Sunday, June 16, 2024

Little Miracles

We'll start with a throw back to last week when the Summers went to Disneyland.

Then Monday started out with me doing a reset at the Grove.

I tried to change it up, as well as adding more stuff.

So, this is the look.

Hello Bear on a Chair over there.

Afterwards I headed up to have my toes redone.  Thank you, Eleanor, such a great job. 

Of course, Dad was off to practice with his Barbershop Chorus.

We had this pop up, our one-time cousin camp 6 years ago. Here they are dressed for their pioneer hike.

Another fun picture, and Mimi with her Moon Face after being on Prednisone for a year. 

The parade was my favorite. 

My arthritis is giving me some grief, especially in my hips.  Unfortunately, my favorite food, seems to me about the worst.  I made up a healthy version with a flax seed pita as the base for mine, with lots of veggies, and just a tiny bit of cheese.  It didn't seem to aggravate my joints, so I was thrilled with that. 

I decided to get rid of one of my sets of Jane Austen, which really makes sense.  This little set is my favorite, and I moved it to this dresser ....

That allowed me to get rid of this tray that I didn't much like but did a good job covering the chords that hang down from the TV set up in the upper cupboard. 

Which I replaced with my favorite Poppie painting by Kirsten Tye. 

On Tuesday it was the Summers turn to come and mow the lawn for poor old broken Dad.

Thanks guys.

That evening we picked up Elias and Nenna to take them to see Seussical at the Hale.  But first we had to run up to the Ampitheater in American Fork. J. Scott may be interested to know that we saw a bagel in the parking lot with two bites out.  So on the way to the play, we took turns making up stories about how the bagel got there.  It was so fun, and made me think about the time we drove J. Scott and Eva to Arizona, and were singing, "Why are there so many songs about bagels."  what a fun memory that was. 

Here we are with Brianne and Benjamin Bybee.

He's helping her with her necklace, that was so sweet. 

The kids in the stone amphitheater seats, I thought were charming. 

So much fun ....

Then to the play.
I loved the funny quirky set.

At work on Wednesday, this gal asked if I was 'Fleaology', when I said yes, she said her folks are headed to Finland in the next month or so.  How fun is that? but I am still wondering how she knows fleaology is connected with Finland. 

Dad was thrilled when he got some visitors who were coming back from Bryce Canyon and stopped to visit, while I was at work. 

They shared some pictures with him from their trip. These pinecones are huge!

What a fun adventure.

Thursday Trevor and Nell had their 21st, anniversary!

On Friday Dad was the star of the show.  I took him, along with a young man who sings with him to the Rose Wagener Theater in SLC.  I dropped him off and headed out to kill three hours junking.

Dad was beyond thrilled when he had sooo much support. Our neighbor Nadine Evans came and brought her daughter in law, as did Agaatha Runyan, the mom of our one of our missionaries, along with 5 relatives, the Crumps came too, which he had not known ahead of time. But the big surprise was that Darby had invited her siblings to come and support Dad.  As a result, Darby and Dallas came, along with Spencer and his family and Becca and her family too.  It was like the kickoff for Father's Day for Dad. 

LaVern and Ron Crump.

I was so surprised when I look up at the balcony and saw these lovies. 

Here they are.

Titan's face is entirely shaded here at the end. 

Here's a closeup of Dad.

Also in a small group.

Dallas and Darby

The girls in polka dots.

We spent a long time visiting in the lobby afterwards.  Mac and Cam are such good friends.

Dad, Nadine and me.

I just love this picture, especially as Van held my hand and leaned on me.  Such a sweet moment and look at adorable Madi with her head on her sister's shoulder.  Such a loving kiddo. 

We are eating up every moment we get with these two, as they prepare to head to India. 

Agaatha Runyan and me with Dad. 

And then the last shot. 

I ran into Hannah and her mom, while at DI in Provo on Saturday, after a morning of garaging. I'd run into the farmer's market there for a week's worth of Whole Wheat sour dough bread, which they were out of, darn it.  But don't you just love the swallow bib necklace I found that morning for a dollar?  When I told Hannah, she laughed and said she had just bought her earrings at a garage sale .... no wonder I love her, my daughter-in-law is a kindred spirit.  Her Mom, Pat is fun too. 

I also found these snap dragons for 25c a stem at a sale in Springville that Dad sent me to, to boost the college fund of the kid sister of one of our missionaries from Finland, whose wife had posted it. 

That night we headed to the 1,3,5 Art Show and Sale at the Cottonwood Country Club, in, well, Cottonwood.  Here Dad is talking to one of Trevor and Nell's favorite artists, Colby Sanford who has done family portraits for them.

I bought this sweet cherry painting from this gal, who lives in California, and commissioned a companion piece.  They are cherries on a pale blue background, and I plan to hang them above the red checked love seat in the parlor. 

This gal turned out to be a Paysonite, and the scene is one in Kamas, which of course Dad is fond of as the entry into the Uintas where he spent so much happy time as a kid. 

The third painting is another that Dad chose.

Loved this view of our Mountain, from the parking lot of the Country Club.  Maybe I will get brave and attempt a painting. 

Darien is the young man that we drove up to Dad's concert on Friday night.  As we drove and talked, I mentioned that I buy a lot of books as an antique dealer.  He said if I ever saw any old Hobbit or Lord of the Rings books he would love to buy them.  I told him I'd keep my eye out for him, but that I have never seen one.  I did ask if it had to be a first edition or if a solid copy of The Hobbit from the 1960's would suffice.  He said the later would be great.  

After I dropped them off, the first place I went to was to the DI at Welfare Square ... I headed, as always, to see if a new rack of books had come out.  This is the first book I picked up ... it was printed in 1966.  Whoa.  I figured his guardian angels really wanted to surprise him with something fun.  

I took this picture as we dropped it off after some grocery shopping on the way home from the art show. 

Here's a quote I love from Albert Einstein. 

At home I placed the art.

This morning Facebook Favored me with a fun Father's Day memory.  Papa with Adi, William and Reagan.  Grand Children are absolutely small miracles.
We had a great Sunday, and headed to Becca's in the afternoon, where Dad was showered with cards, gifts and grandkid art.  What a happy man.
A fun picture of Mac.

Penny and Parks

Cam, Darby, Dallas, Madi and Adi.

Eva, Parks and J. Scott.

Davin and Dallas.

Darby with Parks.

The teen and near teen contingent, Adi, Lu, Reagan and Titan.

It was fun to see Brittney's Mom, who was in town.

Our 6-foot 2-inch son, with his sister, who claims to be 5'11', though I have always thought she was six foot, looks like she was right all these years.

Parks, Becca, Spencer, Dad and Trevor.

J. Scott, Brittney and Eva.

Me, Darby and Becca.

The Ladies in Red.

Here's some fun pictures Trevor shared ... me visiting with Kathy.

A better angle of Penny with Parks.

Me with Eva and Parks.

Eva, J. Scott and Parks.

Cam and Eva with Pippi hair.

Trevor takes his turn with Parks too.

Dad wanted to share the stucco transformation on the Carriage house that took place this week from Tuesday to Thursday... starting with the Styrofoam.

Then the base gray stucco.

and finally, the sandstone-colored stucco.

Dad says he obviously needs to paint these windows black.

In other fun news, is Robin visiting Caleb in Prague where he is working for a tech company.

We saw so many beautiful pictures this week. 

Trevor's family got to go n a lovely hike.

And Barb spent a few days in Hawaii visiting Randy's sister Tami.

What a week, so many miracles, and so much joy in visiting with loved ones, especially of the grandchild variety.  Life is good.


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