Sunday, May 5, 2024

Celebrating Grand Children and Minor Holidays

And its welcome Wisteria Monday.  Since we lost all of the Wisteria in the transitioning of the patio to the carriage house, its extra nice that this archway over the garden entrance is blooming.  Last year was its first, and it took ten years to bloom for us even then and there were only about 3 bunches.  This year I'll bet there are 20. But since we know wisteria loves abuse, we think it was the fact that Dad had to cut out the old arch it was growing on and that was falling apart.  It was probably pretty traumatic for the plant.

Here are a few clusters.

Another lovely gift of color was this bit of rainbow in the parlor we saw as we were reading and chatting one day.  It was so intense and even has little yellow lines between some of the stripes.  This is really the color, no color intensification needed, the brightest we've seen. 

And speaking of bright, on Monday night Dad went to his Barbershop practice, while, I got to go and see Eleanor in a play about the decedents of four Disney villains, Jafar, Snow White's Queen/witch, Cruella and Maleficent.

I think she had a lot of fun.

I loved her striped leggings.

and her energy.

The set was a nicely done.

These are the leads doing their bows.

I complimented this gal on her cute bag.  It turns out she actually painted it.  Whoa, well she is a Pleasant Grove High School art teacher.  And she is also the mother of the talented gal who plays Maleficent. 

Here she is with three other stars.

And Lou with a couple of her fan girls. 

On Tuesday I went to Relief Society, and I am shown here with Joyce and Becky after dinner, but before our activity where we learned about love languages.

Wednesday was Mayday.

and these folks know how to celebrate it.  She is actually a very good customer, and always has plenty of money for investing in antiques, because she is a CPA.  He is also, and how fun are they!! She shopped here as a child with her mother. The couple wore the same outfits to fleaology on Saturday.  Actually, he bought his vintage kimono Wednesday day, right before I took the picture. 

Dad got the doors painted on Wednesday, while I was at my job.  Here's the outside and inside of the door out of a carriage house.

These two show into the carriage house.

After work on Wednesday we went to Titan's Chorus program, the finale for the year.  It's so fun to see him keeping up the family tradition.

Here is Titan in a close up.

Titan with all his fans.

Brittany decided that she and her two younger kids would come down for J. Scott's graduation from the U.  She made this lovely rainbow woven lei, and then added money gifts from herself and other family members which she folded into flowers and a butterfly. Her Alex models it on Wednesday.
On Thursday Morning, when Brittany and her kids were driving down from Idaho, I was out walking with my friend Tina who lived the majority of her life in Idaho. We walk at the cemetery. 

It's the big day, and Brittany models the lei, this time with the artistic foldings. 

Here we are at Scott's graduation on Thursday.  Our group exactly filled the row.

Here he comes.  

Scott is shown on right side of the auto Tron receiving his diploma. 

Celebrating afterward, first with Britt's family.

Then with the whole crew.

With Brittany.

With his family and grandparents.

Just us.

Four U of U grads.

We met up for a late lunch at the Red Iguana.

Papa and some of his girls.

Dad and I with the Red Iguana.

The rest of the gang with the Red Iguana sign.

On Friday while Dad was at Ashley's, I ran off and met up with my friend, Socks.

Here's what Dad got done.

Then Dad and I joined forces to set up my booth for fleaology, that I had loaded the van up for last week, and had been driving around as it bumped and dumped all week. 

It took just a couple of hours, and we finished up with Cafe Rio, for the second time this week. 

The Saturday dawned.  The Day of festivities. Its was
1. Spencer and Brittney's 11th anniversary, see above. They celebrated by going to the Draper temple where they were married. 

2. Star Wars Day, a Day the Heuers love to celebrate, and we love the Heuers. 

3. The Payson Interfaith Prayer run, where Dad ran his fastest 10k ever.

4. The Kentucky Derby

5. Cinco de Mayo eve... which we celebrated at the end of the day.

6. FLEAOLOGY!  or I could say friendship day.  Here I am with Sherri, who hosts, and my friend Cristy who is painting my dining room chairs.

