Monday, May 13, 2024

Running From Pillar to Post

On Monday I went to Shirley's house to craft with her and Kimi. Of course I love her mushroom cupboard ...

Kimi making her paper mâché cups.

Here are a couple of mine.

All the cups ... how productive are we?

And we all had a blast.

These are mine, all ready for a banner in the Mad Hat Tea Party house.

Aren't these mini donuts the cutest thing ever?

On Tuesday I worked for another gal at work, while Dad emptied out the van from fleaology, and then did some yard work, and added some outlets to our bedroom so we can manage the 17 items we plug in near our chairs.  Isn't that crazy?  Several are chargers, including Dad's hearing aids, also our routers, and a heating pad apiece.  Our chairs have a massage function, etc.  We were shocked.

However, after all his hard work, he still had enough energy to go and see Reagan in the Hope of America program at the Marriott Center. 

This is the Jean's Golden Dancers, they are all over 55 and there's one gal is 92 who did the splits! One of the gals is the mother of one of the ordinance workers that works the Thursday shift with Dad.

Here the flag made of kids. 

Here's Reagan, third row from the top in the middle. 

Giant Flag.

Hi Mom! Dad was there to support her with her whole family!! While I was home nursing an arthritic hip after a day of work at the mall. 

Davin and Bri came by with huge pots of flowers for Mother's Day and my birthday.  I always love it.  They were headed north later in the week to chase the Aurora borealis. 
This is Ashley Cook, I met her at work on Wednesday, she is helping make a movie preview to present to a film maker.  I asked about a couple of props one of our missionaries, Steve Bartholomew asked us about, as he is doing something similar.  As it turns out it's the same project, small world once more. 

On Wednesday while I was at work, Dad was able to go to George Judd's funeral from the Cottonwood Heights ward.  Here are George's kids, Jim and Liz, and Dad got to see about 30 people there whom he knew from the ward there when we lived there before moving in 1991.  George was always very reserved, so I know Dad loved getting to hear about what a great man he actually is. 

After work on Wednesday I ran over to this house for a estate sale preview and managed to spend $650, getting some great stuff.  I made up this add for them and put it on my social media, and another at the antique mall to help them get the word out. 

Emily post on our family page that Benny can now read.  She said its amazing, since he was barely talking at the first of his final preschool year.  She just loves everything about the Savoy school, of which her husband is now the superintendent. 

After work on Thursday, Dad picked me up, having done his Temple shift, and we went to Lehi to their community theater to see this play.

This is Bronson Dameron playing the male lead in a two man show. 

His wife Sidney played the female role. Jeff joked that it was amazing what great chemistry they had.

Here Jeff and Robin chat with the Damerons.  Robin taught Bronson in Primary when he was five. 

Here we see Randy too, and Dad's nose. 

And that's us all at the sign on the street.  It really was fun, and a tiny theater.  I might have to go to productions there next year when the Hale Center theater moves into its huge theater on the Dottera Campus in Pleasant Grove.  Maybe Hannah will get some tickets! (She's the head lab tech at Dottera.)

On Friday it was Benny's fifth birthday. 

Here's all the goodies Emily helped him buy with the money we gave him.  Whoa!

Dad painted on a waterproofing membrane for Ashley's shower. 

I headed to Salt Lake to go junking with Mary Garra.  We went to the Sugar House DI, my favorite, and especially Mormon Antique Traders, who is going out of business (His wife passed last year and he is marrying a non-antiquer) at the end of the month.  He had some good prices, but was crazy about his notion of button prices.  Telling me he had $10,000 in button inventory, which he definitely does not.  But lucky for me, we ran into a book sell, a store that was selling used books for a buck.  I managed to get just 20 books, but only went through about a quarter of them.  I knew Mary was bored, and I had to get back to Utah County for Reagan's Choral Program, so alas ....

I kind of chuckled when I saw this gal scooping up the Cliff Notes.  

Here is Reagan at her program, in the middle second row from the top. 

How fun are these lights. 

Reagan's support group. 

Then it was time for some Cupbop, Reagan's favorite. 

First thing Saturday I was off to the sale at the old antique store in Payson, I had previewed early in the week. 

Lots of goodies I missed.

And I am always looking for old frames. 

I ran into a lot of friends and dealers too.  This is Julie Smith, of Mosida fame with her brother. 

