the Santaquin East Stake and when the stake president asked the kids to scan for relatives around me, he found 17 pages of relatives including 6 4th Cousins. I am feeling better everyday and expect to be able to go to our training on Wednesday.  I hope this week has found you well.


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