Monday, May 20, 2024

Make Mine Mexican and Acquiring Art Also

What a happy and colorful day, it starts with Madison dancing with her class at the Spanish Showcase at the Spanish Immersion program that Becca's girls attend in Highland.  Madi is on the far left.

This is the second graders dancing.

And the first graders singing Mexican folk tunes in Spanish, of course. 

Madi again, so very serious. 

Such a cutie.

Then we went outside to see the 5th graders with their Latin Art.  Reagan is reading her report in Spanish, with her art piece next to her.  I saw a chance to add to my 'Grandkid Galary' and offered to buy hers. 

I was very impressed by this work of art by one of Reagan's classmates, and decided to buy it too. 
Another classmates' mother came up and offered to take a picture of us, she said we were all color coordinated.  And indeed, we were. 

The kids were supposed to study an artist and then create something in the same mode. Miss Newman modeled her artwork after this painting. 

I think she did very well, and she was very excited when I offered to buy it. 

Here we are with Jerry and Amy Mason.  Amy is the teacher who started the Spanish Immersion program at Legacy.  She is retiring this year, and Becca and Brady are so sad, as Mac has been accepted into the program, and Amy won't be there to get him off on the right foot, like Amy did for the girls.  This is the 6th year of the program. Reagan joined the second year.  How fun to get to hear about Amy through the years, as we've followed Reagan's progress. 

On the way home we stopped and bought more tomato plants (Ashley had already given us two that she had grown from seed) Since I've had such good luck finding books lately, I had to be creative to get them in the car.

When we got home, I put the portrait of our cottage that Kimi Holmes had given me last week, and which I had painted up a frame for that morning, into the cottage itself. 

My 70th birthday was Tuesday.  Here is Dad's collage for his facebook post. 

We spent the whole day doing whatever I wanted, which was some junking, going to a movie, and 

then going to Amy Mason retirement reception in Highland.  Robin was there when we got there. 

Here we are with the guest of honor. 

And how fun was it to run into this bestie of Briahnna's, who also happens to be a neighbor of Amy's.  Such a small world.  Briahnna's friend, Amanda, teaches at the American Leadershsip Acadamy, where Briahnna works, and her kids attend.

Then the Moes came to help Amy celebrate.

Here is Dad, Randy, Jerry and Barb behind Jerry's Mom, Eleanor who goes by Ellie, who has just moved here from Arizona to live with Jerry and Amy.

Here I am getting to know her better, she's one of those rare nonagenarians who act like they're in their 60's.  I wish she lived closer to Nell's grandma, she's just as vigorous and they'd likely be friends 

We stopped for dinner at MiRanchito in AF.  Look how great their decor is. 

Dad ordered the Tostidagrande, for which Ben was ever famous, he always wanted to go there to order this, then he take home the leftovers and feed on it for a couple of days .... oh, how we miss his wonderful quirkiness. 

On Wednesday it was back to the grind.  So after a day at work, Dad picked me up so we could join our besties at the Heuers for a delicious dinner and two Halmark movies.  Robin found the cutest dish ware and table cloth.

Here we go ready for the movies Jeff had chosen for us. 

Snuggling up in blankies makes it perfect. 

and the Moes. 

When I got home from walking at the cemetery I notices the Turkey Vultures were spreading their wings in the sun.  I bet that feels good. 

At work on Thursday Emily hired Becca to door dash me for my birthday making this a good Tex-Mex meal from Texas. 

My friend Jami Ray came in with her husband.  We were in an on-line sales group called ROCC (Reclaimologists and Other Crafty Chics)  though the name sort of faded after Jeff Carter joined us .... we loved calling him a crafty chic. 
I had someone come in for me so I could head to Spanish Fork to see Adi steal the show.

She was part of the group of bad guys ... and appeared to be the only one in the play that could remember and dramatically deliver her part. 

She was so confident.  Her folks said she was annoyed that so many others inthe play were not prepared for the show.

All her fans, save Elias who had already headed to the car. 

Us with the star.

on Friday morning I headed to Salt Lake to join Joyce and celebrate my birthday.  We went to DI in Sugarhouse, my favorite, then to the thrift store on 33rd that is run by Society Ladies, and Ex-cons! I got a ton, (Literally) of old books!! Here we are at Retro Betty's.

Loved this Hannukah boy!

And this knock-off Marimekko summer weight coat.  We ended up at the Paradise Buffet for lunch.
From there I went over to my cousin Debbie's to celebrate being 70, as she will turn 71 on Sunday. I also found more art to add to my collection, including a painting of Mt. Olympus where Dad and I climbed for our first date. She also gifted me a painting of white roses and purple Irises. 

Dad was making art too, by covering this bright pink sealer with marble looking tiles that are 16 by 32 inches at Ashley's house ... that really tested his skills and strength. 

On Saturday we stopped at DI in Saratogy Springs as part of our trek to Dad Barbershop Party. I was tiked to find these brand new shoes for $8, in Dad's size so now he can twin it with Spencer, at least for a little while. 

Meanwhile somewhere to the east, this young man kept on trekkin'.  Go Kai. 

Here we are at the barbershop chorus barbeque. 

What could be more fun than getting to know other barbershoppers and their wives. 

This cute gal, across from Dad, is an artist, it was fun to get to know her. Her last name is Gourley, like the famous BYU Art professor and watercolorist.  She had never heard of her, crazy.  Also, her name is Sarah and its crazy but she looks a lot like your cousin Sarah, Emory's daughter. I guess I will not forget her name anytime soon. 
That evening we met up with the Crumps for yet more Mexican food, at MiRancherito. It was fun to catch up with what is happening out at Mosida. 
On Sunday we headed south to attend my niece Alicia's wedding in southern Utah.  The beautiful setting was part of a hundred acre property dedicated to animal rescue in Kanab. You can see here the open cave front overhang of a sandstone wall.  There was also a small pond back against the wall in one corner. 

Here are the bride and groom as children.

and Alicia had gather kitsch vases to fill with lovely floral arrangements.

Marching down the isle. 

Here's the wedding party, with the grooms best friend ready to officiate ...

A better view of the best men. 

the Ceremony itself.
Neil reads his vows to Alicia, who is touched. 

The newly weds.

Here I am with my adored baby brother. 

The cake was made by a teacher at the school where she does counseling. 

They kept it clean.

One cool thing about the venue is that they needed a storage spot for the tables and chairs on site. So they took a shipping container and covered it with sandstone.  Well done!

Alicia with her youngest son.