My friend Tiffany from Santaquin who sells vintage online and a couple of times a year at her house.  Also, LaVern, and Sherri again. 

Here is our 'friends of Jann' group, Me, Shirley and Joyce.

The Best Surprise was Ashley and Kim, with Kim's friend Lilly. 

Kimmy found these mirrored shelves she likes and is now the proud owner. 

Our friends Jeff and Margaret Cooper, who we met when they boarded our horses before we even moved to Payson, and for years thereafter.  She is Sherri's sister-in-law, and I met Sherri when Margaret brought her to one of my witch's parties.  They just got back from a year and a half in Armenia/Georgia, where they did Humanitarian work. 

Here we have Polli, Nikki and Kimmi, where's Sherri?

Oh, here she is, with Kimmi, Katie and me.

I've decided that fleaology has three purposes for me.
1. meeting up with friends - check
2. selling off old goods from the antique mall - check
3. finding new treasures for myself and resell -check
Yep, it was a successful day. 

But I did miss the festivities in celebrating Scott's graduation at Trevor and Nells.  Dad spent the day there though and had a blast. 
Here's the layout for Scott's graduation party that Dad attended while I was doing my thing at fleaology.

Grandma George

a wider view.

Eva and Friend.

Dad and Davin

Scott visits with friends.

Scott, a neighbor and Nell.

The whole gang, including Becca and Darby on the couch.
When fleaology was over, Dad met me and, as always, helped me load up.

Then we headed to the church to celebrate Cinco de Mayo eve with a nacho bar. 

Here I am with Corri Johnson, the Primary president who organized all the fun. 

My Friend Katie, of fleaology fame, invited me to her upcoming Kentucky Derby party (To celebrate her birthday which was pushed back by the fleology rain delay.)  I checked online for hat ideas and loved this one.  The horses actually run around the course in the middle of this triple decker hat.  Hahaha. 

But the best grandchild celebration came today when we went to see Parks' baby blessing.  Here Penny holds the little man himself.

Trevor pitches in to help. 

Kennedy, Reagan, Parks and Penny. There was a Cinco de Mayo theme. 
With Churro Brownies, that were delicious.

As always there were lots of turns holding the baby.

Parks is probably confused about who is holding him, as Spencer ran into two former Orem ward members whie at the temple, the Waltons, this week, and they thought he was Davin. 

And what a sweet picture.


Eva and Parks

Kennedy hold Parks, she is Brittney's brother Spencer's daughter. 

Elias takes a turn.

Dad with Brittney's brother Spencer.

Here is Cam with three of her cousins, Kennedy, Penny and Reagan. 

Brittney's Dad Peter, her sister Angela, her brother-in-law Chris and her sister Crystal. 

Eva, Nell and Parks.

Eva and Cam.

Shinanagans with Van, Spencer and Kathy, Brittney's mom.

Davin, Scott and Bri.

The big cousins, Lu, Eli, Titan and Adi. 

Cutest Dad, with Nephew Parks. 

Happy Family.

Spencer shows off family pictures.

Kids in the bedroom/playroom

The Okada family, all of Brit's siblings were there, from New Mexico, St. George, Utah and her parents from Wyoming. 

a better view.

And the Perkins participants including 3 of Spencer's siblings and 10 cousins in all.

Such a cute family.

Van plays slap hands with Grandpa Okada

Trevor attacks Dad incognito.

Madi models the mask too.

Yep there's our girl.

and tickles from Papa.

While we were in the neighborhood, we stopped by to see Heidi Fassmann and her husband's collection of sterling silver LDS temple spoons.  It was so amazing.  We met them when our former directors at Mosida, the Parkers had their farewell as they left for a mission in Nauvoo.  When she found out I was an antique dealer, she told me about this stunning collection. She is Robin Parker's niece. 

This one is the Logan Temple, where they were married.  It is hand etched.  I did not know about hand etching of scenes like this.  You can see its a regular spoon.  How fun is that. 

Dad checks out the spoons.

Here we are with the three cases of spoons.

and here we are with the Fassmanns.  The church is such a lovely place to meet lovely people. 


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