Sunday, September 22, 2024

Excuses to Tidy Up

And another week begins, as Dad and I tweak the carriage house.  I framed the stag on the left with a cross-stick frame I'd been saving, to match the cross-stick frame on the right. 

I already had the cross-stick framed picture in the middle here. 

We were getting the room ready for Becca to come and do a video for her site the next day.  But ultimately for my friend Mary's party coming up this week.  We really spent the whole day working like mad on every detail of the house to get ready.

Dad took off for his Barbershop practice around 5, and I didn't see him again until 10:45.  Yeah private reading time.

On Tuesday while dusting and shelving books in the library I saw this favorite old picture of me and Bruce as children. Finally we were all ready for Becca and Brady to come do the video.  Two days cleaning really did the job, and it was very satisfying.  Thanks for the motivation Becca.

After doing the video we all went to dinner in Spanish Fork at Berry's Park View Drive-in, where Becca used to go in High School with her work friends from Spanish.  I had no idea.  I played with doing some pano pics.  This one goofed with Madi's face.
here's an unchopped version of her cute face.

and this one did Mac and Titan's faces, chop, chop.

Here's our Rae Rae,

And the Papa and Mama too.

Yep that's us ... in all the cleaning up I found my second pair of my favorite red glasses I got in Finland!  (The first pair broke)

Then we went across the street to the park with the younger kids.

Happy 14th anniversary to these two who celebrated on Tuesday.

Sam posted the picture on the right of Emily, but I didn't think it looked like her, so I had to compare her teeth to the photo on the left.  So weird. 

My sister Julie would have been 84 on Wednesday.

But Dad went and saw Cheryl that day, a day before her 70th birthday as he had the temple on Thursday. 

We're not sure when all this fun happened, likely last weekend, but we borrowed these pics from Social Media.  What a fun group.  It made me laugh, because my main high school friend group was also made up of 8 friends. 

Here she is with her date.

And I love this picture of her flowing curls.

Just a random pair of shoes I saw at DI.  I wished they were my size, how fun is that?

I worked at the Grove on Friday and took some Halloween display pictures to post on IG.

Love this ghost on a swing.

I picked up a book about Vikings, and loved the pictures of the sails ...

I think it proves my Viking blood. 

This picture of a Norwegian man working looks so much like President Kervinen, that when I showed it to Dad he thought it was President Kervinen. 

This cute couple came in to buy stuff to decorate a particular shelf, I saw their rings and asked how long they had been married.  They said they were married that morning.  What a fun thing to do on your wedding day between your wedding and your reception.  Dad and I just washed dishes.

That evening we drove to Spanish for a reception for Joette nee Harmon's oldest daughter. 

Here they are with Joette.  Joette and Emily are the same age, and grew up in our Payson ward together. 

Joette's grandmother Lynette and I served together in a Relief Society Presidency.  She became a great Grandmother at the age of 46. 

On Saturday I went to several estate sales with great results.  Then I stopped by the Farmhouse Peddler, as I had wanted to check it out again, now that it's been there for a while.  I was surprised to see an 8 foot Christmas tree being decorated.  Not that I haven't put in a few Christmas items myself ....

Back at home I spent the afternoon tweaking my Halloween decor.  I moved all my little decor  to this display case.

And mover my majolica around so that I could put pitchers on the top of this cabinet. 

I'm loving how perfect this lace bat and cobweb heading fits on this shelf. 

That night Dad went off to the BYU football game, where he saw Jace Whiting one of our missionaries, whose Mom is the BYU Women's Basketball coach. 

Here he is with his Dad Trent Whiting.

Dad, Trevor and Nell.

And just to balance out our viewing of Utah football teams at work, here is Sam who drove to Oklahoma to watch his alma matter, the U win in an exciting game against Oklahoma State.
Sunday morning saw us at this beautifully set church building, in the Hidden Valley area of Draper, when we went to see the farewell of the Braunbergers.

Old Companions.

Wayne Braunberger in his African tie and his former companion, in his Finnish tie. 

Funny thing this picture, Dad is next to Jim Boud, who is a year older than Dad, and who was in his ward growing up.  Jim became a lawyer and was partners with Wayne Braunberger.  The next guy, who is in the Braunbergers' ward, is Mark Zenger who worked with Dad at Associated.  There are more connections too, Dad was in Hog Heaven.

When we go home he parked so close to the van that I dusted both cars with my Sunday dress as I got out.

We got into the house and finished up our Primary class preparations.  We had 10 kids again.

When we got home Mary came over to bring things for her party on Tuesday, and I did some meal prep as we worked on her party details.  It's a good thing I have made Navajo Tacos so many times I could do it in my sleep.  The sister missionaries came over for dinner, and loved the house, and the Jane Austen nods.  Lots of the time young people this age have no interest in seeing the house, but they all jumped at the chance, and oohed and awed. 

They loved my miniature Jane Austen book, so I took three tiny versions of Pride and Prejudice off my books banner and gave them to them.  They seemed tickled. 

This popped up on Trevor's phone during the game ... hahaha, too bad it's too late for Dad.


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