Monday was pretty quiet around here. Dad took Grandpa to Nell's to be tended, as Cheryl calls it. I stayed home and worked on Christmas cards. Not sure what I was thinking this year, these little packets of 'scraps' took forever.
That night Dad took Grandpa to the Barbershop Show in Salt Lake. He said Grandpa seemed to enjoy it. Dad took the pocket talker so he could hear some of it, and he even clapped at the right times. We hope he enjoyed it.
On Tuesday I hosted a girlfriend luncheon here with some of the girls who went to High School with me. It was pretty low key, just soup and sandwiches. Debbie, the girl who lived next door to me growing up, and whose grandmother's historic house in Coalville began my love affair with antiques, had been anxious to see the house. I guess she follows my blog and had seen a bit of it. This required quite a bit of cleaning as I knew they would want to see upstairs, and I have gotten a little lax since Grandpa has come to live with us.
Wednesday I worked, as did Dad. He was in Riverton when he needed a vehicle to haul a load, and not wanting to come to Springville to trade cars with me, he called Becca. She offered to bring him her truck to make the trade, and then when he went to trade back, she had cleaned out and vacuumed his car. When he made a comment, she said, "Well, you are always doing stuff for us kids, I just thought someone should do something for you." Isn't she darling?
That night we had a bit of Beckie time, as you can see above. She was so cute when Dad was reading to her, every time he turned a page she bent over and kissed it. Maybe we have another reader in the family?
On Thursday at work I worked on cutting out more elements for my Christmas cards, oh and I rang up some sales too!!
Dad took the day off on Friday, and really got ripping on the bathroom. He pulled down the rest of the tile, except the ceiling over where the tub was. He is going to bed very sore most nights, but he still goes at it like he did as a youngster.
That evening Spencer stopped by to get a hair cut. After I had cut the sides, but before doing the top, it was easy to take his wavy hair and do a Bendo!! It was fun to visit a bit, especially since we missed seeing him at Dad's work party the next day.
That night Dad and I took off to Home Depot to choose the tile for the bathroom. Then did some grocery shopping on the way home.
Saturday, early, we were off to Salt Lake for Dad's work party at Hollywood Connection. We had Ashley and Andy's kids, as shown to the left are Kim and Show-n-tell.
Ben brought Mindy along and helped keep an eye on Mr. Zach ... Ian was looking especially dapper! (I think he might be the next Indiana Jones, what do you think?)
After the movie I took off to meet my friend Wendy at a Jane Austen Birthday Tea, while Dad took the kids and Ben home. (Mindy headed to Logan after the event.)
Then after church on Sunday we all got together to celebrate Hanukkah in our own unique way. Everyone asked how we are Jewish so I told them, My mother, Norma Clark's father Jonah Clark's mother Charlotte Neal's mother, Amelia Brittingham was Jewish. I think they were all disappointed to be only 1/32 Jewish. But since, in Jewish Heritage, the Jewish bloodline runs through the mother, we could consider Jonah to be full, my mother to be half, me a quarter, and that makes my kids an 8th, by slightly warped reckoning. Hmmm
Here we are eating Potato Latke's and applesauce ...
Then it was time for Grandpa to read Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins.
Next on the docket was Trevor singing Adam Sandler's Hanukkah song, a personal favorite of mine. Beckie really liked the beat as you can see below, she is really getting her boogie on.
Next it was time for every one's favorite part of Hanukkah, spinning the dreidal to win M and M's ... Spencer insisted on Peanut M and M's this year....
Eva felt pretty good about winning, and it wasn't hard to tell.
It was a fun night, and I even got to hold one of my darling grandchildren while she slept another favorite of mine. This is our youngest, Adilyn, who is slated to show up in the staring role of the nativity ... ya'll come back now ... hear?