Another fun filled week for everyone but our post op and sick family and friends.
Monday I went to my We Can group where we started ornaments for our tree for Festival of Trees.
These paper lanterns will have tiny Tinks inside.
These pin wheels have art from the original Peter Pan
Here I am with Paulette as she cuts out tiny tinkerbelles.
Dad had the day off since he worked on the 3rd, which was July Fourth observed. He finished up the door in the back of the garage and
On Tuesday morning I sent Dad off with a casserole for Ashley's family I'd made the day before. Other family members did the same other days, as per Brittany working her magic from Idaho!!
These paper lanterns will have tiny Tinks inside.
These pin wheels have art from the original Peter Pan
Here I am with Paulette as she cuts out tiny tinkerbelles.
Dad had the day off since he worked on the 3rd, which was July Fourth observed. He finished up the door in the back of the garage and
broke up the branches that had fallen from the furthest north poplar into the north drive. There was still the huge branch that broke it off and was still stuck up in the tree. Yikes. With Fleaology coming up that was an issue.
That night we hosted FHE here, with Dana, the Kews, the Forsters and us.
Ashley said she's feeling a lot better, and even Zach seems to be a lot nicer after his famous quote, when his Dad asked what his Mom was good for, and he replied. "Not a single thing when she is sick".
Then after work Dad headed to his temple shift where he got to officiate for the first time in the Payaon temple and had 94 people in a room that seats 92!!
On Wednesday the lady that bought my yardstick table a few weeks back came in for other things to decorate her guest room. I thought they made for a cute vignette so I took a pic for Instagram.
At work that day I had Gretchn deliver this cubby cupboard I had bought from her on one of the online yard sale sites I love how it looks in my kitschy booth in the north building.
On Wednesday the lady that bought my yardstick table a few weeks back came in for other things to decorate her guest room. I thought they made for a cute vignette so I took a pic for Instagram.
Later Emily texted me this picture of poor spotted Abbie. She was on the way to the doctor's. I told her it might be Fifth disease, so named as it is the 5th disease that causes a rash on babies.
She called later and said the doctor said it was fifth disease and maybe she'd just call me next time LOL.
It's mild and needs nothing beyond what she was already doing. Poor sweet baby.
That evening Dad and I took Grandpa Carlo's nice old pine dresser to Ben and Hannah in Springville. We had dinner at Cafe Rio in Spanish afterwards.
Before work on Thursday I had a sudden epiphany as to how to use the old stencils I found at Fleattitude a couple of weeks back!! I love it, and as you can see it made it to Instagram.
At work I had this group of flag lovers come in and buy up patriotic goodness!! The gal on the right is one of 6 new vendors at Fleaology, she has 7 month old triplets and lives in Payson!!
Before work on Thursday I had a sudden epiphany as to how to use the old stencils I found at Fleattitude a couple of weeks back!! I love it, and as you can see it made it to Instagram.
At work I had this group of flag lovers come in and buy up patriotic goodness!! The gal on the right is one of 6 new vendors at Fleaology, she has 7 month old triplets and lives in Payson!!
Dad took Friday off to help with Fleaology set up. He spent a good hour cutting up the last of the huge branches that had finally fallen. Then he loaded it, filling the van and headed to the dump.
In this picture taken on Sunday, these grands show the damage to the north fence caused by the final fallout. Phil and Darby came by later to visit, but got drafted to help us pick up the larger items the Kews would be selling in their booth at Fleaology. Thanks Darby and Phil.
Trevor came along with other dealers to set up booths. This made me laugh when Eleanor sat on this styrofoam packaging piece. Little miss Elle on her tuffet!!
By 8 Dad and I were exhausted and the Kews saved the day by bringing us Chinese food to have a picnic in the garden house.
Trevor came along with other dealers to set up booths. This made me laugh when Eleanor sat on this styrofoam packaging piece. Little miss Elle on her tuffet!!
By 8 Dad and I were exhausted and the Kews saved the day by bringing us Chinese food to have a picnic in the garden house.
I worked on my booth and facilitated other dealers until midnight when Davin came to be our night watchman.
I went to bed. I loved not worrying. Thanks Davin.
Here are some pictures of my set up.
After Dad got back from his run he showered and then took admits for a while before heading to Farmington to Zach's daughter's baby blessing!!
Here are some pictures of my set up.
When he got back he helped with cleanup. We were both exhausted but it had been my best sale ever. Not just my best Fleaology, but best of any sales, and I've done a lot! I'd finally gotten a credit card reader, and I think that helped a lot.
Sunday was an amazing day. We had a sister missionary report who'd been inSpencer and Brit's mission. She joined the church in 2011 and had such a strong testimony. She's lived with the Pecks as an exchange student, she's from Thailand. She thanked Trudy for her missionary zeal in sharing the gospel. It's amazing how strong this young woman's testimony is!
After church Dad and I headed to Pleasant Grove to take Nell her money from the sale and the goods that hadn't sold. Briahnna had taken money for her at Fleaology, since Nell was still feeling the effects of the chemo. Thanks Briahnna. She also pitched in and helped out in other ways. Since spencer, Brit, Ben and Hannah were there selling too, it was my most fun Fleaology yet!! !
I'm loving seeing my children as they've serve each other through these illnesses and surgeries.
You can see Nell is feeling a little better, but is still immune compromised and can't really go out until two weeks following each. Chemo treatment. The good this is by our next Fleaology she'll be enough past her last chemo event to be able to join us!! Yeah!!
Spencer and Brittney were still at Nell's when we got there as they'd been there to help with the kids Saturday afternoon and Sunday, they'd taken them to church, along with one of Spencer's former missionary companions and his wife who were in town.
So after a nice visit Spencer and Brittany headed off to Angela's for a visit. Angela had hosted Spencer's Swiss companion and wife for several days, so Spencer and Brit really had a very busy weekend.
We brought the kids back with us, as Trevor's out if town until next Tuesday. Aunt Bugs will be over there some to help with Penny. Please keep all our loved ones in your prayers for a bit longer.
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