When we got to PG, Nell was nice enough to feed us all, and Becca and Titan came to see Britt and the boys as well. Here is Eva with her grandpa.
I worked on Blogging projects all week and worked Wednesday and Thursday as usual. I got a few more projects done, with Dad's help, of course, to get ready for flea.o.logy, which we then cancelled due to rain and rescheduled for next week.
Thursday night, the Payson Royalty came by with their photographer. They agreed that the house was the perfect spot for the official portraits.
Then Grandpa shared his fudgecycle with 'baby girl', who seems to enjoy the messy experience.
On Friday Dad had taken the day off to help with flea.o.logy set up and also with babysitting Beckie, as Emily had gone up to youth conference.
We took her to Home Depot with us to get a few things for the garden house, as well as a ceiling fan for our bedroom. It was a bit hard to give up a chandelier in there, but its been so hot...
The first thing Saturday, Dad was off to run the Scottish Festival 5 K. Then when he got back he worked on the garden house roof for a while. Since flea.o.logy was 'rained' out Dad and I got to go up to the Scottish Festival. I bought Dad a sports kilt so he can wear it next year when he runs the 5K. I have plans for all three Scotts to run in kilts next year... (Robert Scott, Trevor Scott, and Jaden Scott!)
That night Dad and I ran up to Highland for Barb's Mom's 90th birthday. We had a great time visiting, mainly with Matthew Mason, while we all ate 'Maui Chill' frozen yogurt and toppings ... yummy.
On Sunday evening we headed up to Trevor and Nell's to help celebrate Eva's 5th birthday with breakfast for dinner.
Everyone took turns holding sweet little Adilyn.
It was great having Britt and the boys with us, and extra fun to see all the cousins interacting with each other.
You may notice that Sam is wearing a hat with Adilyn May Perkins initials on it. What a great and supportive uncle he is.
Zach loved having his uncles play with him. Lots of big smiles!!
This is the 'craft' that I put together for my Pollyanna Blog this morning, in the wee hours ...
And now for the excitement, Becca has finally agreed that I can share her wonderful news, she is expecting a baby the end of January!! Hurrah!
Phew! I thought you forgot that your title was...an exciting annoncement! Congrats! I am impressed with Uncle Sam's hat (that's so funny, I just realized he was "uncle Sam". Love the pinata! CUTE baby! Cool drawer set! And this was a LESS Productive week?