On my way to my car with another $100 worth of goodies, (I parked a block away because there was such a great turn out,) I saw this race sign, and thought how funny it was that I was so close to the race route that Dad was running.  

The Pay It Forward 5K, Dad walked back and took a picture of the finish line shoot.

Dad ran into Perry Ewell after the race, he had run with his kids in the one-mile accompanying race.

That afternoon we headed north picking up our Indian Food order, then heading to Orem where we attended a homecoming open house for Kevin and Terry Mitchell, who just finished a mission in Finland. 

Then it was a wedding reception in Lindon.  How cute is this doorway?  I thought it was terribly clever. 

Here we are with the Colemans, Pat and Gene Coleman from our SLC ward, and their son Scott Coleman and his wife.  Pat and Gene are the grandparents of the Bride, who is the daughter, of their daughter Amy.  Amy is the one who makes the pies that we buy off and on. 

Amy's husband is a brother to Janet Boren, who is married to John Robin Boren who was one of Dad's two best friend until high school, when John met Janet, and they became an item from then on, marrying just out of High School   It was so fun to catch up. 

Here are some mixed pictures we selected of the Northern Lights that came to town on Friday and Saturday.  We did not see them ourselves, but these represent the ones taken by Dave and Bri's family in Montana, Becca and Brady's family in Plain City near North Ogden, and Trevor's family up American Fork Canyon.  Just for kicks and giggles, the lower right corner is a picture of Tami Heuer Zangari's house in Layton. 

Today is Mother's Day and this is the collage I did for a post about my amazing Mom. 

Dad chose this 4 generation of his mother, the youngest, his grandmother, Great grandmother and his GG grandmother.  Yep, a whole pack and great ladies. 

This is me, all ready for church this morning with a corsage that Darby brought me yesterday.  She's such a darling girl. 

In Primary we talked about prophets, and colored this picture of Joseph Smith, for the world of me when I saw hers, I thought it looked just liked Edward Cullen's Dad ... don't ask me why, but it made me giggle on the inside. 

After church I put this picture that Kimmy had done of my Garden House, into a frame and took it out there. 

I also tied some ribbons through the handles of cups and saucers I had made with my crafty friends on Monday and hung them as a banner in the garden house. 

I thought it turned out pretty cute.

Then it was time to start gathering for the dinner that Dad made to celebrate Mother's Day. Behind Scott, Hannah and Becca, on the mantle shelf is the beautiful original rose painting that Trevor and Nell gave me to celebrate. I also received goodies and flowers, thanks all. 

Reagan, Penny and Cam.

Darby's turn.

Hannah and Scott share a chair. 

All my grown and teen grands at the party

Scott, Hannah and Scott, is that a visual palindrome? 

Mimi miming.

It was super fun to have Ashley and Andy's family come ... seen here from left to right, Ian, Zach, Kim, Andy and Ashley. 

Ashley brought cookies for dessert, that Ian actually made.  They were delicious. 

Trevor and Eva ...

Giddy-up Dad

Trevor swinging the cousins.

While Scott swings himself.

More swinging

Van, always fascinated with the birds watches the Turkey Vultures.

His Dad helps Van trying to climb the tree he, himself had climbed as a kid, but probably when he was an older kid. 

More Baby snuggles. 

Flower building blocks made into fancy futuristic weapons, because, well, boys.

Papa's turn.

One of Penny's turns, with backup from Reagan.

Peace man. 

Nell's turn.

More "peace man."

More baby turns.

Zach, Eleanor, Papa with Parks and Ashley.

Papa's turn, again.
So very cool, Eva. 

Flower block play, Van, Mac, Madi and Cam. 

Love these guys plus Mac. 

Penny and Reagan.

Penny matches the couch, well, really the whole room. 

Penny Perkins and Parks Perkins, Picture by Paula Perkins.

Ashley and I did a walk around the yard to see and hear my plans for our plantings.  She asked for a picture of these so she can try them.

Stacks of Perkins. 

Brittney and Eva.

Mac also made a flower from the blocs for his Mom. 

Its Darby's turn again ... I mean people hang out by the baby and take turns. 

Cam gets to hug something pink. 

Darby settled the baby down and he fell asleep, her brother's teased her that this is the opposite of what she is famous for, which is riling up her nieces and nephews. 

What, again!



  1. Wow. The Mother’s Day looks fabulous
