Sunday, February 9, 2025

Primarily Videos, Books and Plays.

Our first photo of the week was actually taken Sunday evening, after we finished the blog when Dave and Adi came by with a birthday gift for Dad.  It's an all-edge brownie pan and it was full of delicious brownies.  Dad loved the gift and the brownies.  He even made more brownies in it last night.  What a creative gift.

On Monday I got a very early prespring surprise when I saw this sweet little violet by the front porch.

Dad and I have been organizing various spots in the house.  He made a hanger for his drills inside the laundry closet.

Then he helped me hang the 'deer' head I have been wanting for the carriage house. 

I basically put plaid paper on this round frame thing to make the resin deer head pop, and Dad helped me hang the deer head above the east doors. 

On Tuesday Dad took a load to the DI in Springville, we've been doing lots of sorting around here, while I headed north to take a gift to Stina Van Cott in Highland that I promised her last fall, so I stopped at DI, where I ran into these cute girls.  I hit another antique shop in AF before taking in a few things to the Grove in Pleasant Grove.  When he got home, he replaced some lightbulbs and other chores of that ilk. 
That night we met up with the Heuers and Moes for our first season ticket play at the Ruth in Pleasant Grove.  I had not liked the play the first time I'd seen it at the Shakespeare Festival a few years back, but with different expectations this time I liked it much more.  It's also been fodder for thought in my conversations with Barb and Robin since. 

One fun thing is that I am currently reading a historically accurate book about a black woman who is passing as white to work as the Librarian in the J. P. Morgan library, and how difficult her life is keeping her secret.  The play is fiction from the same period and also deals with the difficulty of black people dealing with systematic segregation, and other issues.  In fact, the standoff at the end of the play, where the decenters are threatening to blow up a building, it is the Morgan library. J P Morgan is also one of the historic individuals included in the play. 

On Wednesday I brought in this cool Redwood Forest covered wood container to Treasures.  You can see that I used restora-finish on half of the lid here.  It looked much better when I got done.

Back at work on Thursday and my friend Shirley came in with a few more Valentine items, the sale of which will add to the coffers of Trevor and Nell's Mexican project.  I told Shirley about this project again, that she had been donating vintage items for sale to benefit for several years.  This time I told her about the family who benefitted the last two years from the more than $1,000 she made possible.  Her eyes filled with tears, and she said she had no idea it meant so much to individuals.  It was a beautiful reminder of what a good thing this project is.

Here is a larger view of my Valentines display.

Dad found this 7" by 8' open section to the garage from the carriage house, that we had failed to take into account when we started heating the latter. Now it is neatly filled in. 

 Dad got it all done after he got home from doing his temple shift on Thursday around four.

On Friday Dad needed to set up some bleachers for his Barbershop group, and I went junking while he did it.  Then we joined forces to go to this art market in Holladay.

I loved how this plate matched my dress, but not enough to buy it.

Then I saw this cutie pie shopping with her sister.  Jill would show Brooke, via face time, various works she was considering, and get her opinion. It was fun when she saw me, because she said, "Oh Brooke, here is Aunt Paula."

That was just plain fun!!

I loved this hollyhock painting, but it was too large, I did end up finding four other items, however, 3 paintings and one print. 

Then after eating Cafe Rio in the car we headed to the main attraction, the play Emma was being done by the Sandy Arts Guild and it was very well done.  It is the third Austen Play I've seen over the last ten years.  The first was Persuasion at BYU, the Hale did Pride and Prejudice last year, and now Emma.

These pictures were screen shotted from their add on Insta, but we saw the same actors doing it, with a 'no photo requirement'.  This is Miss Smith and Emma. 

Emma dancing with her Governess' husband.

Meeting the ever-endearing Frank Churchill. 

Here's another view of Frank with Miss and Mrs Bates and Jane Fairfax behind.

Frank juggling at the Box Hill picnic, as Emma looks on. The play was well written, it was so fun to see balls combined, and house parties as well, to get in the main points of the story.  The author departed a bit, but with the exception of one place, it was all for the best.

I asked to meet her afterwards and visited about how well I thought she had done.  BTW the scenery and the costuming was also very well done. Her name is Laura Lenwill, and she also directed the play. The tickets were just $15 each, so we may be attending future shows there.

