Sunday, October 13, 2024

Birth and Death and the Purpose of Life

This week was one of milestones, and ultimately is a concentration of the things that make up life and its purpose.
Man is that he might have joy.  

There was great joy this week, joy that came after great sorrow at one point and sorrow that preceded great joy as well.

Monday was the anniversary of Brady's birthday; he is 38 now.

In a weird way, E A Poe represented joy for me this week too.  My craft group was to meet on Tuesday to make crafted tributes to the man of moroseness.  He suffered from recurrent depression that suggests bipolar disorder.  I found pictures of book covers for people to use in their craft.  If you look you will see that I used one myself.

I also thought portraits of the man might come in handy and used one of those too. I also did the normal preparty prep.  I set the table in the dining room for the luncheon, and the table in the carriage house for crafting, putting out craft supplies I was donating on the table we usually use for serving food in the carriage house. 

With Fleaology coming up, this past weekend, I also put together a display of items I was taking and took pictures of them for advertising.  Dad had gone to barbershop, so I was well entertained while he was gone.

Here's the table all set and ready to go. 

Good morning Tuesday, we all start gathering around 10. 

Here you see Heather, my friend Julie Smith's (of Mosida fame) daughter, who is a great crafter. Then Kimi and her friend Margo who used to come to Craft Group on occasion with Kimi.  Next are Trina and Mary, both of whom are dealers at Treasures, then Ann. Not shown is Shirley.

Here we are the original leftovers. Me, Kimi and Shirley.  We three have managed some fun the last year and a half, getting together maybe three or four times since our founder, Jann passed away in May of last year. I love crafting with others, it's one of those things that brings me great joy, and I'm determined to grow our group again, so I was thrilled to be able to get 8 people together, just like the old days. 

and here's the gray-haired original witches ... (I met Kimi when I read on Istagram that she was having a witched party and anyone could come, and I went, alone! Which brings us to the point that Friendships bring great joy) You may recall that I hosted witch's parties for about 5 years running.  Kimi still does hers!  Always a good time.

Here is Heather and her creation.

After a couple of hours of crafting, it's time for lunch.
Mary, Heather, Margo, Me, Shirley, Trina, Kimi and Ann.

And my favorite standby soup ... Creamed Butternut Squash.

We return to the scene of the crafting bedlam to take pictures of us with our crafties.  Thanks, Dad, for taking all the pictures.

As Ann left I needed to get a picture of the colorful autumn leaves on the north side of the house.

She wanted to add one more item to her cute little graveyard at hoome, so she sent me this picture.

Finishing up projects.

Here's Kimi's craft, it's a wall hanging.

Goodbye Heather.

I didn't actually finish up mine until after work the next day. But I was thrilled to notice an antique bird themed double bar measure spoon in my junk drawer.  I put a candle in the smaller end and a wax seal with a partial stick of sealing wax in the other.  
Now here a bucket list item.  In Finland I went hunting mushrooms with Sister London and our spouses at Nellie Jakko's (Vowels have umlouts, and its pronounced Yakker) wonderful old school converted to a house in the forest.  We cooked them up and ate them.  Since then, I have so wanted to have that skill. 

I'd noticed these mushrooms around the stump of the big tree and had decided that if there was a new outcropping, I would 'harvest' them. (this, was after identifying them online) The new outcropping happened this week.  I have found that fulfilling goals brings joy.

This article tells what they are, I laughed about the nickname being 'stumpies'.  The sad thing is that I have bought Oyster mushrooms in the store because they look so exotic.  I have also seen them at the base of trees on occasion and had no idea that they were the same as the mushrooms for which I once paid $10 a pound. 

Here's a look-a-like that will make you sick, another stomach irritating look-a-like has pink gills instead of white. 

Here's my harvest shrooms, on Wednesday morning, just to be safe I took one, just one, and chopped it fine and put it in gravy.  Then I baked a potato and took it to work to eat.  Dad was very wary, and I was a little wary, but I figure if it was going to make me sick, it would be a tummy ache.  Scott was willing to try them too, given that my eating one did not make me sick. They are about four inches across. 

More importantly, Wednesday was our Hanna's 38th birthday, Emily's 38th will be the end of the month and Bri's 38th isn't until December ... yes, 1986 was a very good year for this family.  And yes, relationships with family can also bring great joy.

Of course, a great joy for Dad is running into Finnish missionaries.  This one is Sister Jessica Carter, who married a widowed BYU professor name Fox and now lives in Provo.  She was a neighbor to the Londons who lived in Morgan growing up. They met at Cosco.

He also bought the tiles for the shower in the spa room downstairs.  He was very pleased with how well they match the sauna.

