Sunday, September 19, 2021

Garage Sales and Pumpkin Shells and Bumper Shoots all in a Row.

Another wonderful week goes down in our history book.  On Monday we made arrangements to go to SLC to watch Spencer's kids, so, since we were already spending the money to make the trip, we decided to have Dad spend the day at Darby's which meant I got to spent the first part of the day junking.  When I was on my way down Redwood Road to pick up Dad from Darby's I saw this yard filled with skeletons, including a huge one who is as tall as the house.

Then we got to have lots of fun with two of our younger grands.  It was fun to get to know Cam better, I really think she was just fine to be left with us.

Van and I had fun putting together this wooden track.

Cam had fun with books.  We read her several.

After dinner we took Bear for a walk.
On Tuesday I hiked with Ann, then took her to the airport so she could have a fun few days with college roommates. Of course I spent some more time junking.  Coincidentally, that day, Dad used a hiking picture of Elias for his facebook post wishing him a happy 11th birthday.

When I got home I put up this sign and decided to use my clown for an attention getter instead of running to the dollar store for a balloon.

On Wednesday, Dad posted this collage of Bekie for her 10th birthday.  I headed off to work and got a lot done, both pricing, and boxed up things for my up coming yard sale.

After work I drove to SLC to see Dad's impromptu Barbershop show.  They had planned to go to contest in Denver next month, but it was cancelled, another casualty of the pandemic.  But the leaders wanted to do a show of the pieces they had worked so hard on.

Becca made a group call to those who couldn't come, so they could watch the first number.  Bekie thought it was fun because it was her birthday.

Madi didn't last long.

Dad really got into it.

and even with all the commotion, Madi never woke up.

I was off work on Thursday and spent the day getting ready for the garage sale.  I took pictures ...

of merchandise I was putting together so that I could do postings on-line.

That night when Dad came home from work at Darby's for the 3rd of 4 he would end up working there, since the temple is closed for maintenance. We went to our stake's first adult religion class, which is being taught by the Stake President's wife. 

After class we pulled out all the tables and set them up for the yard sale, including some contrived ones, and ended up with 10 different tables for the sale.

Since I'd worked so hard getting everything ready for the sale Thursday, I took Friday off and went to the Vintage Market Days sale in Logan with my friend Wendy..

fun Halloween decor.

and creative displays ...

like these pumpkins of all colors ...

and remind me why dolls are now relegated to being spooky?

I bought this adorable East Lake wash stand from a former fleaology dealer for only $50, how could I pass that up?

We had a guy come in last week to buy old tool boxes to cut as Jack-o-Lanterns, and I didn't really know what he was talking about ... now I know.

Dad shows off the fruits of his four days of working at Darby's, as he employed Perky the painter to put two coats of paint in the living room and the large bed room..

On his was home Dad stopped at Becca's as we were to watch her kids for a few days.  Then he noticed we had never unloaded the store stuff for the sale from the van, so he came down and brought visitors for me, while we got the stuff out of the van.

After he got back to Becca's he noticed someone was not feeling too good.

Saturday morning Dad stopped by Ashley's to see her garage sale, as he took Reagan to Classic Skating for a birthday party.  Here's our Kim!

And Ashley too, he bought a couple of DVDs and Ashley said, "I hope I don't see these in my Christmas basket this year."  hahahaha

I had set up after the antique show from about 4 until 9, but it was too dark for pictures until the next morning.  This was my favorite bit, all my left over red and whites from the bedroom change over, except for the little oak school chair that I spray painted during my set up time, because red children's chairs always sell best.

It was also time to get rid of the Mary Englebreit tea cups and stuff I had collected to have a tea party with.  I have always loved her art, but in recent years, she has become so militantly, anti everything conservative, that I just can't enjoy her items that were always sort of a 'ray of sunshine' in a dark world.  Now they remind me of someone turned bitter by life ...

Here are goodies that just came from the mall, to be sold for 75% off.

My friend Nikki displays her items for sales on beach mats, to save space in her car for more merchandise. 

Let the shopping begin.  We actually had a few gate waiters, maybe 5, or so ... that was fun.  The blond in the bottom right photo is my friend Jann, from whom I bought the short striped stool on the red and white table.  I told her she could buy it back for less than I paid her for it ... she laughed.

Jill Chestnut, the wife of the Branch President, Rick, with whom Dad served for years administering to the 4 nursing homes in our stake came by. Her daughter had done a study abroad program in Finland, and had served her mission in Estonia, so it was super fun to chat with her.

and speaking of Finland, it was super fun that one of our missionaries came.  Her Mom hosts a vintage Christmas Barn sale up by Spokane, and I am honestly tempted to go.  She is Claire Crump nee Phipps, and she married an elder from our mission too.

Rain played a big part in our day, but Nikki was prepared, and ...

She was pretty surprised that we continued to have shoppers even during the three cloud bursts, at 7, 8 and 9 ... They just looked through her clear dollar store shower curtains, and shopped undaunted.

My favorite booth was everyone's favorite booth ...

As you can see by the before and after shots above.  The funny thing is that everyone wanted to buy the
table cloth. 

Dad came and helped me clean up the mess, then we went back to Becca's to spend the night, before getting ready and heading to Payson so Dad could help teach Primary for Steve Kew.  Look at Reagan's cute idea for using these hair clips.

After church the kids had fun making their own pizzas.  Reagan's is Mickey Mouse, though its hard to tell sideways.
Here are the finished pizzas. Titan won a prize for the most colorful pizza, though oven time definitely takes the edge off the color. The littles and their cheese pizzas needed some help finishing up, but there was definitely help available for that.

AP (after pizza) there was some play time.  Titan, cleverly, managed to build this carnival ride, doing some improvising with the duplo in a way I've never seen before. 

Mac was definitely a fan.

While Reagan put a house together with my box of, worse for the wear, dollhouse furniture
Then we loaded up the munchkins and headed to Uncle Trevor's for our monthly family dinner.  We had four of our ten children represented, but also got to see Nell's sister Bugs and her daughter, and Dad's cousin Patrick's daughter, Tess, as she lives nearby and is going to school here.  She is next to the orange table in the middle of the photo.  How many people can say that they hang out with their second cousins?  Well, other than Jeff and Randys kids, whose grand children hang out with their third cousins, but then we all know that Randy and Jeff are over achievers, right?

... and here are a few of the grandest grands ever. 

Then before we knew it, when all the Carne asada taco bar was eaten up, the amazingly yummy dessert Hannah brought was gone, and the pan practically licked clean, and all the tummies filled, it was time to fly away home.


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