On Monday, I got to meet up with high school friends for lunch in Salt Lake ... which of course also means a day of antique/junk shopping as well.
Then I dropped by to see our newest two year old to give her her present from Grandma and Grandpa. I had bought the dress, and teddy bear, then made a matching dress for the teddy bear. Of course the black and white polkadot is sort of my signature. Nell told me that when she was shopping with Eva, recently, that she had pointed to a black and white polkadot item and said "Oh look, that is Grandma's favorite color!!"
On Tuesday I drove down to Aurora with Edie, Mike's mom, to see the historic home of a friend of hers. It was a lot of fun to hear about her childhood and fun stories from her personal history.
Like the fact that her friend Lester, whose house we went to see, had cut off one of her waist length braids, at the shoulder, when she was about 6. He was 9 and old enough to know better. Here Edie and Lester are shown with the 'canned ham' trailer he is restoring. We went to lunch afterwards, and I managed to get home in time to watch Grandpa for the evening while Dad ran off for his normal temple shift.
On Wednesday, after I got home from work, Dad, Grandpa and I were invited down for a quick 'birthday celebration' for Sam.
Thursday, at work, I redid the wall behind the cash register with a sort of Winter cabin theme. I was really happy with how it turned out, and hope that it will sell my snow shoes, to the far right. On Friday I was off to the Salt Lake antique show with Wendy and Dorothy, shown to the right.
And it was fun to run into Ann Hentzie from the ward in Salt Lake. She always comes to the antique shows with her brother, they both wear lavender for these occasions, because they are both hunting lavender glass for their respective collections. I love running into her at these shows. She used to date Grandpa Carlo and used to tell Dad that she was almost his mother. LOL
On Friday I spent a huge chunk of the day clearing out the van. Still had some stuff from the Fallow Field Farm sale I did almost a month ago, plus a lot of the stuff I had purchased for resale since. That is sort of embarrassing to admit. But Emily's need to borrow the van spurred me on. When Dad got home we got the seats in as well, since E was taking her Sunday School class to breakfast on Saturday.
That night Dad, Grandpa and I all met up with the Heuers and Moes at Sizzler in Orem for a nice long (Two and a half hours) chatty dinner. We definitely do not get together enough, but it was great to see them all and catch up.
Saturday morning Dad was off to the church Dairy Farm to work on clean up and getting everything ready for winter. He said they ended up with too many volunteers, which is a very rare occurance, so they finished up really quick. I, meanwhile, had done a bit of garaging before heading to the primary program practice at the church. Hard to believe I am right back in Primary. I was in charge of the program last year .... BTW they did a great job!! That night Dad, Grandpa and I all headed to Salt Lake to see the condo that Darby was going to make an offer on. Davin and Becca and their families met us there as well.
Everyone loved the place, but Darby's bid was not the highest, and she is quite disappointed. That just means more looking, and its great to see a place that is so affordable with so much space and potential, there will be more to come.
Sunday we had the Primary program, and the chapel was packed with family and grandparents. It was great to see. All went well, and I got to go to Sunday School and Relief Society. Sam taught, and did another amazing job. He is such a natural teacher ... And when he bore his testimony at the end he had tears in his eyes and his voice broke, though he has denied it. He tries to play the hard guy, but he definitely has a soft spot when it comes to the gospel. That night we all got together here to celebrate Sam and Emily's birthdays. We actually had Nell's favorite, Navajo Tacos, because it was supposed to be her celebration too, but in the end she and Trevor attended a court of honor in their ward instead, and we missed them.
Its always fun seeing the grand kids and aunties and uncles interacting. Titan and Elias are really becoming friends, and sort of played catch ... still working on that, but it was very cute. To the right we see Titan practicing baby holding, a skill he will need soon.
All of those who were not on diets enjoyed the traditional Perkins birthday treat, a brownie sundae, including Great Grandpa, it would seem. He had worn his pocket talker all day at church and seemed to enjoy it, but took it off, forcefully, afterwards. But he always enjoys when the kids are here, so there was no change that way.
And Elias says "I love coming to Grandma and Grandpa's! Hurray!!"
Love the pics of your grandkids!