Here we jump to Friday to show you his work on the shower. We needed to put in a GFI outlet since it was close to the shower (water and electricity don't mix well) Here is the three parts to the shower stall building: 1) cement board, 2) waterproof sealant, and 3) tile placement only grouting to go... And that is two other things that bring Dad joy ... building stuff and taking saunas. 

Another thing that Dad is very proud of is getting my Halloween wreath hung up ... yep it hangs in the stairwell to the basement, and I hadn't even thought to hang it!!

At work on Wednesday, I went through my booths and got some things to take to fleaology, and more importantly to use in advertising. As in ... these items are coming to fleaology on Saturday.

More of the same.

In checking online for old pictures of fleaology to post, I ran across this favorite of Kim at my sale in the spring ... what a cutie. And grandchildren is definitely something that brings us great joy.

As well as this picture of the old gals kicking up some fun.  Which brings us to the point of fun memories bringing joy continually.  It's all about focus, right.  Sherri Oldham, Cristie Peterson and me.

Also loved this dressed up truck from last year.
Another thing that brings me joy is finding a good deal.  This pitcher to the left, is identical to the one that I sold to another dealer for $15 and then 2 years later bought back for $20.  The interesting thing is that this week, this Instagram seller, (The same one that got me hooked on Majolica) sold hers for $265 ... 

And now we come to the sorrow that precedes the joy.  On Thursday Dad called to say that Rick, who is Cheryl's executer, (not executor) had called to say that Cheryl was in pain with an infection but was refusing to go to the hospital to have it treated.  The care center was informing Rick, that due to this, they were bringing in Hospice and would be starting her on Morphine for her pain.  Dad said we needed to go and see her as soon as I got off work.  So we did.  It was our first visit to see her in bed.  She said she was in pain, and when they came in with pain meds, she was very happy and relieved.  She was not as alert as she typically is, and Trevor said she'd been very much herself the previous Friday when he had delivered the new chair for her. We knew about the infection by then but had no idea of its possible effect.  We were so surprised at her diminished capacity, but I guess the Morphine does that. 

After we got home that night, driving south, we evidently missed seeing the northern lights.  Trevor and J. Scott saw them, and so did Amy Mason.  After Dad went to bed around 11, I went chasing them, driving up to Elk Ridge, where Amy lives, but no success.  
 Thursday morning, I was getting stuff out for the sale that had been boxed up since last year and found a paper mâché snowman head.  It had been made from the mold of an antique paper mâché pumpkin from the 50's.  These are super in demand, but no one wants the repop snowman knock off ... so ... I scrapped off glitter and painted it ... the one shown above is the one they took the mold for the repop from.

 Here's my renewed jack at work on Friday morning.
After worked we put the tables in the van with the popup, along with all the things I had brought home from the mall for the sale ... this is how Dad was feeling at the Oldhams, after emptying the van, and putting up the pop up ... meanwhile I was walking around shopping other booths with the flashlight on my phone.  Sherri and I both got a great laugh.

When Dad got up on Saturday morning, he saw that he had a received a text from Rick that Cheryl had passed, probably late Friday night.  He went through his phone and collected pictures of her for a post.  This one was taken down from Face Book ...

But this one with a 21 year old Cheryl with baby Brittany made the cut. 

So her death came just before Lu's 14th birthday.  We love you Lu and we're so glad you're are so happy and are doing so many fun things.

Since I'd tried to sell our old clock last sale for $50 with no takers, I've decided to turn it into a haunted clock to see if that would help.

But there were no takers ... now I'm thinking of making it into a multi story doll house.  Do you see the potential?

When we took it over early Saturday, the top had to stick out the window, so I drove very slowly hoping the paper crown on the skeleton finial would last the wind of the drive, which it did.

I was pretty disorganized, since I'd been so busy this week, but my friend LaVern came to sell some things in my space, and helped me set up. Isn't she grand!

One youngish dealer made these sculpture in the same mode as the paper mâché jack face I did.  She was a big hit.

Here I am with the girls, both have been released from their callings at Mosida ... it seems so strange ... but points out another joy in life, and that is the fact that when we serve the Lord we make firm friends, with whom we share lovely joyfilled memories. 

Here's a funny story ... Shirley made this steam punk jack, it hadn't sold at the mall, and is one of those things slated to raise funds for Trevor's Mexican Christmas Project.  Well, as this girl was buying it, Shirley happened to walk by and told the girl, "I made that", we all thought it was so funny, and frankly, often coincidents bring great joy and make wonderful memories as well. 

Here I am with my dear generous friend. 

Julie got herself a jack of another color.

These little sisters, who are more red headed than they look in this light, were there to support their grandmother Margaret Cooper.  So adorable. 

Here is Kimi with Margarets daughter Crystal, both are budding artists, and I bought one of Crystal's paintings. 
Here is Crystal's painting.

Here is Kimi's art.  I paid her to do a sweet painting of our house for our tiny art gallery, and she also did one, as a gift of the garden house, that I keep in there.