On Saturday Dad headed back up to Draper for a coaching session with his Chorus. It was more than six hours, but he got a sub sandwich to sustain him, and they even ordered him a veggie. 

I then had 6 hours to work on stuff at Treasures.  I had loaned this cubby shelf to another dealer when I couldn't find a spot for it after moving out of a full booth into a half booth last year.  I had had a stack of round displays in the corner that did not sell much.  I cleared out the corner and put the two round displays out front for cheap, one sold.  Then I put in the cubby display and actually filled it, mostly because I got a lot of small stuff from Julie.  Each cubby will fit just a teacup size item, or so. 

But the biggie was tearing apart an 1800's pump organ I had bought from another dealer who was having space problems, it had been outside under tarps for a few months and was looking worse for the wear.  I loved the top and was ready to offer him for just that, the tops often sell for up to $100, when he said he would sell me the whole thing for $20.  Not an offer that I could pass up.  Theres lots of goodies, pretty wood, interesting keyboard, pull stops that are adorable, and more.  I spent about 3 hours doing the deed.  So many, many slot head screws to unscrew.  Here I am with the wood, bellows on top, that did not pass muster.

I had intended to tear the sides down to the three separate boards that made them up, when I realized they looked like bench ends ... as you know I have plans to make a Swedish look bench for the family room, and though they aren't as simple as the Swedish designs, I think I can cut them down and make them work.

The keyboard looks like art.

Dad and I had some quiche made from egg whites (Always looking for high protein with low calories) and nutritional yeast 'cheese' sauce, along with mushrooms and spinach.  It was not nearly as good as the one Brittany makes us when we're in Idaho, but it was good enough for me, and Dad said it was OK. 

Then it was a couple of episodes of Castle and a few chapters in the books we're each reading at the moment.  Yep, a good day.
Today was good too, as we taught these munchkins about Oliver Cowdry's work on the Book of Mormon.  Such fun kids. We love teaching Primary. 

While editing the blog on Monday I noticed how much older our Emily looks.  She is a year older, being the only one her age, but she is so precocious that she was the smartest of the class last year, though she was a year younger than those kids.  I made the decision this morning to have her moved up.  I know that is what she wants, she does not relate to these littler kids, and though I have to say she is my favorite, sometimes you have to do what's best for them anyway.  Oh my heart!,

Sunday, February 2, 2025

All Grandkids All the Time

On Monday I went out and did some shopping for Dad's birthday because it was evident that the item I ordered online was not going to make it in time.  At Dessert Book I bought a set of the Church History Department's Saints, done in lovingly tooled leather. Dad loves the books and we have listened to them all.

This is the clerk who helped me, his name is Davin and he lives in Payson.  How fun is that?
Dad has pretty much finished up the library.

So when I got home he was ready to hang the Pioneer art we had collected.  Here he is kneeling on the computer desk.

This picture is a copy of one that hung out at Mosida.
This painting of a pioneer mother and baby was one we bought at an art show at Peteetneet.  We have other paintings by the same artist.

The finished look of this corner.

On Tuesday I headed out to finish up the shopping for the Finnish Reunion we had planned to welcome Punnu Hartiala, you likely don't remember but she is the Finnish gal Spencer met on his mission in BC.  Because she was a Finn, Spencer hooked her up to correspond with Dad via Facebook.  We met her sister in Finland and stayed at her house.  Such lovely people with an amazing heritage. Punnu came to visit at the end of that mission and I met her at a Women's conference.

I picked up a cake for Dad, as it was the eve of his and Pete Vawdrey's birthday. Pete is one of the missionaries that we got to know best on our first mission. He is training to be an architect and was super interested in the house.

Here we are setting out the food.

And setting the table.

Here's he charcuterie board, and the Finncrisp for the appetizer  course. Do you remember my board Brittany?

2 senior sisters, Sister Shurts and Sister Mitchell made Pulla, I loved how the bread looked on this wonderful cutting board that Elder Newman from our Mosida mission made for us. (He also made the mantel in the Carriage House.)

The table populated.

Another view from the other end.
 Here is Punnu between two of her favorite missionaries and their girls.

