This was just one of those weeks. Not a whole lot happened, but here it is. On Monday Beckie had a lot of fun learning about snow, such fascinating things as what it tastes like. Always fun.
And while she was discovering snow, I was hanging out with Eva in Pleasant Grove, and we were working on our smash books. Very Fun Stuff!
We left Grandpa at Trevor and Nell's for the evening, while Dad and I went to see South Pacific at the Hale Center Theater with the Heuers, which was very nicely done. Of course we enjoyed our time with the Heuers tremendously, as always. We drove up and got Grandpa after the play, and he was very tired by the time we got him home and to bed around 11:00.
On Tuesday I worked on organizing my craft room, which includes bringing up more things from the basement room that will become the nursery for Emily and Sam soon ... I just wish it didn't take so long to find new niches for the stuff I am taking out of there.
Next I ran up to Kaysville to see my friend Arlene's new house and to have lunch and catch up with her. That is always fun. I also ventured a bit farther north to pick up a sign I had bought from another blogger who lives in Layton.
I knew I would be home late, so when Dad brought grandpa home from Nell's, before he headed to the temple for his shift, we had Emily watch him until I got home around 8:00. Emily had already put him to bed by that time, as she has found he is very hard to get to bed once he gets over tired, and sometimes that is quite early.
Also that day, Dad found out that he has a new calling to be the assistant veil coordinator at the temple on Tuesdays now. He is pretty stoked about that.
Then on Wednesday, while I was busy doing crafts and working on my craft room some more, Dad was off to visit the Special Primary in our stake, the overseeing of which is one of his assignments as a High Councilman.
On Thursday I worked, then after work met Barb, her sister, daughter and Tami, as well as Britney, and other friends of Trina's, who organized the affair, and we all saw the final two Twilight movies, Breaking Dawn numbers one and two. That was a lot of fun, and now Dad is dying to see it. We hope to hook up with Becca and Emily this week and see it, if we can figure our care for Grandpa. I am so glad I am married to such a romantic man.
On Friday I did some junking, while Dad was working, then we met up with Spencer and Brittney at Los Hermanos in Provo for dinner in the evening. It was Dad's first time to meet her, so that was fun. She is really a lovely young woman, and we really enjoyed getting to know her better.
On Saturday Dad and I headed off to buy stuff to build a shower in the main floor bathroom, as Grandpa now refuses to step into the tub. Unfortunately they did not have the shower tray shape and size we need, so we will have to order it on-line. Then we were off searching for the tree to use for the Festival of Trees next week, with no success. When we got home we worked on cleaning the garage for a while, knowing we have to get Dad's car off the street by December one, which means we have to make room in the garage for one car by then ... alas there is still more to do.
That night the Kews picked us and Grandpa up to go and see the new Steven Spielberg movie about Lincoln. It was really amazing. Then we ran home and Dad got Grandpa ready and into bed, (We had fed him before the movie) then we all went to dinner. Of course its always fun to catch up.
Today we had a normal church day, with Dad having meetings all morning and then coming home in between to bath and dress Grandpa for church. Last week we had a fiasco where grandpa's beard was too long to really shave with his electric razor, meaning after both Dad and I tried to shave him with a blade, to Grandpa's protests and disdain, I ended up using the electric, but it took about 20 minutes to get the job done, roughly. Dad tried to shave him again today, and lets just say it was a bit like an episode out of Sweeney Todd. After Dad nicked him badly he applied TP, which grandpa later removed, cause the wound to reopen and bleed all over his white church shirt ... which really distressed him. Emily came up in time to help out, thankfully as I was indisposed at that moment. But then I had to leave enough time to help him change his shirt, etc before leaving. Such a tempest in a teapot, eh?
Well, the picture above is one I snapped after I got home from a meeting tonight. Dad was just worn out, and Grandpa was too grumpy to look at the camera. He gets moody some times ... anyway, Emily brought the baby up in her new pjs later, and we got to visit and watch the baby play. Grandpa always enjoys that.
So that was our mundane week, although in retrospect it seems I did a lot of partying, hmmm, guess I better rethink the mundane label.