There's the haunted clock in place.

I thought the finial turned out great, like a Halloween totum. 

We took the bench Dad made, as I think it really crowds the entry hall, but since we have brought it home, we are thinking of putting it in the Carriage House, after all Dad did make it.

I also brought my mannequin from my craft room. in witch garb, she didn't sell either, though her hat did.

The sale ended at 3 and we need to be in Ephraim at 4 for your cousin Matt's wedding.   We worked like mad, but only had half the stuff in the van when we had to head home for Dad to change.

We got there about 2 minutes after 4, but they were running late, lucky for us ... the gal in the black is the photographer, who I thought looked like the actress that play Monk's wife in the TV series ... what do you think?

The wedding took place at the Social Hall in Ephram, a beautiful venue. 

They had a sandwich bar for dinner, which was lovely.  He Dad is with Jon, Phil, his wife and their oldest son.

The two littles on the left are the two youngest children of the bride.  These four romped and cavorted around the empty end of the hall with their cousins, they are playing ring around the rosies right here. 

Here we are with the happy couple.  She has 7 children and has been widowed for a year.  She married a guy from Henderson, Nevada, and had moved to Payson, of all things, for a few years when he got cancer, and passed away.  She and Matt met on a site, and hit it off.  Matt seems to love the idea of being the perfect step dad, like his own father.  It really is such a sweet sentiment, and I think they are both lucky (or blessed) to have found each other. 

A few rows of connected seats used in the original building in the 1920's are lined up around the walls, they seemed to beg to be used for a photo. 

I love this picture of Bruce with four of his five boys ... Matt, Jon, Ryan and Phil. Jared ran into a mix-up that would take to long to tell, and missed the event.  But since Matt works for Jared's wife, I am sure they are very close, and no offense will be taken. 

It was so good to see Bruce up and about.  Matt said it was his first time really going out.  I am just grateful that his health is improving and that he could be at this momentous occasion.  And do you remember how I said that coincidents can be joyful?  Dianne, upon meeting the bride's first husband's mother, found out they were both born in Medicine Hat, Alberta, and they both lived in three other towns there as well.  The big surprise is that from Canada, both moved to Austin Texas.  They were so delighted to meet each other, isn't that so fun?

Trevor found great joy that day as well.  He got to take two of his kids to the game, because Dad gave his up to attend Matt's wedding. And what a beautiful day.  Good for a flea market, a wedding and a football game, where BYU won their 6th game in a row. 

Here's our 14 year old Lu. 

After the wedding, we came home and emptied most of the van, leaving in items that would be going to DI,  probably a mistake ... because it took all Dad's loading skill and a few of mine as well to get it all in.  Here you see a bin between the two front seats, what you don't see is the table I removed from this spot, because it was narrow enough to turn and shove into a small spot behind the seat that Dad thought was already full ... I then put another table, with no cross leg reinforcement in it's place and was able to put the bin between its legs. 

This is a view from the side door ... and the brown rectangle is the top of the table I scooted back. 

but the piece de resistance is in the middle of this picture.  When we took down the popup and put it in its zip up tote, it fit perfectly into the little deep square hole ... I know Dad's guardian angels helped with that one. You can see the four little wheels on the bottom of the tote. 

The talks in Stake Conference were all about finding joy, and it and the spirit was so strong. Here we sing, Come Let Us Rejoice.  I had tears running down my face every time we sang, and through half of the talks. It was a joyful experience.  

It truely was the most wonderful stake conference session I've ever attended.  I wrote a list:

1. There were two cute, large families sitting in front of us, one was mixed race, a favorite for me.
2. The best senior missionaries in the stake who are ten older than us and who served five missions, sat next to us, they emanate the spirit. 

3. The two choirs were amazing, including this family children's choir, with all the children in several families joined together, including the little blondie in the back near the left side, who is in our primary class. 
4. When we sang 'Now Let Us Rejoice', it was so beautiful that that tears streamed down my face during the whole song, I really felt the Pure Love of Christ, when I leaned over to Dad to see the words for the 4th verse that I don't have memorized, I literally left tears on his shoulder, that I noticed glistening a few minutes after the song.  
5. The other congregational song is in the new hymn book and is called This is the Christ, and I loved it, then later a speaker mentioned that it had been written by James E. Faust, who both sets of your grandparents knew personally, and who married Dad and me almost 50 years ago. 

6.  A Counselor in the new mission we are including in, the Saratoga Springs mission spoke and was hilarious.  He is Native American, and told about how he had been contacted as a Bishop asking for a Native American who was wanted to play Samual the Lamanite in the church's new movie.  There was a list of guidelines for the man wanted. Such as 6 ft tall, he was, Native American looking, high cheek bones, he pointed out his, muscular build, he posed, then it came down to the last, 36 inch waist, he said until then he was sure he'd be perfect for the job, but he hadn't had a 36 inch waist since he got married forty years before.  It was soooo  funny.