As luck would have it, our local Sister Missionaries dropped by, but had already eaten dinner.  

Dad took the Uncle Doug role and held Spencer Wooley's baby through most of dinner.

I loved Elder Sellers sweatshirt, it says "Dear person behind me, the world is a better place with you in it" 

Here is Dad with the dessert.

The Wooleys, Dad and Elder Sellers.

Another view.

The Shurts and the Mitchells

and again with us.

Us with Punnu

At work the next day, Linda came in to pick up her lay-a-way.  It's an old turn table horn, but it looks great as a fairy hat.

Barb sent the perfect birthday wishes to Bob the Builder.

After work Dad and I went for Sushi to celebrate his birthday, he is 72.

After work on Thursday I went to Book club at my friend Suzanne's house.  She is the one with the pink socks. 

Then we got into the grandkid part of the week.  On Friday we drove to Bountiful to see Eva in her final meet.  She was surprised to see us. 

We were so grateful that we got to go.

I loved the modest swimsuit. 

Loved her Dad's parent T-shirt.

The swimming pool and rec center had been vastly upgraded since I swam there when I was a kid.

Eva is about in the middle of this group with a long jacket on, visiting with other team members.

Here are her folks and her other grandpa. 

And here she is with her bestie, Avery.

We had to head out before her last event, darn it, as we needed to go to see Kai.

Our next stop was in Cottonwood, where Kai was to give a presentation of his hike along the Appalachian trail.  Here is Dad with Mike and his Dad.

Charlie came too, how fun is that?

Kai begins his presentation.

Bemoaning the half gallon of ice cream to commemorate the halfway point on the trail.

This picture is when his Mom and Bachan picked him up at the end.

Here's the whole gang, unfortunately Brittany had work commitments that would allow her to come. 

That night we got together with the Crumps to talk about old times and upcoming missions for them.

Later I looked online to find a Swedish Bench that I can copy to put in the family room, to go along with our Scandi style.  I like this one and I think it's simple enough I can do it.

But I'd like to put a small copy of classic balustrades along the back and sides.  Wish me well.

Ironically on Saturday, with our first break in the freezing weather for a while, we drove up to Pleasant Grove to the Ruth, to support Darby is her Best Aunt Ever Adventure where we got to see Frozen Junior.

It was the beginning of a day filled with Royalty, in fact it was the crowning day of the whole week.

Here is Darby, the founder of the fun, with Mac and Madi.  The light was awful, as you see, so the picture of the wallpaper next to us was weirdly light striped, but I can tell you, it's the exact wallpaper that we have in the Conservatory.

after the play, Reagan's friend tried to escape the mandatory family pictures ... 

So much fun, we loved getting to hang out with these adorable grands. 

Then we put on crowns and had impossible burgers for lunch ....

Before I had a crowning moment at the Grove ....

Next, we moved onto our next Royal family, the King and Queen in Rumpelstiltskin.  You can see Penny as a town's woman to the right of the queen.

Here she is singing with a wizard and friend.

What a great cast ... the play was done by a group called the Missoula Theater Company. This group brings the costumes, scenery and script for lots of fun at elementary schools, that is completed in a week's time.  It's all quite entertaining. 
Here's Penny with his siblings.

Her Dad clearly got carried away, or was it Penny?

Here is the Penny fan club after the play.

Yep, we were all in a good mood.
Becca looks like a princess here, but she is actually a Mob Boss's wife, as she heads to a Murder Mystery Party.  She drove all the way to Payson to borrow the silver fur stole. I'm glad I had it, because she looks perfect.

And last of all, is the Princess Timpanogos in the background of this picture of ice on Utah Lake.  I think it's just beautiful, don't you? I had no idea what ice out there even looks like.

We laughed when we went to pick up some fruit at Shopko, we had no idea that Mike's Mom had gone into business .... just being silly of course.  Bachan is Grandma in Japanese. 
And today we finish up our week of grandkids and royalty with the Mitko Princess, Charley celebrating her Groundhog day Birthday!!  Happy birthday Princess Peach.

We're just sorry that Nenna missed all the grandkids celebration, but she had fun in Denver meeting Sasquatch.