Monday, May 20, 2024

Make Mine Mexican and Acquiring Art Too.

What a happy and colorful day, it started with Madison dancing with her class at the Spanish Showcase for the Spanish Immersion program that Becca's girls attend in Highland.  Madi is in a mask on the far left.

This picture is of the second graders dancing.

And the first graders singing Mexican folks tunes in Spanish, of course. 

Madi again, so very serious. 

and very cute,

Then we went outside to see the 5th graders with their Latin Art.  Reagan is reading her report in Spanish, with her art piece next to her.  I saw a chance to add to my 'Grandkid Gallery' and offered to buy hers. 

I was very impressed by this work of art by one of Reagan's classmates, and decided to buy it too. 
Another classmates' mother came up and offered to take a picture of us, she said we were all color coordinated.  And indeed, we were. 

The kids were supposed to study an artist and then create something in the same mode. Miss Newman modeled her artwork after this painting. 

I think she did very well, and she was very excited when I offered to buy it. 

Here we are with Jerry and Amy Mason.  Amy is the teacher who started the Spanish Immersion program at Legacy.  She is retiring this year, and Becca and Brady are so sad, as Mac has been accepted into the program, and Amy won't be there to get him off on the right foot, like she did for the girls.  This is the 6th year of the program. Reagan joined the second year.  How fun to get to hear about Amy through the years, as we've followed Reagan's progress. Amy's husband Jerry was one of Dad's counselors when he was Bishop in Orem.

On the way home we stopped and bought more tomato plants (Ashley had already given us two that she had grown from seed) Since I've had such good luck finding books lately, I had to be creative to get the plants in the car.

When we got home, I put the portrait of our cottage that Kimi Holmes had given me last week, and which I had painted up a frame for that morning, into the cottage itself. 

My 70th birthday was Tuesday.  Here is Dad's collage for his Facebook post. 

We spent the whole day doing whatever I wanted, which included some junking, going to a movie, (Unsung Hero), Amy's reception, Mexican food for dinner, and a quiet evening at home watching a BBC murder mystery episode.

Here we are at Amy Mason retirement reception in Highland.  Robin was there when we got there. 

Here we are with the guest of honor. 

And how fun was it to run into this bestie of Briahnna's, who also happens to be a neighbor of Amy's.  Such a small world.  Briahnna's friend,  Amanda, teaches at the American Leadershsip Acadamy, where Briahnna works, and her kids attend.

Then Barb and Randy came to support our friend Amy.

Here's Scott, Randy, Jerry and Barb visiting with Jerry's Mom Eleanor, who goes by Ellie.  She now lives with Amy and Jerry.

I get to know her better here.

We headed to dinner at Los Ranchito in Pleasant Grove.

Ben used to love going here and always got the Tostada Grande.
On Wednesday I worked, and Dad picked me up to go the Heuer's for my birthday party.  Robin found all these cute table ware and made us a delicious dinner.

Here she is. 

We're all snuggled up and ready to watch 2 Hallmark Movies. 

The Moes are ready as well. 

Thursday morning, I found these two Turkey Vultures sunning their glossy black wings in the sun.

At work I got a nice surprise and more Mexican food when Emily hired Becca to 'door dash' me my favorite Cafe Rio for my birthday.

 Jamie Ray of Jamie Ray vintage came in to say hello too.  Jami and I used to be in a on-line sales group called Reclaimologists and Other Crafty Chicks, ROCC.  Now she has a shop in a church in Lehi, that she and her husband rehabbed.  He's one of those guys that could quit his day job and went to work for his wife. We love that.  They now travel to Europe a couple of times a year for stock. 

That night I got Pat to come in for me at work and headed to Adi's Play.
She did a great job, being the only actor of about 40 who was actually acting her part, and who had memorized her part as well.

Here are her supporters, except Elias who had already headed to the car. Dave, Nenna, Dad, me, Bri, her Mom and stepdad.

With Papa and Mimi

On Friday Joyce and I met for junking (DI) and lunch (Paradise Buffet) to celebrate my birthday.  I'm shown here at Retro Betty's, a favorite shop of mine on 33rd, just above 23.

Love this little Hannukah boy, just not $40 worth.

Also, me with a Marimekko knock off summer weight coat. 

After our lunch Joyce headed home and I headed to my cousin Debbie Avati's house to celebrate being 70 with her, as she was turning 71 on Sunday.  I've been buying some of her art lately, and these are the two I purchased.  This one is of Mount Olympus from the Holiday area.  Since that was Dad's and my first date, climbing Mt. Olympus, we have always wanted a painting of the mountain.

This painting is typical of Debbie's urban painting style.  I think it's beautiful and it gives me the sense of driving down a steep road and them up again with a roller coaster feeling in my stomach. 
She also gifted me this lovely rose and iris painting for my birthday. We got to spend an hour together visiting, while her daughter, Becca (Yep the one I got the idea of naming our Becca from) sat with her Dad, as we were exploring the painting closet. 
While I was up in Salt Lake Dad was creating this dramatic artwork at Ashley's.  The under sealer in bright pink contrasts nicely with the 16 by 32 inch marble looking ceramic tiles that Dad got to heft and hold in place while he applied levelers and spacers. 

Here's our Kai at another landmark. He is at the halfway point, and we are loving all the views of nature he is sharing with us.

On Saturday we headed up to Lehi for a barbershop chorus barbeque. 

What could be more fun than getting to know other barbershoppers and their wives. 

This cute gal, across from Dad, is an artist, it was fun to get to know her, and explore her IG page with an eye to a future purchase.  Her last name is Gourley, like the famous BYU Art professor and watercolorist.  She had never heard of her, crazy.  Also, her name is Sarah and that's crazy too, because she looks a lot like your cousin Sarah, Emory's daughter. I guess I will not forget her name anytime soon. 

After the BBQ we stopped at the DI in Saratoga Springs where I found this pair of new Van's in Dad's size, so he can be cool like Spencer. 

Later we met up with the Crumps to catch up on the goings on at Mosida. 

On Sunday we headed to Kanab for my niece Alicia's wedding.

Here's their kid pictures.  Perfect eh?

Alicia is so talented and fun.  She collected kitsch vases to fill with wonderful arrangements for her table decor, then gifted them to friends who came to the wedding.  She is so darling and generous too. 

Here comes the Bride. Her dress is pale pink and she looked like a fairy princess.

Here's the wedding party, with the groom's best friend ready to officiate ...

A better view of the best men. 

the Ceremony itself.
Here the groom reads his vows to his bride, which were so sweet, you can see how touched she is. They have been through so much together already; they already have strong bonds. They were adorable together.

The bridesmaids and the bride.

The newlyweds: Cornelius Horgan the 8th and Alicia.  He goes by Neil.  

Here I am with my adored baby brother.

Dinner was provided by a local Mexican restaurant and was delicious.  And heck, it was Mexican Food week, what else would they have served. 

Cutting the cake made by one of Alicia's coworkers was a very civilized affair. One layer cherry and the other layer fudge chocolate.
They were very tidy. 

This structure blends in well.  It houses the tables and chairs and is actually a shipping container faced with sandstone.  How clever is someone?

The venue was stunning.

Here's Alicia with her youngest son, Thayne.
And here is Dad the next day with the flamingo vase that Alicia gifted me. I thought it was perfect with Dad's flamingo shirt!!  And it will be right at home in my Mad Hatter Tea Party House. It too is a work of art.

Thanks for sharing all the beauty of our world with us this week, both the beauty of nature and that the man-made variety as well. 


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