7. The Area Seventy that spoke also gave one of the most motivational talks I have ever heard, about not worry about where you are on the gospel path, just focusing on staying on the path, and never comparing yourself to others on the path, because that allows Satan, to discourage you.  He also told a wonderful story I'll share later.
8. The opening prayer was by a man from Zimbabwe, and the closing prayer was by a child given in Spanish.
9. Half of the talks were given by people who are non-white.
10. The young man, who was one of two youth speakers, was without a doubt the best youth speaker I have ever heard.

The embodiment of the conference brings to mind the song Testimony when it says.

My Eyes are wet, my heart is full, the Spirit speaks today.

Afterwards Dad was talking to everyone, (We didn't get in the car until 45 minutes after the meeting was over) I was waiting for him, when I saw the Stake President walking up the hall alone.  I walked up to him and told him that Sister Holmes and I had discussed it and thought it was the best Stake Conference session either of us had ever attended.  Then I realized that Elder Morgan was right behind him, and in my embarrassment, I said.  "Oh Elder, you really got to enjoy such a wonderful session, they're not all this amazing."  What was I thinking, but he came over and gave me a big hug, not a one arm side hug.  I was so surprised.  But then I thought that maybe he noticed me crying through the whole session.  We were just five rows back. Maybe all criers are huggers, what do you think?  I would not have dared, and I am pretty gutsy. 

After we finally got to the parking lot we saw our former Bishop Madson, talking to my friend Kelly's husband, Bishop Hanson chatting and went by to say hello.  So, the result is a picture of three bishops.

We had been thrilled to find that we had stake conference instead of teaching primary until 1:30, and would be able to go to the Jamsa's whole farewell.  They are headed to Ghana

Here we are with them before they left on their first senior mission to Finland in July of 2019.  We are so excited to be able to get ongoing mission emails from them.

And now, almost, but certainly not least, we stopped by Dave and Bri's and McKenna gave us our Indian Food order (Their next door neighbor makes and sells it) that was ready to be picked up as we drove to Ephram for Matt's wedding the day before.  What a sweetie by, we both managed to get sweet hug.
When we got home, while I was making up the rest of the Oyster Mushrooms for our dinner, Dad was in the garage unearthing the rest of Cheryl's things, that came to reside when Uncle Rick thought it was time to clear out her storage unit, a good choice on his part.  Her hope chest in the front, and the five trunks behind are full of mostly receipts and the like.  Dad plans to repossess the Finnish Crystal he sent her from his mission.  

Now for the promised story from Elder Morgan. When he and his wife were young married with two children, they were moved to Utah by his company.  They moved in on a Saturday, and called the bishop to see when and where church was the next day.  After church the stake President came by and called him to be the Elder's Quorum President. They were literally sitting on packing boxes, but he mentioned that he had just moved in, yesterday.  The President said, I can see that, but we have prayed and have been told you are to serve as President of the quorum in your ward.  He agreed, and the SP handed him a ward list and told him to prayer about counselors and a secretary. 

He and his wife prayed over the list and came up with a list of three men.  They took it to the SP and he said that it looked good except that the man he'd chosen for secretary was not available.  He asked what that meant, and was told that the man didn't come to church.  He'd have to choose another name.  Then Elder Morgan said that he had prayed and that he believed he had been inspired to call this man.  he asked if he could go and talk to the man.

When the man came to the door he explained that he was new to the area and had been called to be Elder's Quorum President, the man said, good for you, and turned as if to close the door.  Then Elder Morgan said, wait, I have prayed, and I have been inspired to know that your are to be my secretary.  The man said he didn't think so.  Then Elder M said, wait, lets kneel down here and pray about it, to which the man said, OK, I'll do it.

It was a transient ward, and a few months latter, the second counselor moved.  When he told the Stake President he wanted the secretary to be the second counselor.  The Stake President said he didn't think that was possible as a counselor needed to hold a temple recommend.  Again Elder M went to talk to the man.  Then he told the Stake President, "I know that normally you do recommend interviews on Sunday, but if your willing to do an interview now, he can be my counselor next Sunday. 

6 months later the Morgans found and purchased a home, and the man became the Elder's Quorum President.  Then one Sunday Morning, a few years later, he got a call from his old Stake President informing him that his friend was going to be made the bishop of the ward. 

What an inspiring story about the influence we can have on others, just by communicating with the Lord and believing the Lord. 

Well, that was our wonderful week, full of things we love to do that bring us joy.  I admit it was a daunting week, and there were times I worried we would not be able to  pull it all off.  We are meeting tomorrow with the mortuary who is taking care of Cheryl's last rights, we will let you know the particulars when we know.  Much love to you all.